They give O more OxyContin.

They don’t have to force it down her throat, either, she’s glad to take it.

Because she’s fucking terrified, right?

She doesn’t know where she is, she doesn’t know what they’re going to do with her, she has images of floating heads floating around her head.

You sit on a bed in a small locked room for hours and hours with nothing to do but imagine someone putting a chain saw to your neck, you’d take as many sedatives as they want to give you.

You just want to go to sleep.

When O was little she’d lie on her bed in her room listening to Paqu and One screech at each other and all she’d want to do was sleep to stop the sounds. She’d pull her knees up, stick her hands between her legs, shut her eyes tight.

Asking herself

Am I Sleeping Beauty

Will my Prince(s) Charming come wake me?
