2. What evil habit prevailed in their days?
3. What was the great work of St. Jerome?
4. Into what tongue did he translate the Bible?
5. What was the bishopric of St. Ambrose?
6. How was he chosen?
7. How did St. Ambrose resist the Empress Justina?
8. Why did he hold out against her?
9. Who was the Catholic Emperor?
10. What fresh heresy had arisen?
11. What fresh confession of faith was made at the Council of Constantinople?
12. What was the sedition of Antioch?
13. Who preached repentance at Antioch?
14. How were the men of Antioch relieved? 15. What offence was given at Thessalonica?
16. How did Theodosius punish the murder?
17. How was he brought to a sense of his cruelty?
18. How did he humiliate himself?
19. What prophecy was literally accomplished in his reign?-Is. lx. 14.
20. How soon did St. Ambrose reconcile Theodosius to the Church?
21. What Father of the Church was converted at this time?
22. What writings did St. Augustine leave?
23. What hymns are ascribed to St. Ambrose?
24. Who finished the conversion of the Gauls?
25. How was St. Chrysostom promoted?
26. How was he persecuted?
27. What prayer is known by his name?