Jan 8 ’04

Dear Symso—

Your cards numbered 1 and 2 actually arrived on consecutive days — in proper order. Occult activity at the PO.

I love it when galleys turn up in bookstores.22 The SOBs are supposed to be reviewing the books, not peddling them! But I’m pleased you got an early look — and hope you approve.

De Chirico is gone, however.23 At the very last minute they couldn’t get permission. Now a Ross Bleckner that looks like a seersucker jacket that ran in the wash, alas.24 But some folks seem to admire it, quien sabe?

I hope you had a well-celebrated birthday out there (I’m assuming you’re back — or surely en route). Thirty’s nice, all good things still ahead. (Would you believe Eisenhower was only halfway through his presidency when I hit 30 myself?)

Anyhow, all belated cheers — and my very best to you both.



22 I told him I’d just stumbled on a galley of Vanishing Point at Green Apple Books in San Francisco. I was thrilled — he, less so.

23 The copy of Vanishing Point I’d found had a de Chirico painting on the cover.

24 The piece is called “The Arrangement of Things (1982).”
