Adam Fawley
2 April 2018

No kidding `“ my mate grabbed a hot cunt only to find she was packing a dick

submitted 9 hours ago by YeltobYob

6 comments share hide reportSerously? That really happened? submitted 9 hours ago by downwiththegynocracyshare hide reportNo shit. He said no way u cdve known. Well hot. Tits, arse, the lot. Until he gets her fucking pants down submitted 8 hours ago by YeltobYobshare hide reportFuck me `“ those chicks with dicks theyr the fucking worst. All come and fuck me + dont even have a fucking hole submitted 8 hours ago by letscutthecrappeople7755share hide reportToo fucking right mate. He said he shd have realized something was wrong when her fucking hair came away in his hand It was only fucking EXTENSIONS wasn't it submitted 8 hours ago by YeltobYobshare hide report were the tits fake too? submitted 7 hours ago by KHHVandsowhat88share hide reportWhat a cunt. Hope he made her suck him off submitted 7 hours ago by supremegentlemen89share hide reportNever got the fucking chance. Anyway, who wants beard burn on your fucking dick. These tashhags are the worst slags of the lot submitted 6 hours ago by YeltobYobshare hide reportSomeone at the back mutters, `˜Sick bastards'; Baxter is shaking his head, Gislingham's face has hardened. There isn't much they haven't seen, in this job, but it doesn't make vileness like this any easier to confront.

`˜He's right about the extensions,' says Somer into the silence. `˜We only just found out about that ourselves.'

`˜But taking a step back, it doesn't actually prove anything, does it?' says Gislingham. `˜Like Quinn says, he could just be making stuff up to impress all the other shits, and it's an easy guess to make. I mean, there must be quite a few trans girls who have extensions.'

But even if he's right, it's still a coincidence. And you know how I feel about coincidences.

Asante looks around. `˜You can see how it could have played out `“ if this bloke abducts her off the street, not knowing what she really is `“'

Somer stares at him. `˜`˜`˜What she really is`ќ? Please tell me you didn't just say that.'

Asante looks uncomfortable. Now there's a first. `˜I'm sorry. I was only referring to her pre-operative status, that's all. If you're an Incel it's the ultimate betrayal `“ sex flaunted but then denied.'

`˜Faith doesn't `њflaunt`ќ herself,' says Somer coolly. `˜She goes out of her way not to do that.'

I cut in. `˜Did Faith say whether she'd seen anyone hanging around recently, Somer? Anyone acting suspiciously?'

She glances at me and shakes her head. `˜We did ask, but she said not. Not that she'd noticed, anyway.'

But just because she didn't see him doesn't mean he wasn't there. He could have been stalking her for days, and picked that precise moment, and that precise place, because he knew by then that she always passed that spot around that time. On the other hand, he might simply have been parked up in those garages having a fag when she happened to go by.

Gislingham turns to Asante. `˜Can we track him down through the website or is that asking too much?'

Asante hesitates a moment. `˜The ISP for the discussion board will have a record of the IP address that logged those posts `“ we'll just have to hope they're based in the UK `“'

`˜Right, so `“'

`˜`“ but as I explained to the DI, most of these boards don't even ask for names let alone emails. And he'll probably be on public Wi-Fi rather than his own account. These people use stations, libraries, coffee shops `“'

`˜Not people,' interrupts Everett. `˜Shits. Total and utter shits.'

Gislingham frowns. `˜So you're saying we won't be able to identify him even if we get the IP address?'

Asante makes a face. `˜If he's in a public place it'll all depend on whether there's CCTV, and even if there is `“'

`˜Right,' says Gislingham. `˜So we'd better get a bloody move on, and organize a warrant.'

`˜DC Asante's also been monitoring the board,' I say, `˜and YeltobYob hasn't been online since he posted these comments.'

Asante looks around the room. `˜He doesn't post that often but I'm going back through his past activity to see if we can find anything about him that way. Something that might indicate which Botley he's talking about, for a start. But so far, it's all the same poisonous misogynist venting.'

`˜What about registered sex offenders?' asks Baxter. `˜Shouldn't we be checking all these Botley places in case anything pops?'

I shake my head. `˜Already done. And nothing doing.'

There's a silence.

