Aachen, 379n
Aaron, 86n
Abbas (uncle of the Prophet), 186–7
Abbas, Mahmoud, 507–9, 518n
Abbasid dynasty, 188–90, 194–5, 403
Abcarius Bey, 400n
Abd al-Malik, Caliph, 27n, 172n, 181–4, 188, 190
Abdi-Hepa, King, 14–15
Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, see Saud
Abdul-Hamid II, Sultan, 362, 364, 377, 384, 402, 424
Abdullah, King of Jordan, 402–3, 406, 432–3, 441, 448, 468, 470, 513
assassination, 484–5
and Israeli war, 474–83
Abdullah II, King of Jordan, 492, 513
Abdullah, Saud, K, see Saud
Abdullah Pasha, 323
Abdulmecid, Sultan, 330, 348
Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of, 334
Abibaal, King of Tyre, 25
Abishag, 25
Aboukir Bay, Battle of, 312
Abraham, 16, 27n, 39n, 45n, 86, 152n and Islam, 170, 182, 185
Abraham’s Vineyard, 335
Absalom, 23–4
Absalom’s Pillar, 24n, 195
Abu al-Abbas, Caliph, see al-Saffah Abu Bakr, 171–2
Abu Dis, 507
Abu Ghosh, 308–9, 346, 363
Abu Muslim, 187–8
Abu Saad, 200n
Abu Sulayman Dawud, 243
Abu Ubayda, 172, 404
Abyssinia, 453n
Achcar, Gilbert, 435, 455n
Acra fortress, 62, 65–7
Acre, 310–11, 315, 322, 456
Crusader siege, 255–8
and Crusaders, 209, 213n, 216–17, 227, 233, 236, 239, 243, 249, 255–8, 263, 265n, 267, 269–70
and Mamluk conquest, 277–8, 279
Napoleonic siege, 316–17
see also Ptolemais
Actian Games, 83
Actium, Battle of, 81, 88
Adam, 17, 27n, 152n, 170, 182, 185
Adams, John, President, 337, 374
Adelaide, Queen of Jerusalem, 217–18
Adhemar of Le Puy, Bishop, 210–11
Adiabene, Helena, Queen of, see Helena
Adonijah, 25
Adonizedek, King, 18
Aegean Sea, 15, 18
Aelia Capitolina, 134–5, 137–8, 140, 145–7
Afdal, Sultan, 247–8, 264, 437, 502
Afdaliyya Madrassa, 264
Afghanistan, 54, 161, 187, 406
Agnes, Queen Mother, 237, 243–4
Agrippina, Empress, 116, 120
Ahab, King, 31–2
Ahaz, King, 33–4
al-Ahd, 403
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 48n Ahmed Duzhdar Aga, 351
Ahmet Jazzar Pasha, the Butcher, see Jazzar, Pasha, Ahmet
Aibeg, Sultan, 272n
Aisha, 171
Akeldama, 109, 227, 389
Akhenaten, pharaoh, 14, 15n
Akhmon, Arik, 494
Akiba, Rabbi, 135–6
Alami family, 360, 446
Musa al-Alami, 447
Sheikh al-Alami, 255n
Alamut, 203n
Alapaesk, 444n
Alaska, 382n
Alchelai, Rabbi Yehuda Hai, 374
Aleppo, 220, 234, 254, 264, 271n, 276, 291, 303, 405, 416n
Alexander the Great, 52–5, 57, 72, 82n, 106n, 133
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 340
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 347, 350n, 353, 368
Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 368–9
Alexander Jannaeus, King, 69–70, 71n, 106n, 233n
Alexander, Prince, 88–9, 93n
Alexander, Michael Solomon, 334
St Alexander Nevsky Church, 135n, 147n, 369, 386
Alexandra, 79–81, 83
Alexandra, Empress of Russia, 369, 386n, 387n, 444n
Alexandria, 54–6, 60, 62, 74, 76–7, 81–2, 122, 124, 126, 144–5, 164, 239, 281, 333
Alexandrium fortress, 81, 89
Alexei, Tsarevich, 385
