Feb 4 ’03

Dear Laura Sims—

Thank you, and then some, for the kind letter about my work — truly appreciated.

Please do believe that, even though this response won’t be half so good as you deserve. Not feeling well here, ergo I’ve none of the energy it would take to convey how pleased I was — how pleased I am—to have received it. I’ll reread it more than once, also.

I’ve heard from the fellow writing the Review of Contemporary Fiction essay,1 actually, but am grateful you’re thinking of doing something on my work for some other periodical.

News that may remotely interest you is that I’ve only lately finished a new book, just now being submitted by the agent. Very like the last two,2 tentatively called Vanishing Point. Whether it’s any good or not, however, is another question altogether.

Hey, forgive this, please. As I said, a bum stretch. But I do send you all my best wishes — and again, deep thanks.


David Markson

1 Review of Contemporary Fiction, a tri-quarterly literary journal from Dalkey Archive Press that features critical essays on innovative fiction. Henceforth RCF.

2 Reader’s Block and This Is Not a Novel.
