
Alpha waves, energy-transport phenomena, gentle vibrations run through Boone's jacked-up brain as Rain Sweeny paddles out through a gentle beach break, ducks under an incoming wave, and pops out the other side.

She shakes the water from her blond hair and smiles.

It's a beautiful day, the sky a cloudless blue, the water green as a spring meadow. Crystal Pier sparkles in the shimmering sunlight.

Rain looks up at the pier and waves.

Boone stands at the window of his cottage, smiles, and waves back, and then he's in the water, swimming toward her in smooth, easy strokes, the cool water sliding along his skin, a caress that eases the pain, which is swiftly becoming mere memory, a dream of a past life that seemed real but was only a dream.

Rain reaches out her hand and pulls him to her and then he's sitting on his own board next to her, rising and falling in the gentle swell. The Dawn Patrol sits off behind them, farther out on the shoulder. Sunny and Dave, Hang and Tide and Johnny. Even Cheerful is out this morning, and Pete, and Boone can hear them talking and laughing, and then a wave comes in.

It builds from far away, lifts and rises and rolls as it seems to take an eternity to crest, and then Rain smiles at him again, lies down, and starts to paddle, her arms and shoulders strong and graceful, and she moves into the wave with ease.

Boone paddles after her to catch the wave and ride it with her, all the way in to the beach, except, as he looks ahead, there is no shore, only an endless blue ocean and a wave that rolls forever.

He paddles hard, trying to catch her, desperate to catch her, but he can't. She's too strong, the wave is too fast, and he can make no headway. It makes no sense to him: He's Boone Daniels; there is no wave he cannot catch, but he can't catch this wave, and then he's crying, in rage and frustration, until his chest aches and big salty tears pour down his face to return to the sea and he gives up and lies on his board.

Exhausted, heartbroken.

Rain turns to him and smiles.

Says, This isn't your wave.

Her smile turns to sunshine and she's gone.

Over the break.
