Dear Mom-O,

London is XQZT. And swings like a pendulum do. Did you know that Big Ben is the clock and not the tower? I didn’t. And the Tower of London is really interesting. A lot of people got their heads cut off there. Like, yech, right? Good thing they don’t do that anymore, except I guess they do in some Arab countries like Arabia. Anyway, it’s really cool here. Okay, it’s off to Trafalgar Square and later to the West End to see a play. I might even give Shakespere a try! Who’d a thunk, huh?

Miss U


O (for short)

When O and Esteban aren’t watching TV on Hulu, they’re on Google and Wikipedia looking up stuff on the cities that O is visiting on the European travels that she’s e-mailing Paqu about.

“She’s, like, a detail freak,” O explains to Esteban, “so I have to get the little things right.”

The crazy thing is that Paqu never writes her back.

Too busy with Jesus, O guesses.
