July 19 ’05

Dear Wisconsin—

Actually there are more than two or three typos in that interview,64 plus some mis-transcriptions, plus some screw-ups where they cut stuff; but since I do not believe in the web, the hell with it. But aren’t you sweet for looking out for me!

Am I supposed to know what PRACTICE [comma] RESTRAINT is?65 And why isn’t there a copy here, stacked between Shakespeare and Dante? Or Homer?

The Danes are great people.66 When the Nazis in WWII arrived and said all Jews must wear the yellow star, the king himself appeared wearing one.

And then of course there’s Hamlet.

(Though of course he’s an Elizabethan handover.)



64 I’m not sure what interview he’s referring to here, but it must have been an online one I’d found, which becomes clear by the end of the sentence.

65 It was the title of my first book, due out in October of that year.

66 I must have mentioned my brother-in-law, who lives in Denmark with his wife, a Dane.
