Dear Laura—
Yes, I remember seeing that piece5—someone, maybe Bill Kennedy,6 sent it to me (I have no computer) — and if I’d run into the guy [who wrote it], even in my mid-70s I would have punched him in the mouth. Gawd, of all the naïve, self-contradictory horseshit, full of misreadings, meaningless conclusions, incorrect facts — even insults — well, never mind. (Though in fact I’d still like to whack him one.)
Re the Newsday article, only on delayed 2nd thoughts do I remember chatting with the columnist Dennis Duggan, but don’t recall ever seeing the piece itself. Maybe looking for it under his name would help you?
Otherwise, again, my best.
5 While researching his work, I’d tracked down numerous reviews and articles online. I’d asked him, here, about one in particular that I’d found to be sloppily written and insulting.
6 William Kennedy, American novelist.