and Tamurlane’s conquest, 282–4

and Three Pashas, 397–8, 416

Umayyad Mosque, 96n, 185

Damascus Gate, 110, 134, 135n, 138, 152n, 157, 208, 211, 226, 270, 304, 364–5, 379, 395, 397, 467, 479, 518

Damasus, Bishop, 151

Damietta, 265

Dan, 30

Daniel, prophet, 45–6, 97, 100n, 150

Daniel the stylite, 154

Danube, river, 343

Danzig, 513

Darius I ‘the Great’, King of Persia, 49–50, 52, 106n

Darius III, King of Persia, 53

d’Aubeny, Philip, 422n

House of David, 22, 32n

David, King, xix, xxiv, 7, 10, 13, 19–25, 32n, 40, 46, 67n, 86, 133, 140, 304–5, 374, 491

and Bathsheba, 23, 25, 363

and Charlemagne, 189

and Islam, 170, 175, 182, 185

his palace, 23n, 501n

relics of, 152

David el-Rey, 240n

David’s Tomb, see Mount Zion, Cenacle

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), 171, 302, 436–7, 459, 502

see also Yom Kippur War

Dayan, Moshe, 400n, 456, 481, 487, 504

and Orde Wingate, 451–2

and Six Day War, 493–8

Dayan, Ruth, 452, 494

D-Day, 459

Dead Sea, 90, 96, 123

Dead Sea Scrolls, 100n, 495

Debussy, Claude, 423

Deir Yassin massacre, 471–2, 473

Delhi, 283

Demetrius II, King of Syria, 67n

Deraa, 419

Dervishes, 303–4, 360–1

Descent of the Holy Fire, 198, 228, 230, 300, 305, 328, 348, 361, 367, 388, 519

desert monasteries, 154

Deuteronomists, 45n

Dickie, Archibald, 390

Digness, Mendel, 335

Diocletian, Emperor, 140, 145

Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 240n, 324–5, 352, 362, 409, 411, 424

