Many thanks are due to those who helped me write and publish this novel:

First and foremost, to my editor, Keith Kahla, for his exceptional insight and recommendations to make Blackmail better. To others at St. Martin’s Press — Justin Velella and Martin Quinn — who assisted in many ways as Blackmail progressed toward publication. And finally, thanks again to Sally Richardson and George Witte for making this book possible.

While writing each book, I’ve relied on subject matter experts to ensure I get the details correct. While I can handle the submarine part, other areas require assistance. For Blackmail, I needed help of an altogether different type than information on weapon system employment, tactics, and operational protocols, and so I thank LynDee Walker, Kris Herndon, Sara Walsh, and Ramsey Hootman for their insight and assistance. Additionally, to those who have helped my writing career get off to a great start — there are too many to thank individually here, but I really appreciate your help getting the word out. You’ve done a fantastic job.

To Captain William (Bill) Kennington USN Retired, former commanding officer of USS Sand Lance (SSN 660), who passed away last year, and to the thousands of others who have gone before us in the armed services, protecting our country. You deserve a debt of gratitude. My heart and thoughts will always be with you.

I hope you enjoy Blackmail!
