June 5 ’03

Dear Laura:

Hey, mazel tov on your good news.7 Assuming your taste in men is as acute as it is in books, I’m sure he’s a winner. My very best to you both.

Even in Wisconsin. Hmmm. I’ve a vague feeling I’ve heard that Madison ain’t a bad choice. Be happy out there, eh?

Guy name of Jack Shoemaker, who had been the publisher at North Point, and was at Counterpoint when they did Not a Novel, has started a new outfit called Shoemaker & Hoard, in DC. They will do my new one next winter, maybe Feb.

Meantime, lissen. Sometime last year I had a note from Ann Beattie, in Key West, saying she was reading here at the 92nd St. Y and that there’d be a ticket left in my name. I didn’t get there. A few weeks later I had a dinner date with Kurt Vonnegut and a couple of other chums, and I finked out on that too. But do, as soon as you receive this, scribble me a card with your phone # on same. I will try, try try, to get off my butt and set up a drink or whatever. Honest. (I cannot explain this goddamn reclusiveness, but it’s in the last few books, I’m sure.)

All congratulations and luck to you both, again.


7 My good news was my impending marriage, and a planned move (from New York) to Madison, Wisconsin.
