and Six Day War, 497

Jewish revolt, 1–10, 122–6

Jewish Settlement Police, 450–1

Jewish settlements, 506, 508, 515–16

Jewish Territorial Organization, 382


and Albanian conquest, 330

American, 428, 502

anti-Zionist, 410, 414, 421, 486

and Arab conquest, 176, 179, 183, 186

Ashkenazi, 20, 191n, 298, 308, 330, 443

and Babylonian exile, 45, 47–50

British, 257, 277n, 301, 350

burial customs, 108

and Byzantine persecution, 153–5, 159, 161, 165

conversion of, 330–5

and Cossack massacres, 301–2

and Crusaders, 212–13, 240, 257, 270

Diaspora, 293–4, 302

divisions among, 190–1, 195

dyers, 240, 278

and Fatimids, 194–5, 198, 202

German, 439, 441

Greek, 454n

Hasidic, 22, 64, 100n, 359, 375n, 364, 375n, 399, 473, 486, 487n

and immigration, 374–5, 383, 431, 437–40, 442, 445, 453, 457, 463–4, 511

and Islamic sultanate 255, 264, 268

Italian, 454

and land purchases, 385, 394, 437, 453

Lost Tribes, 34n, 297n, 322, 337–8

and Mamluk sultanate, 276, 286–7

and messianism, 301–3

and Napoleon’s proclamation, 316–17

and Ottoman sultanate, 293, 297–8, 307, 309

and Persian alliance, 162–3

Polish, 307–8, 357, 359, 375n, 441, 457

and Roman suppression, 129–39, 148–50

Russian, 330, 334–5, 345, 350, 367–70, 374–5, 382–3, 412–13, 415, 423–4, 430, 508–9

