LESSON XIII. 1. How many Jews returned from the captivity?

2. Who were the leaders of the return?

3. Who was Zerubbabel?

4. Why is it supposed that his father was only the adopted son of Jehoiachin? A. Both because Jeremiah sentenced Coniah to be childless, and in Luke iii. Zerubbabel's descent is derived from David, through Nathan.

5. What story is told of Zerubbabel's gaining favour with Darius?

6. What title did Zerubbabel bear?

7. What was the only inheritance left for him?

8. What was the blessing of God to Zerubbabel for his faith?-Hag. ii. 21 to 23.-Zech. iv, 6 to 10.

9. What were the prophetic blessings to Joshua the priest?-Zech. vi. 11-15.-Hag. ii. 4, 5.

10. Of what typical vision was Joshua the subject?-Zech. iii.

11. What are Zechariah's other remarkable prophecies of Redemption?-Zech. ix. 9 to 12.-xi. 12, 13.-xii. 8-10.-xiii. 1, 6,

12. What was the condition of Jerusalem?

13. What was the promise of restoration?-Zech. viii. 3, 4, 5.

14. What was the first measure of Zerubbabel and Joshua?

15. Where had directions been given for the new Temple?

A. In the latter chapters of Ezekiel, but these were a further prophecy of the New Tabernacle in Heaven.

16. How soon was the Temple begun?

17. What were the feelings of the people?

18. What promise did Haggai give?-Hag. ii. 6, 7-9.

19. What rebuke did Haggai give the Jews?

20. What interference befell the Jews?

21. Why was all intercourse with the Samaritans forbidden?

22. How did the Samaritans revenge themselves?

23. What was the state of the Persian court?

24. What was the end of Cambyses?

25. What was the story of the impostor, Smerdis?

26. Who became King of Persia?

27. What history did Darius's governors send to him?-Ezra, v. 7, &c.

28. How were they answered?-See Ezra, vi.

29. What revolt took place in the time of Darius?

30. What prophecies were here fulfilled?-Ps. cxxxvii. 8, 9. Is. xlvii. 7, 8, 9.

31. What were Darius's two vain expeditions?

32. What was the great expedition of Xerxes?

33. How had it been predicted?-Dan. xi. 2.