Alexios, Emperor, 209
Ali (Caliph), 178, 180, 187–8, 194
Ali, King, 432n
Ali Bey, 310
Aliyah, 369–70, 375, 383
Allenby, General Sir Edmund, 1st Viscount, 355n, 408–9, 414–21, 425–6, 486n, 496
Allenby Barracks, 463
Almohads, 240
al-Qaeda, 447
Alter family, 486n
Alypius, 150
Amaury, King of Jerusalem, 237–43, 249, 256n, 265
Amaury of Lusignan, King of Cyprus, 165n
Amel-Marduk, King of Babylon, 45–6
al-Amer, Field Marshal Abdel-Hakim, 492–5, 492, 495
American Colony, 365–6, 408n, 417–18, 473, 488, 496, 506
American evangelists, 336–9
Amman, 475, 478, 485, 487, 493
Ammunition Hill, 496
Amnon, 23–4, 56n
Amr ibn al-As, 173, 177, 179n
Amra, 185
Amsterdam, 302
Anabaptists, 297
Ananias, 70n
Ananus, 119, 123–5
Anatolia, 55, 209, 234, 277, 284, 396, 405n
Andrew, Princess, of Greece, 454n
Andrews, Lewis, 449
Andronikos Komnenos, Emperor, 238
Anglo-American Commission, 464
Angola, 382n
Anilaeus, 101n
Ankara, 459n
Annas (high priest), 103–4, 119, 124
St Anne’s church and monastery, 217, 228, 255n, 286, 348, 397
Ansari family, 519
Sheikh Abd al-Salam al-Ansari, 213
Adeb al-Ansari, 519
Sheikh Khalil al-Ansari, 391
Antebi, Albert, 384
Antigonos, ‘One-Eyed’, King, 54
Antigonos, King, 75–8, 88n
Antinopolis, 135
Antinous, 134–5
Antipater, 71–2, 74–5, 88–90, 92–3
Antioch, 60–1, 63, 65, 67, 118, 123–4, 144, 161, 277
and Crusaders, 204, 209–10, 215, 217, 219, 223–4, 234, 236, 238, 256
Antiochus III the Great, King, 57–8, 60
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King, 60–5, 72, 91n, 106n, 135
Antiochus VII Sidetes, King, 68
anti-Semitism (the word), 368n
Antonia, 111, 114
Antonia fortress, 1, 4, 6, 78, 82–4, 86, 90, 101, 106n, 118, 120, 122, 134, 179, 344n
Antoninus Pius, Emperor, 138, 184n
Antonius Felix, see Felix
Antonius, George, 443, 445, 447, 464
Antonius, Katy, 443, 464–7, 469–70, 488
Apocalypse, xix, 4, 44, 62, 86n, 132, 165, 170, 187, 197
Jesus Christ and, 97–8, 102–3, 106
Appian, 133, 136
Aqaba, 407–8, 419, 425
Aquileia, 89
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
al-Aqsa Mosque, 184–5, 187–8, 200, 395, 485
and Arab Revolt, 448
and Buraq Uprising, 437–8
and Crusaders (Temple of Solomon), 212–13, 217, 219, 221, 227, 229, 235, 269–70
daily rituals, 519–20
fire, 502
and Israeli war, 477
and King Abdullah’s assassination, 481–2
and Mamluk sultanate, 276, 280, 287
and Marwan Mosque, 506
negotiations and access, 502–3, 506–7, 510, 513, 516
Nur al-Din’s minbar, 237, 254, 269, 502
and Ottoman sultanate, 291–2, 299n, 304–5
and Six Day War, 495
Arab Club, 422
Arab Higher Committee, 467–8, 473
Arab Investigation Centres, 450
Arab League, 469, 471, 477, 481, 504
Arab Legion, 279n, 454, 472, 477–9, 484–6
Arab Liberation Army, 469, 478
Arab Revolt, 402–9, 415, 443n, 478, 482
under Grand Mufti, 448–54, 459, 463
Arabic learning and science, 190n, 203n
Arafat, Yasser, 469, 477, 491, 503–10, 515, 517, 518n
Aram-Damascus, 33