Sephardic, 20, 24, 191n, 293–4, 298, 300, 308, 324, 330, 345–6, 359–60, 384, 510

Spanish, 293–4, 296

ultra-Orthodox, 486, 505–7, 510

Jezebel, Queen, 31–2

jihad, 171, 184, 208, 215, 256, 259, 447, 468

anti-British, 395, 402

Al-Jihad al-Muqadas, 508

Joab, 23–4

Joanna, Queen, 257, 259

Joanna, 108

St John, 102n, 109

John, King, 235n, 245n, 262

John, Patriarch, 192

John Hyrcanus, 25n, 68–9, 71n

John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, 265–6

John of Gischala, 8, 124–5

John of Ibelin, 225

John of Leiden, 297n

John the Baptist, 79n, 90, 94–6, 98, 99n, 100n, 105, 152n, 365, 449

John Tzimiskes, Emperor, 194

Johnson, Lyndon B., President, 493

Jonathan, Prince, 77

Jonathan the Maccabee, see Maccabees

Jonathan, son of Saul, 20–1, 79–80

Joppa, 67, 79n, 84n

see also Jaffa

Jordan, 22–3, 28, 61n, 82, 180n, 218, 251, 433, 468, 471, 505

and Israeli war, 477, 481, 512

and Six Day War, 494–5

and UAR, 490–1

Jordan, river, 13, 65, 95, 379n, 430, 493

Jorsalaborg, 217

Joseph, King, 158n

Joseph, Dov/Bernard, 471, 478

Joseph of Arimathea, 104, 107–8, 321n

Joseph the Tobiad, 56–7

Josephus, xxv, 53, 58, 61, 66, 68, 74–5, 82, 85, 115, 119–20, 354n

and Jewish revolt, 3–9, 120–1, 123–6, 129, 131–2

and life of Jesus, 96n, 99n, 100n, 101, 105–6

writing of Jewish War, 131

Josiah, King, 39–40

Joshua, 17–18, 210

Joshua the priest, 49

Jotapata, 124

Juba II, King of Mauretania, 82n, 93n al-Jubeh, Nazmi, xxii, 508

Judah haNasi, 138–9


and Assyrian conquest, 31–9

and Babylonian conquest, 41–6

currency, 55

and Israel, 21–2, 25, 30–1

Judah the Maccabee, see Maccabees

Judah the Pious, 307

Judaism, 10, 34, 40, 45, 48n, 50, 53, 110, 132, 483, 499

and early Christianity, 110, 118, 140

Judas Isacriot, 39n, 91n, 103, 109

Judeh family, 518

Aded al-Judeh, 517–18

Julia, 88

Julia Sabina, 58n

Julian the Apostate, Emperor, 149–50, 160n, 163

Julien (valet), 321

Juniper, Brother, 299n

Justin, Emperor, 158

Justin, 136, 138

Justinian, Emperor, 130n, 158–61, 163, 182, 184

Justinian II, Emperor, 182

Juvelius, Dr Valter, 388–90, 393n

Juvenal, Bishop, 156–7

Kaab al-Ahbar, 175–6

Kaaba, xix, 169–70, 182, 185

Kabbala, 298, 301–2

Kaddish, 494

Kafur, Abul-Misk, 191–3

Kahn, Rabbi Zadok, 380

Kalandia airport, 474

Kaleb, King of Axum, 158n

Kalischer, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch, 374

Kamil, Sultan, 260, 265–8, 270

Kaminitz Hotel, 343

Kaplony, Andreas, 183n

Karbala, 180

Karkar, Battle of, 31

Karnak, 31

Kashgar, 202

Kastel, 471–2

Katamon, 443, 469, 481

Keith, Alexander, 332n

Keith-Roach, Edward, 437, 450, 456–7

Kennedy, John F., President, 454

Kenya, 381

Kerak, 245, 361

Kerem Avraham, 444

Kerensky, Alexander, 423n, 429n

KGB, 486

Khadija, 169–70

Khadir, Sheikh, 276–7n

Khalid bin Walid, 172–4, 177

Khalidi family, 271n, 308n, 329, 360–2, 439, 466

Hussein al-Khalidi, 470

Rashid al-Khalidi, 518n

Ruhi al-Khalidi, 385, 394

Yasin al-Khalidi, 378

Yusuf al-Diya al-Khalidi, 360–2, 370, 380

Khalidiyyah Library, 271n, 361n, 509n

Khartoum, 365n

Khazaria, 191n

Khazneh shrine, 98

al-Khazrajy, Sheikh Ghanim, 263

Khidr the Green Man, 197

al-Khidri, 188n

Khmelmytsky, Hetman Bogdan, 301

Khorasan, 187

Khusrau II, Shah-in-Shah, 161, 163–4

Kiamil Pasha, 349

Kidron Valley, 24n, 40, 85, 87, 103, 132, 139, 218, 226, 479, 493

Kiev, 489

King–Crane Commission, 428

King David Hotel, 441–2, 457–8, 462, 464, 470, 473, 492

Zionist bombing, 465–6

King’s Gardens, 511n

King’s Road, 50n

Kinglake, Alexander, 345n

Kirkbridge, Sir Alec, 475

Kishniev, 380

Kitchener of Khartoum, Hebert, 1st Earl, 355n, 402–3

Klausner, Joseph, 438

Kléber, General Jean-Baptiste, 317

Knesset, 478, 484, 492, 502–3

Knights Hospitaller, 219, 226, 243, 246, 249, 259

Knights Templar, 219, 226, 229–30, 243, 246, 249, 268–70, 344n

Koestler, Arthur, 191n, 437–8, 461n

Kollek, Teddy, 501, 504–5

Konstantin Nikolaievich, Grand Duke, 353

Koran, 165, 170–1, 173–4, 183–4, 197n, 251, 264, 284, 304, 384, 425, 477

Kosygin, Alexei, 490

Kress von Kressenstein, Baron Friedrich, 395, 416

Kurdistan, 405n

Kut, 403

Kuwait, 488

la saison, 461

Lachish, 38, 42n

Ladino language, 295, 335, 360

Lagerlöf, Selma, 366

Laodicea, 80

Last Emperor legend, 189, 256, 269, 340

Last Supper, 25n, 103n, 254

Latrun fortress, 260, 480

Lawrence, Sarah, 404

Lawrence, T. E., xxv 403–7, 408, 410, 418–22, 425–7, 431–3, 477, 488, 510

and Orde Wingate, 450–1

Lawrence, Thomas, 322

Le Moniteur, 317

Le Thoron des Chevaliers (Latrun), 260

League of Nations, 428

Lebanon, 22, 79, 82, 116, 131n, 180n, 203n, 243, 355, 405, 428, 442, 449, 455n, 456, 469, 477

