Boone intercepts Tammy as she walks out of the courtroom.

“They got to you, didn't they?” Boone asks.

She just shakes her head and pushes past him into the hallway. He follows her, just a few steps ahead of Johnny and Harrington.

“What did they offer you,” Boone says, taking her by the elbow, “that's worth more than your friend's life?”

She turns those green eyes on him. “If you'd seen what I've seen-”

“What have you seen?”

Tammy jerks her arm away, hesitates for a second, then says, “There's a world out there you know nothing about.”

“Educate me.”

But Johnny steps between them. He shows his badge and says, “Sergeant Kodani, SDPD. Ms. Roddick, we have some questions for you regarding the death of Angela Hart.”

“I don't know anything about that.”

“You might know more than you think,” Johnny says. “In any case, we'd appreciate your coming down to the station to discuss it with us. It won't take long.”

“Am I under arrest?” she asks.

“Not yet,” Harrington says, pushing in. “Would you like to be?”

“I have things I have to-”

“What,” Harrington says, “you're late for the pole?”

“Just come with us, Ms. Roddick,” Johnny says. He guides her toward the door.

Harrington looks at Boone. “Another stellar performance from you, Daniels. Congratulations. At least this time, you got a grown-up killed. Maybe next time, it'll be an old lady.”

Boone punches him.