Araq e-Emir, 62n
Araunah the Jebusite, 24, 27n
archaeology, 354–6, 390, 393, 502, 504, 509, 511n
Arculf, Bishop, 179
Arda, Queen of Jerusalem, 217
Aref, Abdel-Rahman, President, 494
Aretas, King of Nabataea, 71
Aretas IV, King of Nabataea, 95, 98
Argentina, 376, 382, 485
Argyll, John Campbell, 9th Duke of, 354
Aristobulos, King, 69
Aristobulos II, King, 70–2, 76n
Aristobulos, Prince, 88, 95–6, 111
Aristotle, 190n
Arius, 144–5, 148
Ark of the Covenant, 7, 17–18, 22, 24, 27, 44, 157n, 376
and Parker fiasco, 389–93
Armageddon, 41
Armenia, 81, 96n, 131n, 156n, 163–4, 405n
Armenian Chapel of St Helena, 140n
Armenian Monastery, 287n, 324, 352n, 496
Armenian Quarter, 103n, 119n, 132, 285, 497, 510
Armenians, 255, 285, 287n, 296, 352n, 359, 415, 518–19
genocide, 398, 400, 408, 416n
and religious conflict, 298–9, 320, 348, 488
Arnold, Bishop of Bamberg, 201
Arnulf, Patriarch, 214
Arp Arslan, Sultan, 201–3
Arsuf, 259
Artas, 399
Artaxerxes I, King of Persia, 51, 337n
Arthur, King, 65n
Ashdod, 65
Asherah, 38
Ashkelon, 18, 56, 67, 214, 220, 236, 238, 243, 249, 255, 260
Ashkenaz, 298
Ashkenazi Jews, 20, 191n, 298, 308, 330, 443
Ashraf, 180n
Ashrafiyya madrassa, 287
Asinaeus, 101n
Asmahan, 457–9
Asquith, Herbert, 1st Earl of Asquith and Oxford 411, 413
Assassins, 203n, 260n
Assyrians, 31, 33–9, 48
Astyges, King of Media, 47
Athaliah, Queen of Jerusalem, 31–2, 233n
Athens, 60, 150
Atlas mountains, 57n
al-Atrash, Amal, see ‘Asmahan’
Atsiz ibn Awak al-Khwarazmi, 202–3
Attila the Hun, 157
Attlee, Clement, 1st Earl, 462, 464, 467
Augusta Victoria fortress, 379n, 390, 395, 408, 417, 431, 433, 479, 484n, 496
Augustus, Emperor (Octavian), 75, 77, 81–4, 88–90, 92–3, 113, 133, 160
Auschwitz, 408n, 487
Austin, Willie, 322
Australians, 421, 456–7
Austrian Hospice, 356, 429, 485
Avars, 164
Avigad, Nahman, 106n, 159n
Azekah, 42n
Azerbaijan, 163
Aziz, Caliph, 194, 197
Aziz, Sultan, 264
Azizus, King of Emesa, 116
Azmey Pasha, 390
Azouri, Najib, 385
Baal, 31–3, 38, 39n
Baal Shem Tov, 359n
Bab al-Qattanin, see Gate of the Cotton Merchants
Bab al-Silsila, see Gate of the Chain
Bab el-Ghawanmeh, 519
Babylon, 14, 22, 27n, 35–6, 39, 41–3, 44n, 45–7, 49, 54, 57n, 60, 101n, 370, 501
Babylonian Chronicles, 39
Babylonians, 1, 34n, 39, 41–6, 48
Baedeker, Karl, 358, 360, 385
Baghdad, 172n, 188, 193–5, 202, 203n, 207n, 215, 272, 282, 449
Jewish population, 48n, 240n, 352n
and Ottoman sultanate, 291–2
Bahat, Dan, 506n
Baibars, Sultan, 271–2, 275–7, 292n, 361
Bairam Pasha, 297
Bakaa, 443
al-Baladhuri, 172n
Balak, 220
Balaklava Railway, 348
Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, 210, 215–18
Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, 218–21, 224, 229n
Baldwin III, King of Jerusalem, 221, 233, 235–8
Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, 242–5
Baldwin V, King of Jerusalem, 245–6, 320n