Lebanese war, 502–3, 511

Lehi (Stern Gang), 460–62, 464–6, 471, 481

Leicester, 363

Lenin, V. I., 410, 415, 434

Leo, Pope, 229n

Leontopolis, 66n

Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 348

leprosy, 242n

Levine, Alter, 407–8, 417n

Levites, 59

Libya, 54, 101, 382n, 394

Licinius, Emperor, 144

Lifta, 418

Ligne, Prince de, 311

Lincoln, Abraham, President, 347n

Lincoln, Mary Todd, 347n

Lions’ Gate, 162n, 276, 292n, 496

Litani, river, 244

Literary Society, 422

Lithuania, 191n, 293–4, 298, 350n

Livermore, Harriet, 338–9

Livia, Empress, 90, 92, 95

Living Imams, 193–4, 197

Livonia, 285

Livorno, 302, 350

Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl of Dwyfor, xxv, 381, 409, 411, 413, 415, 418, 424, 426–8, 431

locusts, 398

London, 207n, 219n, 352, 370, 421, 441, 446, 453

London Jews Society, 332, 335, 365

London Stock Exchange, 350

Lott, Clyde, 86n

Loughborough, 363

Louis VII, King, 234–5, 244

Louis IX, King, 271–2

Louis Philippe, King, 330

Lovers of Zion, 382

Lucera, 267

Lueger, Karl, 373

Luke, Sir Harry, 442, 444

Luri, Rabbi Isaac, 298

Luther, Martin, 296

Luxor, 14

Lydda, 138, 478

Lynch, Lieutenant William, 346

Lyons, 112

Lysias, 63

Maamun, Caliph, 190, 196n

Macarius, Bishop, 145–6, 147n

Macasader, Mr, 390–1

Maccabee, Jonathan, the Diplomat, 66–7

Maccabee, Judah, the Hammer, 64–6

Maccabee, Simon, the Great, 65, 67–8

Maccabees, 23, 65–70, 72, 76, 78–80, 83, 89, 100n, 120, 277n, 373, 434, 452, 458

MacDonald, Malcolm, 453

MacDonald, Ramsay, 438–9

Macedonians, see Greeks

Machaerus fortress, 79n, 96, 98

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 327

McMahon, Sir Henry, 403–5

MacMichael, Harold, 461–2

McNeil, Brigadier Angus, 442

Madaba, 69, 160n

Madagascar, 382n

Madrid, 504

Maghrebi Gate, 497–8, 503

Maghrebi Quarter, 421, 491n, 502

magic, 48n

Magnes, Judah, 450

al-Magribiyyah, Sima, 399

Mahmoud II, Sultan, 327

Maimonides, Moses, 240–1, 252–3

Makhtesh, 35n

Malik Shah, Sultan, 202n

Malta, 299, 360

Mamilla, 162, 213, 227, 441

Mamluk architecture, 280–81n

Mamluks, 247, 258–9, 271–2, 275–88, 291

Manasseh, King, 38–40

Manchester, 363, 409–10 Manchester Guardian, 411

Mandelbaum, Simchoh and Esther, 486

Mandelbaum Gate, 486, 491, 496

Manichaeanism, 144

Mansur ibn Sanjun, 179

Mansur, Caliph, 188

Manuel, Emperor, 237–9

Manzikert, 202

Mar Saba Monastery, 156n

Marathon, Battle of, 50n

Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, 81–2, 84, 88, 113

Marcus Aurelius, Emperor, 138

Maria, Queen of Jerusalem, 239, 249–50, 256n

Maria II, Queen of Jerusalem, 265n

Mariamme, 75, 76–85, 88–9, 111

Mariamme tower, 84

Marina (Marinos), 154n

Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius), 75, 77–8, 80–2, 111, 131, 134n

