Suddenly it’s quiet.

Cautiously, Chon gets up to see

Bathed in moonlight, Elena sits on the ground, her back against the grill of the Land Rover. Two dead sicarios, neatly shot through the forehead, lie beside her like sleeping guard dogs.

Elena calls, “Magda! Magda!”

Chon sees the girl stumble in the greasewood and brush, trying to get away from the scene.

Thinks, there will be time for her later.

He points his rifle at Elena’s head.

She looks up at him and says, “Do it. You already killed my son.”

O is standing at his shoulder.

Blood—black in the silver light—runs down her tattooed arm like a jungle waterfall. It flows from the mermaid’s mouth and winds down the undersea vines.

Chon tries to raise the gun but his wounded shoulder won’t let him. His arm goes numb and the rifle falls into the dirt.

Says, “I can’t.”

Elena smiles at O. And says, “You see, m’ija? You see what men are?”

O picks up Chon’s fallen rifle.

Says, “I’m not your fucking daughter.”

And pulls the trigger.
