Boone gets his arms around Dan's arms and pins them to his side. Dan still has his gun in his hand, but he can't raise it to shoot.

Dan slams three hard knee strikes into Boone's ribs, driving the breath from Boone's body. Boone gasps but doesn't let go. To let go is to die, and he's not ready for that yet. He can feel his own blood, hot and sticky, running down his face.

He pivots on one hip, turning Dan around toward the river. Then he starts walking, holding tightly to Dan, pushing him toward the water. Dan tries to dig and fight, but Boone has the momentum. Dan rears his neck back, then slams it forward, head-butting Boone on the bridge of the nose.

Boone's nose breaks and blood gushes out.

But he holds on and pushes Dan toward the bank of the river. He plants his feet, pivots again, and crashes into the muddy water on top of Dan. Boone releases his grip, finds Dan's chest, and pushes him down. He can feel Dan's back hit the muddy bottom. Then Boone holds on and pushes. It's a matter now of who can hold his breath the longest, and he figures that's a contest he can win.

But he's losing blood fast, and with the blood, his strength.

He feels Dan wrap a leg around him and he tries to fight it, but Dan doesn't panic under the water and gets his leg locked around Boone's. Then Dan turns his own hips and spins. Boone's too weak to counter it, and Dan flips him under. Then Dan sits up, on top of Boone, grabs him around the throat, and pushes down hard.

Boone arches his back and tries to buck Dan off him, but he can't do it. He feels weak, and tired, and then very sleepy. His lungs scream at him to open his mouth and gasp. Take a nice deep breath of anything, even if it's water.

His brain tells him to give up. Go to sleep, end the pain.

In his mind, he's in the ocean.

A giant wave, a mountain, curls over his head.

Suspends in time for a second.

Hangs there, as if deciding.

Then it breaks on him.

