2. What do these horns signify?
3. How had our Lord shown how Christianity should work through the nations?-Matt. xiii. 33.
4. But how had Solomon shown that too few would really honour the Lord?-Eccles. iv, 15, 16.
5. In what were the people too prone to trust?
6. Why was it wrong to trust in the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin?-1 Tim. ii. 5.
7. Who had the chief power in the Western Churches? 8. What was the old way of choosing a bishop?
9. How did the Romans prove that they could not be trusted with the choice?
10. Who took the choice of the Pope for a time?
11. Who took the choice of the Pope from the German Emperor?
12. How has the Pope been ever since elected?
13. In what manner did the western Church regard the Pope?
14. What rule did the Pope bear?
15. How did he punish disobedience?
16. How was the power of the Popes misused?
17. What saints lived about that time?
18. What good works were done?
19. What were built at this time?
20. Why are churches turned to the east?
21. Why does the font stand near the entrance?
22. Why are the people allowed to come into the chancel, not kept out like the Israelites?
23. What prophecy is fulfilled by constant services?-Ps. lxxii. 15.-Is. lx. 11.
24. What is partly fulfilled by the peace impressed around the Church, even upon fierce warriors?-Is. xi. 6-9.
25. What vows were knights made to take?
26. What wars were preached in the Middle Ages?
27. What reward did the Pope hold out?
28. What was meant by purgatory?
29. What was meant by an indulgence?
30. What success did the crusaders meet with?
31. How long was Jerusalem in the hands of the Christians?
32. How was the schism increased between the Greek and Roman Churches?
33. Who were the chief crusaders?
34. Why could not the Holy Land be kept?
35. What race of Mahometans came from the east?
36. What country did the Turks conquer?
37. What prophecy was fulfilled at Tyre?-Ezek. xxvi. 14.
38. What country was won back by the Christiana?