Marks & Spencer, 446

Marley, Bob, 456n

Maronites, 296, 355

Marr, Wilhelm, 368n

Marshall, General George, 476

Martel, Charles, 65n, 186

martyrdom, 62, 447

Marwan, caliph, 180–1

Marwan Mosque, 509

Marx, Karl, 345, 374

Mary I, Queen, 278n

Mary of Antioch, Queen of Jerusalem, 278n

Mary, mother of Jesus (Virgin Mary), 91, 92n, 107–8, 222, 519

and icons, 229

her tomb, 178, 277, 288n, 496

Mary Magdalene, xix, 107

Masada fortress, 77, 79n, 81, 123, 130–1, 458

Mattathias, 63–5

Maundrell, Henry, 306n

Maurice, Emperor, 161

Maxentius, Emperor, 143

Maximilian, Archduke, Emperor of Mexico, 348

May, Kurt and Miriam, 441–2

Maysun, 179

Mazor, Dr Eilat, 23n

Mea Shearim, 364, 399, 444, 478, 486

Mecca, xix, 101, 176, 181–2, 184, 188n, 197, 245, 251, 264, 292, 309n, 370, 395

and Arab Revolt, 402, 406

and life of the Prophet, 169–72

and Wahabis, 281, 327, 432n

Medes, 39, 47

Medina, 171, 188n, 197, 245, 251

Mediterranean Hotel, 357n

Megiddo, 26, 29n, 31, 41

Megiddo, Battle of, 426

Mehmet IV, Sultan, 304, 400

Mehmet V Rashid, Sultan, 395

Meir, Golda, 478, 491

Melania, 151

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount, 332

Melchizedek, 16, 152n

Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem, 221–5, 228–30, 232–4, 236

Melisende Psalter, 223n

Melville, Herman, xix, xxiv, 334, 338, 344–5, 347, 349

Menasseh ben Israel, Rabbi, 302

Mendel, Menachem, 343

Menelaos, 61–3, 66

Menelik, King, 157n

Mengele, Dr Josef, 487

menorah, 130n

Merneptah, pharaoh, 18

Merrill, Selah, 365–6

Merv, 202n

Mesha, King of Moab, 31–2n

Meshal, Khaled, 512n

Mesopotamia, 13

Messalina, 116n

Messina, 257

Micah, prophet, 38

St Michael, 502

St Michael’s Chapel, 518

Michal, 20, 22

Michmas, 66

Mickiewisz, Adam, 343n

Mihrimah, 292

mikvah, 95

Milford Haven, Louis Mountbatten, 1st Marquis of, 444n

Miller, William, 337n

Milton, John, 39n

Mir Mehmed, 292

Mishnah, 27n, 86n, 139

Mishneh, 35n

Mithraism, 144

Mithridates, King of Pontus, 70

Mizpah, 44n

Moab, 70

Moabites, 19, 31–2n

Modestos, Patriarch, 163, 165

Modin, 63, 66, 458

molok, 39n

Molotov, Vyecheslav, 440n

Monastery of the Cross, 106n, 296n

Mongols, 272, 275, 277–9

Monophysites, 156–7, 174, 519

Montagu, Edwin, 414

Montefiore, Sir Abraham, 357n

Montefiore, Claude, 414

Montefiore, Sir Francis, 375

Montefiore, Judith, 323–4, 332, 349, 351, 357n

Montefiore, Sir Moses, 323–4, 325n, 332–3, 335–6, 348–51, 354, 357, 374, 421

Montefiore Quarter, 351–2, 357, 384, 438, 467–9, 470

Montesquieu, Baron de, 326

Montgisard, 243

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 1st Viscount, 452–4, 459, 464–6

