Adam Fawley
9 April 2018

`˜Do we believe him? Do we actually believe him?'

I don't think I've ever seen Somer's face so pale. Ever since she and Gallagher came out of the interview room she's been pacing up and down, trying to walk off the nervous energy, the sheer incredulity. Gallagher has gone the other way: she's sitting at the table, barely moving, but I can sense the din in her mind, even from the other side of the room.

Somer turns to Gallagher and repeats her question. `˜Well, do we? It's crazy `“'

`˜But possible,' says Gallagher quietly. `˜You know it is.'

`˜But we can't go hauling people in for questioning based on that `“ even if it is true `“ even if he's not still lying through his bloody teeth, which he has every reason to do right now `“'

I take a deep breath. `˜I don't think he is. I think he's telling the truth.'

Gallagher looks across at me. `˜But Somer has a point, doesn't she. Even if you're right, we need a lot more than just his word. And without either the CCTV or that witness `“' She shrugs helplessly. `˜We're stuck, aren't we?'

But I'm not so sure.

I get up and reach for my jacket.

`˜Where are you going?'

`˜Keep Scott here. There's someone I need to talk to.'

* * *

Bruno picks up his pace as they get towards the turning for the pub. More bushes, more litter, more interesting smells. Ursula has to drag him away from a particularly well-loved lamp post, only to find him bounding off suddenly and ploughing into a ditch half-filled with blackish water. She goes to the edge and peers down, frowning at where he's worrying away at something. Which isn't like Bruno; he hasn't done anything like this for months. At first she can't see what he's got hold of, but then the dog moves and she catches sight of something pink. She recoils a little `“ she's had her fill of disembowelled rats over the years `“ but something about the shape, the colour `“

A moment later she's taking out her mobile phone.

`˜Is that Thames Valley Police? My name is Ursula Hollis. It's about that girl `“ Sasha Blake. I think you need to come.'

* * *
