2. What prophecy thus had a fulfilment? A. Zech. vi. 13; but this was only really accomplished in our Lord.
3. Who reigned after Aristobulus?
4. Who after Alexander Janneus?
5. What dispute broke out between the sons of Alexandra?
6. Who fostered the ill-will between the brothers?
7. To whose decision was the dispute referred?
8. What was it that made the Roman power so terrible?
9. How did the Romans extend their dominion?
10. What were the Roman triumphs?
11. How was the Roman army composed?
12. What was the Roman standard?
13. How did the Romans rule their conquered provinces?
14. Who alone could obtain law and justice?
15. Who had long ago described the Romans exactly? -Deut, xxviii. 48, 49, 50, 51.
16. What Roman general first invaded Palestine?
17. By what means did Pompey take Jerusalem?
18. What presumptuous act did Pompey commit?
19. What was the punishment of Pompey's sacrilege?
20. What became of Aristobulus?
21. How did Pompey arrange the affairs of the Jews?
22. What troubles did Pompey meet with at home?
23. Who gained the chief power at Rome?
24. What country had Julius Caesar invaded?
25. What arrangements did Caesar make in Palestine?
26. Who was Herod?
27. What became of Julius Caesar?
28. Who divided his power on his death?
29. How did Herod gain favour from Antony?
30. Who put an end to the reign of Hyrcanus?
31. What exploits were done by Herod?
32. How did Herod make himself King?
33. Who was Herod's wife?
34. Who was High Priest?
35. What crimes did Herod's jealousy of the royal line lead him
to commit?
36. How were the High Priests appointed after the murder of Aristobulus?
37. How did Herod try to make up for his crimes?
38. Who had become Emperor of Rome?
39. What was the state of all the world?
40. What general expectation prevailed?
41. What had Augustus been told at a heathen temple?
42. What prophecy was fulfilled by Judea having an Edomite king?
-Gen. xlix. 10.
43. How long was it since the walls of Jerusalem had been built?