Montjoie, 204, 260

Morgan, J. P., Jr., 423

Morganthau, Henry, 398n

Morley, Edmund Parker, 4th Earl of, 388

Morley, John Parker, 6th Earl of, 393

Mormons, 338

Morocco, 180n, 255, 283

Morphia, Queen of Jerusalem, 218

Morris, Benny, 471

Moscow, 369, 386n, 444n, 454, 462n, 489, 492–3, 515

Moses, 17, 40, 86n, 110, 170, 276, 410, 520

Mosque of Omar, 264

mosque (the word), 171n

Mossad, 488, 505

Mosul, 217, 427

Motol, 350n, 412

Mount Ararat, 389n

Mount Gerizim, 53, 110, 509

Mount Gilboa, 20

Mount Hermon, 248

Mount Herzl, 487, 507

Mount Moriah, 3, 7, 16, 24–5, 27, 35n, 179, 182

Mount Nebo, 17

Mount of Olives, 86–7, 139, 195, 236, 240, 323, 409, 434, 517, 521

and Christianity, 99, 108, 117, 153

churches, 147, 162, 368

and crucifixions, 1–2

and Crusaders, 210–11

and European visitors, 332, 363n and Islamic sultanate, 260, 265

Jewish cemetery, 139, 338, 479

and Mamluk sultanate, 286

and Ottoman sultanate, 295

and Providence, 10, 132

and Second Coming, 500

see also Augusta Victoria fortress

Mount Scopus, 3, 174, 394, 425, 434, 473, 481–83, 494, 496

Mount Zion, xxi – xxii, 69, 120n, 132, 139, 148, 156, 200, 211, 338, 379n, 449, 463

and Albanian conquest, 329

Cenacle (David’s Tomb), 25n, 69, 103, 109, 239, 240n, 254, 255n, 260, 281, 286, 292n, 295, 327, 329, 400

and Islamic sultanate, 254, 255n

and Israeli wars, 480, 495, 497

and Mamluk sultanate, 281, 286–7

and Ottoman sultanate, 292n, 299

synagogue, 139, 148

Mourners of Zion, 195

Moussaieff family, 375

Movement for the Establishment of the Temple, 503

Moyne, Walter Guinness, 1st Baron, 382n, 441, 459

Muawiya ibn Abi Sufayan, caliph, 177–81

Muazzam Isa, Sultan, 265–7

Mubarak, Hosne, 505

Mufti of Jerusalem, see Husseini, Amin

Muhammad, Prince of Jordan, 488, 491

Muhammad, Prophet, 10, 44, 165, 174, 176, 184–5, 187, 246, 259, 291, 303, 403n, 520

his life, 169–72

his Night Journey, 169–70, 182, 200, 259, 437

relics of, 229

Muhammad, son of Farrukh, 297

Muhammad Ali, 326–7, 329, 333–4, 350

Muizz, Caliph, 193–4

Mujir al-Din, 288

mulberry trees, 295

Munich Agreement, 452

Munich Olympics, 502

Munster, 297n

Munqidh, Usamah bin, see Usamah

al-Muqaddasi, 182, 191n, 195–7

Muscovy, 340

Muslim Brotherhood, 445, 477, 506, 508

Muslim Quarter, 276, 281, 356, 357n, 438, 506, 507–8, 520

Mussolini, Benito, 430–1, 454

Mustansir, Caliph, 200n

Mustasim, Caliph, 190

Mycenae, 14–15

Nabataea, 88n

Nabataeans, 81

Nabi Daoud, 295

Nabi Musa festival, 276, 308n, 361, 388, 391–2

Nabi Musa riots, 429–31, 435

Nabi Samuel, 416–17

Nablus, 236, 246, 270, 318, 327, 329, 365, 391, 417, 447, 449, 484

Nabonidus, King of Babylon, 46

Nabopolassar, 39

Nachmanides, Ramban, 278–9

al-Nadim, 190n

Nahalavat Shiva, 364

Nahum, prophet, 36

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor, 311–12, 315–18, 320–1, 323, 326, 374, 427, 446