`˜It's not just what he says about the extensions,' says Somer quietly, staring at the board. `˜It sounds like he was interrupted. Like Faith's attacker was.'

I turn to Baxter. `˜Have we managed to track down the emergency vehicle Faith heard?'

He nods. `˜Squad car, sir. There was a burglary reported in Headington High Street and they got stuck behind the roadworks on the Marston Ferry Road.'

`˜But the officers didn't notice anyone entering or leaving the allotments? No van of any kind?'

`˜Sorry, sir. I spoke to the two guys and they don't remember seeing anything. But I'm getting the footage from the speed camera along there and the petrol station on the Cherwell Drive roundabout. And if he got away in the opposite direction he'd have passed Summertown High so the school CCTV may have picked him up.'

`˜Challow and the CSI team are on-site,' says Gis quickly. `˜And we have the cable ties and the plastic bag. We're also going to question the neighbours in the immediate vicinity of where she was abducted. You never know, someone might have seen something.'

And yet they never bothered reporting a girl being kidnapped off the street right under their noses? Some hope. But there are motions to be gone through in this job, and that's one of them.

`˜And there's the question of Faith's handbag, as well,' Somer continues. `˜Her mum went back that afternoon and found it chucked in one of the bins round by the garages. Minus the valuables, of course.' She sighs. `˜Forensics will check it in case but it's possible her attacker just left it where it fell and someone else came along later and stole the money and the mobile. But no one's used the phone since.'

So GPS isn't going to be any use either. Another cul-de-sac.

`˜What about Faith herself?'

Somer makes a face. `˜She's reluctant to be examined, sir, for obvious reasons `“ and in any case she'd showered at least twice before we spoke to her `“'

`˜But what about her clothes? There could be saliva `“ DNA `“'

Somer shakes her head. `˜She threw the whole lot in the wash. It's only natural, to react like that, but it does make our job ten times harder. The only thing we have is the shoes. We'll get them tested, but I suspect it's a very long shot.'

* * *

Interview with Jackie Dimond, 35 Rydal Way, Oxford

2 April 2018, 4.15 p.m.

In attendance, DC V. Everett

JD: I'm not sure what I can tell you, I hardly know the Applefords.VE: We're speaking to all the neighbours, Mrs Dimond. Sometimes people have seen more than they realize.JD: This is about Monday morning, yes? I wasn't even in then.VE: Yes, you did say that. I was more interested in whether you'd seen anything unusual in the last few weeks.JD: Unusual, as in?VE: Anyone hanging around you didn't know? Someone asking about the Applefords? Taking an interest in their house? Perhaps someone parked up in a van?JD: Sorry, love. I'd have told Diane if anyone was snooping about.VE: I thought you said you hardly know them?JD: I don't. But she's on her own, isn't she. Like me. No bloke to fall back on. I'd have definitely said something if I'd seen some pervert hanging about.VE: Do you know the girls `“ Faith and Nadine?JD: Not really. Mine are a bit younger so there isn't much of an overlap, if you see what I mean. Faith is always very pleasant. Smiles and says hello. And always looks lovely, too. I wish my Elaine would smarten up a bit, but you know what teenagers are like.VE: And Nadine?JD: I can't say I've had much contact with her, to be honest. Keeps her head down. Slouches. Doesn't make the best of herself, you know? It must be tough, though, mustn't it `“ with her sister being so attractive whereas Nadine `“VE: Actually, they seem pretty close to me `“JD: I mean `“ she's not much to look at, is she?* * *

By 4.30 Andrew Baxter has been staring at CCTV footage for over an hour. In front of him, on the screen, cars swing in and out across the petrol station forecourt. He's found six vans so far, along with a horsebox, a vintage Harley-Davidson he rewound a couple of times just to admire, two trucks from a travelling circus and any number of yummy-mummy SUVs in the thick of the school run. The chances of their man being there at all are pretty remote, as far as Baxter can see, and even if he was, how the hell are they supposed to recognize him? It's a total bloody waste of time, that's what it is. He pushes the chair back and gets up, feeling a headache lurking in the back of his neck. Must be low blood sugar, he thinks. Better be safe than sorry. Lucky the snack machine is only a few yards down the corridor.

* * *
