May 13 ’04

Dear Simsy—

Someone just sent me a 90-page densely written Master’s essay on This Is Not a Novel. Someone else, a Lit Seminar MFA final paper on Wittgenstein’s Mistress. Yet one more, a chapter on Going Down, for a book being done in France.

WORK HARDER! (To strive, to seek, to find — etc. Who’m I quoting?32)

I don’t have any idea whatever became of that essay supposedly being written for RCF, by the way. The guy called me with a few questions 15 months ago, but there’s been not a word since. I’ve no idea if it’s been written, scheduled — or for that matter abandoned?

When you get to Russia, I want a postcard with a picture of Raskolnikov and the ax on it!

Hey, as always, take care, stay well, and my best to Corey.



32 Ulysses, from “Ulysses,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