Napoleon III, Emperor, 342–3, 348, 355, 380n

al-Naqashibi, Nasir al-Din, 435n

Narkiss, General Uzi, 494–7

Nashashibi family, 435n, 438–9, 442, 489

Fakhri Bey al-Nashashibi, 449

Nassereddin al-Nashashibi, 435, 443, 463, 484–5

Ragheb al-Nashashibi, 385, 394, 399, 422, 435–6, 439, 441, 448–9, 453, 478, 483

Nasi, Joseph, 295, 297

Nasir Daud, Sultan, 268, 270–1

Nasir Muhammad, Sultan, 278, 279–81, 344n

Nasir-i-Khusrau, 200–1

Nasser, Colonel Gamal Abdul, President, 485, 489–90, 492–8, 506, 519

Nathan, prophet, 23, 25

Naumov, Bishop Cyril, 386

Navarino, Battle of, 327

Nazarenes, 109–10, 115

Nazareth, 95, 275, 416

Nea Church, 159–60, 162

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, xix, 9, 41–6, 59, 65, 374, 388–9

Nebuzardan, 43–4

Necho, pharaoh, 41

Negev, 481, 493, 516

Neguib, General Muhammad, 482

Nehemiah (cup-bearer), 51, 54, 56n

Nehemiah (Jewish leader), 162–3

Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 312, 494

Nero, Emperor, 2, 60, 116, 118–21, 124, 126

Nerva, Emperor, 133

Nestorians, 157

Nestorius, Patriarch, 156

Netanyahu, Binyamin, 507–8, 514

Netzer, Ehud, 92n

New Jerusalem Monastery, 340n

New Salem, Illinois, 347n

New York, 476, 489

New York Times, 378, 392

Newgate Prison, 322

Nicanor, 66

Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 339–43, 347, 350

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 369, 379, 382–3, 386, 387n, 413, 444n

Night of the Bridges, 464

Nikolai Hostel, 463, 475

Nikolaus of Damascus, 82

Nikon, Patriarch, 340n

Nile, river, 135, 218, 271

NILI, 407

Nineveh, 31, 36, 38–9

NKVD, 461

Noah, 298

Nob, 20

Noble Sanctuary, 281

North Korea, 489

Northern Rhodesia, 436

Notable Families, see Jerusalem Families

Nottingham, 257n

Nubia, 28

Numrud, 32n

Nur al-Din, Atabeg, 234–43, 251

his minbar, 237, 254, 269, 502

Nuremberg trials, 439n

Nusaybah, 177n

Nusseibeh family, 177n, 263, 298, 308n, 309, 361, 420, 442, 488, 491, 520

Anwar al-Nusseibeh, 442, 465–6, 468–9, 475–6, 479, 481n, 488, 491

Hazem al-Nusseibeh, 308n, 420n, 442, 444–5, 448, 456, 483, 488

Obadah al-Nusseibeh, 520

Sari al-Nusseibeh, 442, 483, 486–9, 491, 515, 518

Wajeeh al-Nusseibeh, 517–20

Obadiah of Bertinoro, Rabbi, 288

Obama, Barack, President, 512, 516n

Octavia, 82n

Octavian, see Augustus, Emperor

Odessa, 339, 353, 367, 383, 386, 421

Officers Club, 442, 464

Olivet, 288, 338, 365, 444n

Olmert, Ehud, 508, 515–16

Olympic Games, 124

Omar, 172, 174–8

Omar II, Caliph, 186, 255, 291, 304, 420n, 508, 520

Onias II, 56, 61

Onias IV, 66n, 67n, 70n

Operation Agatha, 465

Operation Nachshon, 471

Operation Tariq, 494

Ophel hill, 15, 21n, 22, 24, 355, 390, 393

Orad II, King of Parthia, 73, 76n

Order of Caroline, 323

Order of St Lazarus, 242n

Order of the Holy Sepulchre, 320

Orient Express, 376

Orient House, 364, 505

Orleans, 238

Orthodox Church, 157, 160, 189, 255, 486, 488

and religious conflict, 201, 296, 299–300, 310, 320, 331, 339–40, 343, 348, 424, 488, 519–20