Balfour, Arthur, 1st Earl of, xxv, 381, 409–10, 412–15, 428, 431, 440–1
Balfour Declaration, 414–15, 422–4, 427–9, 431, 437–9, 453, 456
Balian of Ibelin, 245, 247, 249–50, 253–4
Balkans, 291, 341, 361, 395
Ballin, Albert, 376
Ballobar, Count Antonio de, 396–8, 400, 416–17
Balsam of Gilead, 79n
bar Kochba, Simon, 135–7, 163, 383
Barabbas, 102, 105
Barak, Ehud, 506–7, 512–13
Barcelona, 279
Barclay’s Gate, 354n
Bardawil lagoons, 218
Baris fortress, 54, 69n, 78
Barka Khan, 271, 361n
Barkat, Nir, 511
Barker, General Evelyn ‘Bubbles’, 462, 464, 466–7
Barsbay, Sultan, 286
Barsoma of Nisibis, 153–5
Bartholomew, Peter, 209
Barton, General, 422
Basle, 375, 380n
Basra, 196
Bathsheba, 23, 25
Bathsheba’s Pool, 363
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, 143
Battle of the Pyramids, 312
Bay of Issus, 163
bayah, 178
Bayley, Lieutenant-Colonel, 418
Bayt Nuba, 260
Beautiful Gate, 101–2n, 109, 165n, 264
Becket, Thomas, 228n
Beersheba, 414
Begin, Menachem, 458–62, 465–7, 472, 480, 493, 496, 504–5, 508
Behustan mountains, 161
Beilin, Yossi, 504–5
Beirut, 9, 89, 216, 225, 238, 338, 347, 405, 458, 505
and Parker fiasco, 391–2
Russian assault, 310, 316n
and Three Pashas, 397–8, 416n
Beit Jala, 197n
Belisarius, General, 130n, 159
Bell, Gertrude, 404
Belshazzar, 45–7
Belzers, 484n
ben Sira, Jesus, 58, 199n
ben Zakkai, Rabbi Yohanan, 132
ben Zakkai Synagogue, 330
Ben-Gurion, David (David Grün), 398, 415, 430–1, 439, 443n, 484, 490, 503n
and Deir Yassin massacre, 469
and Israeli state, 445–6, 450, 453, 458–62, 465, 467–70, 474–7, 479–80, 502
origins, 381–3
and premiership, 481, 492
and Suez crisis, 490
Benjamin, 164
Benjamin of Tudela, 24n, 240n
Berekhah, Rabbi, 153
Berenice, Queen of Chalcis, 5–6, 9, 116, 119, 121–3, 126, 129, 131
Berlin, 398, 414, 416n, 443, 454–5, 461, 486
Bernadotte, Count Folke, 480–3
Betar, 137
Betar youth organization, 430, 437–8, 461
Bethany, 227–8
Bethel, 17n, 30
Bethesda Pool, 37, 72, 100, 228
Bethlehem, 91, 94, 155, 399
Church of the Nativity, 216, 342
and Crusades, 208, 210, 268
Beth-Zacharia, 65
Beth-Zur, 67
Bevin, Ernest, 462
Bible, xviii, xx, xxiv, 10, 13, 21–3, 25–6, 28–9, 31–2n, 35, 40, 45, 477
Aleppo Codex, 100n, 213
and archaeology, 354–5
Authorized Version, 300
the Gospels, 10, 91, 97, 99, 102, 105, 108, 144
inconsistencies in, 16n
Latin translation, 152
Masoretic, 100n
New Testament, 117, 121
Old Testament, 19, 55n, 69, 100n
Orde Wingate and, 451–2
Pentateuch, 15–16, 45n
and Protestantism, 297, 300–1, 331
St Petersburg Codex, 100n
Septuagint, 55, 100n
and Zionism, 412
Bible, books of
Acts of the Apostles, 109n, 114–15
Chronicles, 30, 152n
Daniel, 44, 45n, 63n, 97
Deuteronomy, 40, 82, 114
Ezekiel, 388
Exodus, 17, 39n
Genesis, 16, 39n, 298
Isaiah, 33, 97, 100
Jeremiah, 41n
Judges, 17n, 18
Kings, 22, 30, 32, 37n
Lamentations, 43
Numbers, 40n, 86n, 135
Psalms, 19, 43–5, 102, 107, 156n, 426
Revelation, 121, 133, 213n, 366
