

1. King Alfred’s Westsaxon version of Gregory’s Pastoral Care / Ed. by H. Sweet. Early English Text Society. Vols. xlv, xlvi. 1871–1872.

2. King Alfred’s Orosius / Ed. by H. Sweet. Early English Text Society. Vol. Ixxix 1873.

3. The Old English version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of English People / Ed. by T Miller. Early English Text Society. Vols. xcv, xcvi. 1890–1891.

4. An Old English Martirology / Ed. by G. Herzfeld. Early English Text Society. Vol. xcvi. 1900.

5. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of the Compendious History of the World / Ed. by J. Bosworth. 1859.

6. King Alfred’s Old English version of Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiæ / Ed. by W. Sedgefield. 1899.

7. King Alfred’s version of the Consolations of Boethius / Trans. By W. Sedgefield. 1900.

8. King Alfred’s Old English version of St. Augustine’s Soliloques / Ed. by H. Hargrove. Yale Studies in English, 13. 1902.

9. King Alfred’s version of St. Augustine’s Soliloques / Trans, by H. Hargrove. Yale Studies in English, 22. 1904.

10. Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel / Ed. by Ch. Plammer, J. Earle. Oxford. Vol. I. 1893; Vol. II. 1899.

11. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle / Ed. and. trans, by B. Thorpe. Roll Series, 23. 1861.

12. Die Gesetze der Angelsachen / Ed. by Liebermann. Halle. Vol. I (text). 1903. Vol. II. Part. I: Glossary. 1906; Vol. II. Part. II: Notes. 1912.

13. Ancient laws and institutes of England. London, 1840.

14. The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great / Ed. by M. Turk. Boston, 1893.

15. Cartularium Saxonicum / W. De Gray Birch. 3 vols. London, 1885–1893.

16. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici / Ed. J. Kemle. 6 vols. London, 1839–1848.

17. A hand-book of Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents/ Ed. J. Earle. Oxford, 1888.

18. Asser’s Life of king Alfred together with the Annals of St. Neot / Ed. by W. H. Stevenson. Oxford, 1904.

19. Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni / Ed. by F. Wise. Oxon, 1722.

20. Asser’s Life of King Alfred / Six Old English Chronicles. Trans, by J. Giles. London, 1847.

21. Asser’s Life of King Alfred / Church historians of England. Trans, by J. Stevenson. Vol. II. London, 1854.

22. Asser’s Life of King Alfred / Kings Classics. Trans, by L. Jane. London,1908.

23. Ethelwerdi Chronica. Monumenta Historica Britannica.

Завещание Альфреда опубликовано в:

1. Liber Vitae: register and martyrology of New Minster and Hyde Abbey / Ed. by W. de Gray Birch. Winchester, 1892.

2. Cartularium Saxonicum /W. De Gray Birch. Vol. IL London, 1887.

3. Liber monasterii de Hyda / Ed. by E. Edwards. Roll Series, 45. 1866.

4. A hand-book of Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents / Ed. J. Earle. Oxford, 1888.

5. Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni / Ed. by F. Wise. Oxon, 1722.

Отдельная публикация завещания: О. Manning. 1788.


1. J. Spelman. The Life of Alfred the Great / Ed. by H. Hearne. 1709.

2. J. Spelman. Ælfredi Magni Vita / Trans, into latin by C. Wase. 1678.

3. R. Pauli. Köning Ælfred und seine Stelle in der Geschichte Englands. Berlin, 1851.

4. R. Pauli. Life of King Alfred / Trans, by. T Wright. 1852.

5. R. Pauli. Life of Alfred the Great I Trans, by B. Thorpe. 1853.

6. Ch. Plummer. The life and times of Alfred the Great. Oxford, 1902.

7. The Proverbs of Alfred / Ed. by C. Skeat. Oxford, 1907.

8. The whole works of King Alfred the Great? Ed. by J. Giles. 3 vols. London, 1852–1853.

9. W. Ker. The Dark Ages. Edinburgh, 1904.

10. B. Ten Brink. Early English Literature / Trans, by H. Kennedy. London,1883.

11. A. Ebert. Allgemeine Geschichte des Mittelalteis im Abendlande. VM. II. Leipzig, 1874.

12. R. Wülker. Grudriss zur Geschichte der Angelsachsischen Litteratur. Leipzig, 1885.

13. L. Miles. King Alfred in literature. Baltimore, 1902.

14. C. Keary. The vikings in western christendom. London, 1891.

15. J. Steenstrup. Normannere. Copenhagen, 1876–1882.

16. E. Dümmler. Geschichte des ostfrankischen Reichs. Band. I Ludwig der Deutsche. Band. IL Die letzten Karolinger, Konrad I. Leipzig. 1862–1865.

17. E. Freeman. The history of Norman Conquest in England. Oxford, 1876–1879.

18. J. Green. The Conquest of England. London. 1883.

19. H. Chadwick. Studies on Anglo-Saxon Institutions. Cambridge, 1905.

20. H. Chadwick. The origin of the English nation. Cambridge, 1907.

21. J. Earle. The Alfred Jewel. Oxford, 1901.

22. A. Bowker. Alfred the Great. London, 1899.

23. A. Bowker. The King Alfred Millenary. London; N. Y, 1902.

Произведения Генриха Хантингдонского, Симеона Даремского, Уидьяма Мальмсберийского, Джефри Гаймера, Мэтью Париса, Ранульфа Хигдена и других опубликованы в Scriptores Rerum Brittanicorum (Roll Series).

Хроника Флоренса Вустерского издана в составе Monumenta Historica Britannica; сочинение «Ингульфа из Кройленда» — в Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. Vol. I. Oxford. 1684.
