The following events will sound like they’re coming straight out of some novel.
I can assure you, they are not.
These events actually took place and brought us to the edge of World War III.
How do I know?
I was there.
My name?
John Denning (JD).
I’m not some nut writing a book to make money.
I’m writing this to warn you:
Your government is not telling you the truth.
The enemy is already here and
We are all in grave danger.
Should I meet an untimely death under suspicious circumstances always remember this:
Follow the money. Follow the power.
Who has the most to lose?
We lived through all of this to tell you about:
The nuclear detonations,
the lies, and the cover-up.
Several of us kept detailed diaries.
This is not my story.
This is our story.
Yes, I am shouting. Are you listening?
Very truly,
John Denning (JD),
Former BMCS,
SEAL Team Six
Undisclosed Location