2. Why was the family of Mattathias called Asmonean?
3. How was Mattathias first roused to resistance?
4. What purification did Mattathias make?
5. What were the predictions of him and his sons?-Dan. xi. 32, 33.
6. Who succeeded Mattathias?
7. How arose the name of Maccabees?
8. What was the great work of Judaa Maccabaeus?
9. What was the end of Antiochus Epiphanes?
10. How had it been predicted?-Dan. xi. 44, 45.
11. What was the death of Eleazar?
12. How was the varying success of the Maccabees foretold?-Dan. xi.
13. What was the death of the apostate Menelam?
14. How had Zechariah spoken of him?-Zech, xi. 17.
15. How had Zechariah foretold these wars?-Zech, ix. 13.
16. Who succeeded Maccabaeus?
17. With whom did Jonathan make a treaty?
18. What success did Jonathan gain?
19. What became of Jonathan?
20. Who succeeded him?
21. What work did Simon complete?
22. What was the end of Simon?
23. Who was the successor of Simon?
24. What conquest was made by John Hyrcanus?
25. What prophecies were fulfilled by the fall of Edom?-Ps. cxxxvii. 7.-Is. xxxiv. 6, to the end.-Joel, iii. 19.
26. What is the present state of Idumea?