The curtains on the cabin windows are open, and Petra can see into the small front room, which has a sofa, a couple of chairs, a kitchenette area and a table.

But no Tammy.

Petra walks around to the side, where another window offers a view of the small bedroom, where there is likewise no Tammy.

Maybe she's in the bathroom, Petra thinks.

She walks around to that side, puts her head against the thin wall, and listens. No sound of running water. She waits for a minute, hoping to hear the toilet flush, or the taps running, or anything, but it's perfectly still.

For one of the few times in her life, Petra doesn't know what to do. Should she wait here, in case Tammy is inside? Should she go back to the van and wait, in case Tammy just hasn't shown up yet but is on her way?

And how does she know it's even going to be Tammy, and not some other bimbo that Teddy is shagging in his Bang for Boobs program. And where was Teddy going? What could he possibly be doing in a bed of reeds, looking for the baby Moses, for God's sake? And what, if anything, has Boone found? Should I follow him? she wonders.

She decides to go back to the van and wait.

Except waiting isn't her best thing.

She gives it a shot, she does, but it isn't going to happen. What she really wants to do is go see what Boone is finding out. She makes it about three minutes, then bails.