St John, 91–2n, 98, 103, 109n
St Luke, 91, 93, 96, 99n, 102, 105, 108, 109n
St Mark, 96n, 99n, 102, 105, 109n
St Matthew, 91, 96n, 99, 105, 109
Samuel, 22
Thessalonians, 118
Biblical Zoo, 483
Bird, Eugene, 488–9
Bird, Kai, 489
Birobidzhan, 440n, 463
Bishop Gobat’s School, 449
Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 362, 377
Black Hand cell, 447
Black Hundreds, 383
Black Letter, 439
Black Obelisk, 32n
Black Sabbath, 465
Black Sea, 163, 191n
Black September, 502
Black Sunday, 450
Blake, William, 45, 321n, 462
Bliss, Frederick, 390
blood libel, 333, 336, 351, 374
Boer War, 355n
Bohemond, Prince of Antioch, 210, 215, 244
Bokharan Quarter, 375, 444
Bologna, 238
Bols, Major-General Sir Louis J., 431
Bombay, 444n
Book of the Glory of Kings, 157n
Book of Zerubabbel, 163
Book of Zohar, 298
Bordeaux pilgrim, 147–9, 152n
Bosnia, 315n, 318
Bosphorus, 144
Bosra, 169
Boston, 337
Boston Herald, 441
Bradford, William, 301
Brandeis, Louis, 428
Breslavers, 486n
Brest-Litovsk, 461
Bridges, Robert, 321n
Brindisi, 266, 269
British Jews, 257, 277n, 301–2, 350
and conversion of Jews, 330–5
Roman, 124, 136, 150
and state of Israel, 467
and Suez crisis, 490
and Zionism, xxv, 380–1, 409–15, 423–4, 431, 443, 466
Britannicus, Tiberius Claudius, 116n
British Military Cemetery, 434
Bronner, Ethan, 510
Bronze Age, 13
Brooke, Rupert, 419
Brothers, Richard, 322–3
Brutus, Marcus Junius, 75
Bubastis, 31
Buchan, John, 404
Bulgaria, 361
bullae, 32, 41n, 43
Burma, 453n
‘Burma Road’, 480
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 37
Byzantium, 144
Caecina, 131
Caesar, Gaius Julius, 72–5, 131, 134n
Caesarea, 82, 93, 99n, 100, 115, 119, 121, 140, 164, 209, 216
Caesarea Maritima, 9
Caesarea Philippi, 9, 116
Caesarion, 74, 81, 82n
Café Jawhariyyeh, 444
Caiaphas (high priest), 99n, 100, 103–4, 108, 110
Cairo, 207n, 271, 272n, 302–3, 305, 316n, 436, 438, 469, 480, 491n, 493
Albanian conquest, 326
and British rule, 402–4, 408
and caliphs, 192, 194–6, 198–200, 215
and Fatimid Egypt, 239–40
and Mamluk sultanate, 278, 283–5, 287
Oriental Stores, 423
and Saladin, 243, 251
and Sultan Baibars, 275, 277
Cairo Geniza, 199n
Cairo University, 449
Calcutta, 450
Calhoun, John, 336
Caligula, Emperor, 60, 82n, 111–14, 116
caliphs, 172n, 184, 433
Callirhoe, 90
Calvary, 106n, 285
Cambrai, 239n
Cambyses II, King, 49
camels, 16n, 344, 407
Camp David, 506
du Camp, Maxime, 345, 347
Canaanites, 14, 16, 18, 39n
Canada, 466n
Cappadocia, 88n
Capri, 98, 111–12
Caracalla, Emperor, 138
Carchemish, 41
Cardo, 135n, 147, 160, 226, 501
Carnegie, Mrs Andrew, 423
Caroline of Brunswick, Princess, 321–3
Carrhae, Battle of, 76n
Carter, Jimmy, President, 503
Carthage, 60, 130n, 159
Carthaginians, 39n, 106n
Cartwright, Ebenezer, 301
Cassius Longinus, Gaius, 74
Cassius Dio, 135n, 136–7
Castile, 298
de Castro, Abraham, 294
