It’s the baditude.

“It will be bloody,” Chon says.

Ben doesn’t care anymore.

One big score.


It’s been six weeks since they took her, and now they’re one last big score from getting O back. From ending this nightmare. (Sure, but can he end the nightmares? He doesn’t know.) From getting the hell out of the hell and starting a new life.

Pull this off, get away with it, they’re free and clear.

If people get hurt, they get hurt, Ben thinks. And a lot fewer people will probably get hurt if they hit a car than if they hit the house where they have O, even if they can find it. And these motherfuckers? After what they did to those three kids? And Alex? And O? After what they’ve turned me into?

Fuck ’em.

But be honest. You turned yourself into what you are now.

Okay, so fuck me.
