Johnny Banzai charges into the clearing.

His badge is clipped to his jacket, his service revolver in his hand.

Harrington and the county people are right behind him, but Johnny has demanded he go in first.

Family fucking honor.

He goes in hard and fast, unconcerned with safety. He heard a gunshot in the distance and doesn't know what the hell is going on, but he hits the clearing ready for whatever it is.

Some of the men are already running. Others stand there looking startled and confused. Johnny doesn't care about the mojados -he sees three younger guys, better dressed, running away toward a line of trees, and young girls, looking around, milling in confusion.

Then he hears another gunshot.

It sounds like it's coming from the other side of the reeds, down along the river.

Johnny calls for an ambulance and sprints toward the sound.
