LESSON XV. 1. Who were the Greeks?

2. Who was the chief Greek god?

3. What were the Greek philosophers trying to find out?-See Acts, xvii. 27, 28.

4. What were the Greek games?-See I Cor. ix. 24, &c.

5. Which were the two chief Greek cities?

6. What was the most learned of all cities?

7. Who subdued all the rest of Greece?

8. What was the name of the great King of Macedon?

9. How was Macedon figured in Daniel's visions?-Dan. vii. 6.-viii. 5, 6, 7.

10. What yet older prophecy was there of the Greek invasion?-Num. xxiv. 24.

11. What was Chittim? A. The east end of the Mediterranean.

12. In what year did Alexander enter Asia?

13. How was the swiftness of his conquests shown?

14. How did Darius go out to battle with him?

15. What cities did Alexander take in Palestine?

16. What was Zechariah's prophecy about Tyre?-Zech. ix. 2, 3, 4.

17. What was his prophecy about the Philistine cities?-Zech. ix. 5,

18. What about Jerusalem?-Zech. ix. 8.

19. How was Alexander received at Jerusalem?

20. What did he declare that he had seen?

21. What city did Alexander build in Egypt?

22. What became of Darius? 23. How far did Alexander spread his conquests?

24. What city did he wish to make his capital?

25. How did the Jews at Babylon show their constancy?

26. What befell Alexander at Babylon?

27. How had this been foreshown?-Dan, viii. 8.-xi. 3,4.

28. What was the year of Alexander's death?

29. What difference did his conquest make to the East?

30. What language was much learnt from his time?

31. What became of Babylon after his death?

32. How had the ruinous waste of Babylon been fore-told?-Isaiah, xiii. 19 to 22.-Jer. li. 43.
