3. It hurts like crazy.

4. And where the nose goes, the head and neck are bound to follow; however, if they don't, your nose is coming off.

So basically, Boone tries to rip Tweety's nose off his face, presenting him with a choice-suffer rhinoplasty or talk.

“Do you have her?”


“You know who, Tweety,” Boone says. “I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you have Tammy Roddick?”


Boone lets him go.

Tweety makes a valiant effort to get up. It works okay on the one leg, but when he tries to put weight on the dislocated knee, it gives out under him and he falls forward onto the floor.

But Boone backs up, just in case.

He's tempted to give Tweety another kick in the knee, but it would probably be bad karma, something Sunny's always talking about since deciding to become a Buddhist. Boone doesn't totally get the whole karma thing, but he decides that kicking a guy in his dislocated knee would probably compel Sunny to chant a few thousand more mantras, another concept he's not totally with.

“You should have a mantra,” Sunny told him.

“I have one,” Boone replied.

“‘Everything tastes better on a tortilla’?” Sunny said. “It's a start.”

Anyway, Boone doesn't kick Tweety in the knee and further decides he should get out of there before the bouncer decides to check out what's happening in the old VIP Room.

But Tweety says, “Daniels? I'll be seeing you again. And when I do-”

Boone comes back and kicks him in the knee.

What Sunny doesn't know…

Boone walks out of the VIP Room.

“That was quick,” Petra says. “Sated?”

“Our absence has been requested,” Boone explains.

“I've been thrown out of better places,” Petra says. She follows him out the door.
