Aug 5 ’07

Dear Simsy—

Thank you for all the cows.109 There is now cow flop all over my rug!

Yes, depressed re Brooklyn.110 Severely. But a lovely letter from Palleau, telling me her husband says it was doomed from the start — since Brooklyn wasn’t young enough!

Yes (again), thinking about a next book — but, dammit, collecting these cursed notes again111—which (see our interview) I swore I’d not do! Ah, well, keeps me occupied, at least. “Old. Tired. Sick. Alone. Broke.”

Some guy who’d wanted to do an interview, and whom I put off, commented on the Rain Taxi issue. I told him, “Laura Sims is prettier than you are.”

Hey — love to you both—



109 I think I’d sent him a postcard with a picture of cows on it. It’s a safe bet, considering I was back in the Midwest.

110 He and his novelist girlfriend, whom he’d code-named “Brooklyn,” had broken things off.

111 He couldn’t seem to escape his old composition method.
