Magda fixes herself a cup of green tea.

She wants a little boost but she’s coffee’d out and, anyway, the tea is healthier. Antioxidants and all that.

The doorbell rings.

She doesn’t know who it could be and she’s a little annoyed because what she wants right now is to put her feet up, drink her tea, and read a hundred pages of Insoll for her arch and religion course.

Probably Leslie, the lazy slut, coming over to borrow her notes. If the puta could get up in the morning to get to class—

“Leslie … God …”

Magda opens the door and the guy is on her like that, one hand over her mouth, the other behind her neck pushing her back down and onto the sofa. She hears the door shut and sees a second guy come in and he puts a gun to the side of her head.

She shakes her head, like, take anything you want, do anything you want. Thank God the guy puts the gun back in his belt, but then he has a syringe and he grabs her arm, rolls up the sleeve of her black silk blouse, and jabs the needle in her vein.

Then she’s out.