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, 310, 311n, 315n, 317, 340
Cathisma Church, 176, 201
Catholic Church, 157, 189, 208
and religious conflict, 201, 296, 299–300, 331, 339, 341, 343, 424, 485, 517
Cave of Hira, 169
Cecil, Lord Robert, 414
Celebi, Evliya, see Evliya
Cervantes, Miguel de, 446
Chabon, Michael, 382n
Chamberlain, Joseph, 380
Chamberlain, Neville, 452–3
Chancellor, Sir John, 437–8, 443
Chapel of the Apparition, 520–3
Chapel of the Hill of Calvary, 236
Chapman, Thomas, 404
chariots, 26, 28
Charlemagne, Emperor, 65n, 189, 229n, 267, 343, 355, 379n
Charles V, Emperor, 294n, 295
Charles I, King, 300–1
Charles of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, 278n
Charles, Prince of Wales, 505
chastity, 144–5
Chateaubriand, Francois-René, Vicomte de, xxiv, 319–21
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 285
child sacrifice, 39
China, 185, 284, 365
Chindits, 453n
Christ Church, 334
Christian Quarter, 189, 201, 364, 507
Christianity, 10, 34, 48n, 55, 63n, 109, 117, 139
Great Schism, 201
hierarchy and divisions in, 144
and Judaism, 110, 118, 140
Roman adoption of, 143–5, 150–1
and suppression of Jews, 148–50
Christians, early, 114–19, 121, 132–4, 136, 138–40
Christology, 144, 156–7
Chronicon Paschale, 135n
church bells, 196, 214, 255, 330
Church of Holy Archangels, 103n
Church of Mary Magdalene, 368, 386, 444n, 455n, 489
Church of Our Lady of Jehoshaphat, 228
Church of the Dormition, 379n, 492
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, xxi, 106n, 108, 149, 197, 303, 400, 420, 456, 485, 510
and Arab conquests, 173, 175–6, 178, 182–3, 189–92, 194
construction by Empress Helena, 147
and Crusaders, 208, 212–15, 217, 221, 225, 227–8, 233, 235, 243, 250, 260, 269
daily rituals, 518–20
and Descent of the Holy Fire, 198, 228, 230, 300, 305, 328, 348, 361, 367, 388, 518
destruction by fire, 320
Fatimid destruction, 199–200
the Holy Sepulchre, 134, 152, 165, 175, 177n, 178, 185, 189–92, 194
and international visitors, 320, 328, 341, 345–6, 348, 353, 367–8, 378
and Islamic sultanate, 254–5, 260, 263
last Crusader grave, 422n
latrines, 310
and Mamluk sultanate, 281, 285–7
model of, 160
and Mongol raids, 277
and Napoleonic invasion, 316, 318
and Ottoman sultanate, 299–300
Persian destruction, 162–3
and pilgrims’ accommodation, 201
and religious conflict, 320, 339, 343, 348, 424, 520–1
and Tartar conquest, 271
and Turkish conquests, 203
Church of the Pinnacle, 160n
Church of the Redeemer, 378
Church of the Resurrection, 153
Churchill, Clementine, 433
Churchill, Lord Randolph, 433n
Churchill, Sir Winston, xxv, 382n, 423n, 429n, 431–4, 441, 453n, 466, 477, 484n, 485
and Zionism, 410–14, 432, 461
CIA, 489
Cilicia, 26, 88n, 117, 131n
circumcision, 45, 61–3, 118, 130, 360
ban on, 134, 137
and Islam, 171
Citadel, xxi, 8–9, 84, 88, 123, 132, 136, 185, 202, 348
and Crusaders, 207, 215, 217
