Adam Fawley
5 April 2018

`˜Do you still think he's lying?' asks Somer as we walk back up the stairs.

I shake my head. `˜No. We got the truth this time. Though more by omission than any wish to be actually helpful on his part.'

Somer nods; she knows what I'm getting at. `˜There's something in that van, isn't there. Something incriminating. That's why he's so keen to keep us out of it.'

`˜Well, let's bloody well hope so. And cross our fingers that any DNA we do find is in the bloody database. Because otherwise we'll be going nowhere fast. Again.'

* * *

`˜PC Atkins will give you a lift to the hospital and back, Mr Brotherton. He's going to bring a car round to the front.'

Everett offers the old man a hand getting up but he waves her away. `˜Thank you, young lady, but if I start taking help it won't be long before I can't do anything without it.'

She smiles; he reminds her of her grandad. He was a bolshie bugger too.

Outside, the rain has stopped, but it's cold, and the old man's coat doesn't look thick enough to be warm.

`˜I'm sure the car won't be long,' she says, feeling the need to break the silence.

He turns to face her. `˜Thank you. You didn't need to go to all that trouble, but you did. And it's appreciated. And tell Ash,' continues the old man, `˜that I'll come to the station again when I get back from the JR. Someone needs to look out for him.'

`˜He has a lawyer, Mr Brotherton.'

The old man's eyes narrow. `˜His kind of support costs two hundred quid an hour. I'm talking about someone who actually gives a toss. And the only one in that corner is me.'

* * *
