Adam Fawley
9 April 2018

The news has got round before we get to the incident room. One look at their faces tells me that. Quinn is at the front, an unusual flush to his face; and believe me, Quinn doesn't get that excited very often.

`˜So the bag was definitely Sasha's?' asks Gallagher.

He nods. `˜No question. And there's at least two fingerprints on the underside of the flap.' He pauses; he knows how to work an audience. `˜The prints were in blood. And we all know what that means.' He looks round the room. `˜Forensics are running them against Patsie Webb's right now. Mukerjee said she'd call me within the hour.'

Gallagher turns to me. The blood, the bag, the prints. Her face says it all.

We've got her.

* * *

VE: Interview resumed at 19.25.ES: Why were you so keen to make us suspect Mr Scott, Patsie? You went to a lot of trouble to direct our attention his way.PW: Because he's a pervert `“ because he was following her `“ES: But he didn't kill her, did he? You knew that, and yet you went out of your way to make us think so. Why was that?PW: What are you talking about? How the fuck would I know what he did? I wasn't there `“VE: I think you were, Patsie. I think you know exactly what happened. So why don't you tell us. Tell us the truth about how Sasha died `“PW: What are you talking about `“ Mum `“ they can't accuse me of stuff like this, can they?JB: What actual evidence do you have to support this outrageous theory, Officer?

[DS Gislingham enters the room, confers with DC Somer]PW: [breaking down in tears]

I didn't do it, Mum, I didn't do it `“ Sasha was my best friend `“DW: I know you didn't, darling, I know you didn't. You couldn't do something like that, not in a million years.* * *