Ortuq bin Aksab, 203

Oslo peace talks, 506, 507n, 514

Osorkon, pharaoh, 31

ostraca, 42n

Othman, 178, 181

Ottoman Cossacks, 343n

Ottoman empire, 296–7, 326–30, 333–4, 341, 343, 361–2, 380

military defeat, 416–26

and the Three Pashas, 394–401, 403, 415n

Ottoman Land Law, 364n

Outrejourdain, 243, 264

Outremer, 215, 225–32, 249

William’s history, 239, 245n

Overcomers, 364–6

Oxford, 333, 442, 445

Oz, Amos, 438, 441, 444, 457, 465, 467, 483, 486–7, 516

Pacorus, Prince, 76

Pact of Omar, 177n

Pahlavan knights, 76n

Pakistan, 53–4

Palace Hotel, 441

Palaestina, 137, 149, 154, 165

Palermo, 218, 266–7, 270n

Palestine (nation and state), 19n, 380, 431, 453–4, 478, 504, 513

British Mandate, 428, 431, 433, 465, 473

partition, 466–7, 475

Palestine Arab Party, 449

Palestine Exploration Fund, 354–5, 363n

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 491, 503–4, 505–6, 508

Palestine National Council, 478n

Palestine Post, 457, 465, 469

Palestine Society, 517n

Palestinian Authority, 364, 507, 510

Palestinian Christians, 218

Palm Sunday, 191, 218, 227, 387

Palmach, 456–7, 463, 469, 471, 474, 479

Palmerston, Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount, xxv, 331–2, 334

Palmyran empire, 140

Paltiel, 194–5

pan-Arabism, 486, 489, 504

Pannychis, 89

paradise, 48n

Paris, 150, 207n, 238, 285, 339, 347n, 352, 373, 380n, 462

Versailles peace talks, 426–8

Parker, Monty, (later Earl of Morley), 388–93

Parry, Sir Hubert, 321n, 426

Parsons, Levi, 337

Parthians, 68, 73, 75–8, 81, 130, 133, 139

Pasargadae, 49

Paschal II, Pope, 219

Passfield, Lord (Sidney Webb), 438

Passover, 35, 40, 50, 59, 159, 324n, 360, 363n, 369, 388, 471, 517

and blood libel, 333, 336

Jesus and, 98–102, 107–9, 148

and longing for Jerusalem, 139, 374

St Paul, 117–18, 121, 143

Paul, Emperor of Russia, 342

Paul VI, Pope, 491

Paula, 151–2

Paulinus, 155–6

Peel, William, 1st

Earl, 448

Peel, Sir Robert, 334

Pentecost, 103n, 109

Pepys, Samuel, 304

Peres, Shimon, President, 494, 506–7, 514, 515

Pergami, Bartolomeo, 322–3

Persephone, 385

Persepolis, 50n

Persia, 63, 181, 458

Persian Gulf, 35

Persians, 46–53, 73, 75, 139–40, 150, 161–4, 288

Petah Tikvah, 374

St Peter, 98, 102n, 104, 109, 115, 121, 151

Peter, Bishop of Winchester, 270

Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, 146n, 340

Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 456

Peter the Georgian, 156n

St Petersburg, 339, 350, 368, 370, 380, 386, 415

Petra, 71, 98

Petronius, 112

Pharisees, 70, 72, 98, 100, 102, 105

Pharos lighthouse, 55

Phasael, 74

Phasael tower, 84, 93

Pheroras, 81, 88n

Philip II Augustus, King, 257–8, 260n

Philip II, King of Macedon, 52

Philip II, King of Spain, 278n

Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 444n, 454n

Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg, 376–8

Philippa, Princess, 238

Philippi, Battle of, 75

Philistines, 18–20, 23, 137

Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, 99n

Phoenicia, 81

Phoenician temples, 28

Phoenicians, 22, 26, 39n

photography, 363, 378

Picot, Francois-Georges, 405, 420, 424

Pilgrim Strangers, 338

Pinsk, 409

Pinsker, Leo, 374

Pitt, William, the Elder, Earl of Chatham, 413
