Russian Command Center

Bokan Mountain

Inside the Command Center, Russians feverously rush about as their reactor overload warning system continues to alert them about a meltdown. The general is on a computer and attempting to override the sabotage.

A Russian officer looking worried says, “We can’t fix this from here, sir.”

Zelin speaks to his next in command,

“Open up the mountain. Get everyone down there now and fix this or we’re all dead!”

A very young and very worried young soldier walks up to Zelin who’s not paying any attention to him.

“Uh, sir?”

Zelin barely acknowledges his existence and doesn’t look at the kid while he continues working.


“The president wants to speak with you.”

Zelin stops.

“Turn off all emergency alarms. Everyone atten-tion.”

All stand in the room at attention.

Zelin nods to the kid who then puts President Mironovich’s image on the large screen.

Zelin takes a big gulp wondering how he will explain all of this.

The Russian president appears on the large screen. He is not happy.

“Zelin you are relieved of command.”

Zelin interrupts, “Sir I would…

The president continues, “You better destroy all evidence of everything there. If you make it out alive I have given the order to kill you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

The screen goes dark.

Zelin looks around at everyone.

After a very long pause, the general says,

“I don’t know who will do it but make it fast.”

No one moves a muscle.

The general then says,

“Let’s go. Send out the evacuation order.”

Flashing green lights now turn red and on the speaker system a woman’s voice says,

“Evakuirovat’, Evacuate, Evakuirovat’, Evacuate.”

Zelin stands there a moment before talking to his right hand man again,

“The Iranians will be waiting for us out there. We must be prepared.”

“Yes sir.”
