Adam Fawley
3 April 2018

`˜I'm sorry, I should have said something before. But I didn't want to worry you.'

Alex turns back to the chopping board and reaches for another tomato. She's trying to pretend everything is OK but she's gripping the knife so tightly her knuckles are white.

`˜Osbourne doesn't think there's anything to be concerned about. But there could be something in the press `“'

`˜There's bound to be, isn't there?' Her voice trembles a little and I can see her willing herself to keep control. `˜It was all over the papers back then, you know it was. It was like `“ like `“ the Yorkshire Ripper.'

They called Parrie the Roadside Rapist long before they knew his real name. He dragged his victims off the pavement and assaulted them in undergrowth and darkened alleyways and deserted car parks reeking of piss. But that was just the start; we never thought we would end up thinking the first women were the lucky ones. We didn't know, then, what he was capable of.

Alex puts the knife down now and leans against the counter.

`˜Alex, leave that for a minute, please. You don't need to pretend `“ not with me.'

She turns to face me and my heart contracts at how pale she is. I pull out a chair for her and she sits down heavily.

`˜We all knew he'd be released sometime. He's done eighteen years.'

`˜It's not enough,' she says quickly, her voice so harsh it's as if she's wrenching out the words. `˜After what he did. The threats `“'

I reach for her hand. `˜Well, let's hope the parole board agree with you.'

She pulls away from me and reaches a hand to her hair, pushing it away from her face. Her cheeks are flushed now and I can see a pulse flickering in her throat.

`˜Try not to let it prey on your mind `“ it's not good for you `“ or the baby.'

She meets my gaze and smiles weakly. `˜Easier said than done, I'm afraid.'

`˜I know, but I still had to say it.'

`˜Did Osbourne say when it might happen? If they do let him out, when could it be?'

`˜He thinks the hearing could be as early as next month.'

She gasps. `˜Before the baby? He could get out before the baby?'

`˜Look, even if he does `“ there's no way they'll allow him to come back to Oxford. And that's still a very big `њif`ќ as far as I'm concerned.'

I'm talking ballsier than I feel, but she knows me too well. `˜There's something, isn't there?' she says, searching my face. `˜Something you're not telling me.'

I can lie to Osbourne; I can even lie to myself. But I have never managed to lie to my wife.

`˜The case I've been working on. There are `“ similarities.'

`˜What do you mean similarities?'

`˜That girl who was abducted `“ the one I told you about. Faith Appleford. The man who did it ripped out some of her hair. But that's not so unusual,' I say, crashing on. `˜I've seen stuff like that before.'

Once or twice, maybe, in twenty years, but that's only a lie by omission. I can forgive myself that.

`˜You said similarities. Plural.'

There are reasons why my wife is an exceptional lawyer. Attention to detail is one of them.

`˜He used cable ties.' I pause. `˜And put a plastic bag over her head.'

`˜Just like last time,' she whispers.

I reach again for her hand and her fingers grip mine. `˜But that doesn't prove anything, you know it doesn't.'

But Alex isn't buying it, and who can blame her. The plastic bag and the cable ties were key elements of the prosecution case.

But not the main one.

I should know.

* * *

Sent: Weds 03/04/2018, 20.35 Importance: HighFrom: To: Subject: Prisoner ZX05566 Parrie, GDear DI Fawley,You were enquiring about visitors to the above inmate. In the last six months Parrie has received visits from the following:Ms Geraldine Hughes (partner)Mrs Ivy Parrie (mother)Mrs Hazel Cousins (sister)Mr David Chandler (solicitor)Parrie's list of approved phone numbers includes all the above, with the addition of Mr Jeffrey Parrie (brother) and Mrs Sandra Parrie (former wife and mother of his three children).If you require more details as to dates and times, please let me know.S. CameronCustodial Manager, HMP Wandsworth* * *