Clarence, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of, 362
Claudius, Emperor, 5, 114–16, 146n
Clausewitz, Carl von, 446
Clemenceau, Georges, 427–8
Cleopatra II, Queen of Egypt, 67n
Cleopatra III, Queen of Egypt, 70n
Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, 73–5, 77–82, 131
Cleopatra Selene, 82n
Cleopatra Thea, 67n
Clermont, 208–9
Clifford, Clark, 464
Clinton, Bill, President, 506, 508–9, 514
Cobb, Miss, 399
Cohen, Amnon, 509n
Cohen, ‘Red Rosa’, 430
Cold War, 489
Columbus, Christopher, 294n
Conder, Lieutenant Charles, 355n, 363n
Congress of Berlin, 362, 409
Congreve, General Sir Walter ‘Squib’, 445
Conrad III, King of Germany, 234–5
Conrad of Montferrat, King of Jerusalem, 249, 256n
Conrad II, King of Jerusalem, 270n
Conradin, King of Jerusalem, 270n
Constantine the Great, Emperor, 140, 143–5, 148–9, 163, 182, 184, 217, 369, 409
Constantine IX Monamachus, Emperor, 200
Constantine X Doukas, Emperor, 201
Constantinople, 130n, 144, 147, 153–6, 158–9, 165, 189, 192, 207n, 209, 217, 416, 442
and Arab conquest, 180, 183, 185–6, 190
Hagia Sofia, 159, 181–2, 201
Nika riots, 158
Ottoman conquest, 288
and Persian threat, 161, 163–4
Russian conquest, 311n
see also Istanbul
Constantius Chlorus, Emperor, 140
Constantius II, Emperor, 148n, 149–50
Cook, John Mason, 379
Cook, Thomas, 363
Cook, Miss, 335
Coptic Church, 157n, 310, 519
Córdoba, 200n, 499
Council of Chalcedon, 157
Council of Nicaea, 145, 148
Court of Women, 8, 86
Crassus, Marcus Licinius, 72–3, 76n, 106n
Creasy, Mathilda, 345
Cremieux, Adolphe, 333
Cresson, Warder, 336–8
Crete, 14, 79, 101, 327
Crewe, Margaret, Marchioness of, 414
Crimea, 191n, 304, 382n, 440n
Crimean War, 343–4, 345n, 347–8, 352
Crispus Caesar, 145
Croesus, King of Lydia, 47
Cromwell, Oliver, 301–2, 303, 331
Crossman, Richard, 461
crucifixion, 1–2, 62, 105–7
Crusader architecture, 254
Crusades, 189, 355, 420, 428
Count Thibault’s, 270
Eighth, 277n
Fifth, 265–6
First, 208–10
and holy war theory, 208
and reconquest of Spain, 285, 293–4
Second, 234, 333
Seventh, 271
Third, 255–62
Ctesiphon, 161–2
Cunningham, General Sir Alan, 467, 474–5
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess, 414, 415n, 426, 432–3
Curzon, Robert, 328–9
Cyprus, 35, 55, 84n, 133, 179, 257, 260n, 325, 362, 380–1, 436
Cyrenaica, 55
Cyrene, 81
Cyrus the Great, King of Persia, 47–50, 53
Czechoslovakia, 452–4
Dacia, 134
Daimbert, Patriarch, 215–16
Dajani family, 296, 308n, 360–1, 439, 469, 488
Damas, General, 312, 316
Damascus, 22, 29, 32n, 71, 194, 316n, 318, 323, 350, 380, 383, 417n, 469, 492
and Albanian conquest, 327
and Arab conquests, 172, 176, 178, 181, 185–6, 310
and Crusaders, 217, 223–4, 235, 243, 246, 249
and division of Middle East, 403, 405, 421, 426, 428, 469
and Islamic sultanate, 251–3, 262–4, 268
Jewish population and blood libel, 333, 336, 374
and Mongol conquest, 272, 279
and St Paul’s conversion, 117, 143