O and Esteban like to smoke up, eat pizza, and watch The Biggest Loser.

Bolting fat greasy carbs while stone-watching a show about people trying to lose weight is perverse enough to satisfy O’s boredom and, as has been mentioned, the girl likes to grub.

Esteban just likes smoking up, watching television, and being with O.

The pizza, too. Tonight’s is an extra-large pepperoni with hamburger, green pepper, and extra cheese. Esteban doesn’t like the green pepper but he does like to keep O happy.

Anyway, O is fascinated that she’s fascinated with the idea of watching an activity that you can’t actually see. It’s like, television, right, but you can’t see fat burning inside any of these obese bodies. But you can watch them sweat and groan and cry, and in addition to the pure pleasure of troughing out while they’re starving, O has developed an affection for some of them.

It’s, like, they’re trying to do something.

Change their lives for the better.

It’s admirable.

Unlike yourself, she says to herself one night.

“Let’s face it,” she says to Esteban, “I’m pretty much a useless twat.”

Esteban knows “useless”—fregado—he doesn’t know “twat.”

“When I get out of here,” O says, “if I get out of here—”

“You will.”

“I’m going to do something with my life.”


Well, that’s the prob, ese, Este.

I have no fucking idea.