Dome of Solomon, 265n

Dome of the Ascension, 165n

Dome of the Chain, 179, 212, 219

Dome of the Rock, 27n, 148, 181–5, 188, 190, 197, 250, 304–5, 400, 408, 424, 480

and Crusaders (Temple of the Lord), 212–13, 217, 219, 227–9, 241, 270

daily rituals, 519–21

and Islamic sultanate, 254, 261, 263, 268–9

Israeli shootings, 503

and Mamluk sultanate, 276, 280–1, 284

negotiations and access, 510, 519

and Ottoman sultanate, 291–2, 305

and Parker fiasco, 391

regilding of, 491

and Six Day War, 495, 497

Domitian, Emperor, 121n, 130n, 131, 133

Donmeh sect, 303n

Donner, Fred M., 174n

Doris, 85, 88–9

Dorr, David, 347

Double Gates, 138n, 184

Dreyfus Affair, 373

Drusilla, Queen, 116, 119

Drusus, 111

Druze, 199, 356, 519

Duff, Captain Robin, 389n, 390–1

Dung Gate, 329, 497

East Prussia, 382n, 461

Easter, 148n, 159, 276, 298, 305, 339, 360, 388

Eban, Abba, 493–4

Ebenezer, Battle of, 18

Ebionites, 140n

Ecclesiasticus, 58, 199n

Edessa, 210, 213n, 215, 217–18, 224, 264

fall of, 233–4

Edict of Milan, 144

Edom, 65, 77

Edomites, 19, 29, 43, 69

Edward I, King, 65n, 277n, 354

Edward VII, King, 353–4, 363n

Edwiga, Abbess, 201

Egeria, 152

Egypt, 13, 19n, 22, 26, 44n, 109n, 133, 135, 138, 422, 468–70

and Albanian conquest, 326–7, 334

and Arab conquests, 191, 193–4

and British rule, 362, 380, 396–7, 403, 405, 407, 423, 449

and Crusaders, 216, 218

and desert monks, 154

and Greek conquest, 53–6, 57n, 61–2

and Islamic sultanate, 243–4, 251, 253, 260–1, 264–6

and Israeli war, 477–8, 480

Israelites in, 16–17

Jewish community, 194–5

killing of dogs and cats, 198

Napoleonic invasion, 311–12, 317–18

and Nur al-Din’s conquest, 238–41, 251

and Ottoman conquest, 291, 294

and peace deal, 502–3

and Persian conquests, 49–50, 162–4

and Roman occupation, 73–7, 81–2

and Six Day War, 489, 494–5, 517

and Suez Canal, 355, 490

and Turkoman conquest, 202

and UAR, 490–1

and Yom Kippur War, 505

Egyptians, ancient, 14–15, 18, 28–30, 35–6, 38, 41–2, 85n

Eichmann, Adolf, 487

Eilat, 493

Ein Kerem, 95, 365, 449

Ekron, 20

El Alamein, Battle of, 460

El-Arish, 218, 380–2

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen, 234–5, 257

Eleazar the Galilean, 130

elephants, 57, 63, 67

Elgar, Sir Edward, 321n

Eliahu, Jacob, 37n, 365

Elijah, prophet, 197n

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, 378

Elizabeth I, Queen, 299

Elizabeth II, Queen, 454n

Ella, Grand Duchess, 368–9, 386n, 444n, 454n

Elyashar, Menache, 418

Emesa, 88n

Emmaus, 163

English Hotel, 344

Enlightenment, 331, 374

Enver Pasha, Ismail, 394–5, 400–2, 408, 416

Ephraim, 24

Epic of Gilgamesh, 36, 45n

Eshkol, Levi, 489–90, 493

Essenes, 100n

Ethiopia, 157n, 517

Ethiopian Church, 157n, 310, 517

Euclid, 190n

Eudocia, Empress, 153–7

Eudocia’s Wall, 69n

Eugénie, Empress, 355

Eugenius II, Pope, 234

Euphemius, 156n

Euphrates, river, 35, 42, 81, 210

Eusebius of Caesarea, 136, 145–8

Eustace of Grenier, 221

Eustochium, 151

Eutropia, 146n

Evliya Celebi, xxv, 290, 303–5, 309

Execration texts, 14n

executions, 356, 397, 403

see also crucifixion; stoning

Exodus, 460

Ezekiah, 74

Ezion-Geber, 26

Fabri, Felix, 286

Faisal, King of Iraq, 406–7, 420–1, 424–9, 431–3

Faisal II, King of Iraq, 490

Falashas, 157n

Falkenhayn, Field Marshal Erich von, 408–9, 416–17

Faraj, Sultan, 283–4

Farhi, Haim, 315, 322, 323n

Farouk, King of Egypt, 334n, 466, 482

Farran, Major Roy, 465–7

Farrukh, 297

Fast Hotel, 390, 401, 408, 417, 424, 451

Fatah, 488, 501–2, 505n, 507

al-Fatat, 403

Fatima (daughter of the Prophet), 172, 178, 187n, 194, 403n

Fatimid dynasty, 193–5, 197, 201–2, 203n

Fausta, Empress, 145, 146n

Felix, Antonius, 116, 119

Fellowes, Cornelius, 347n

Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 293–4

Field of Blood, 108, 160

Filastin, 394

Final Solution, 294, 436, 454–5, 457

Finn, James, 335, 341, 343–6, 348–9, 352–3, 444

First Wall, 69, 106n

Firyal, Princess, 488, 491

Fiscus Judaicus, 130, 133

Fisk, Pliny, 337

flagellation, 106–7

Flaubert, Gustave, xix, 344–5, 346

Fleming, James, 228n

Florence, 207n

Flourishing Edifice, 293

Foley, Major, 389n, 391

Ford, Henry, 423n

Forster, E. M., 443n

France, 296, 301, 310, 318, 330–1, 333–5, 341–3

and division of Middle East, 405, 407, 411, 414–15, 420–1, 424, 426, 431, 433

fall of, 454

and Suez crisis, 487

and Zionism, 414–15

Francis I, King of France, 355

Frankish customs, 230–1

Franklin, Benjamin, 336

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 395

Franz Joseph, Emperor, 355–6

Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor, 256

Frederick II, Emperor, King of Sicily, 266–70, 422n, 480

Frederick III, Emperor of Germany, 355–6, 375

Frederick of Regensburg, 228n

Frederick of Swabia, Duke, 256

French Revolution, 311, 317, 331, 374

Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden, 376

Fuad Pasha, Grand Vizier, 356

Fulcher of Chartres, 212–13

Fulk the Black, Count of Anjou, 201, 221

Fulk, Viscount of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, 221–5, 229, 233, 235n

fundamentalism, xvii, xix, 86n, 281, 447, 469, 506

Gabriel, Archangel, 169–70

Galen, 190n

Galerius, Emperor, 140

Gallipoli, 402

Gallus Caesar, 149–50

Galveston Plan, 382

Gamaliel VI, 154

Ganzak, 163

Garabedian, Yessayi, Armenian Patriarch, 363

Garden of Eden, 17

Garden of Gethsemane, 103, 162, 493

Garden Tomb, 365

Gate of the Chain, 138, 264, 279, 280n, 292n

Gate of the Cotton-Merchants, 280

Gate of the Divine Presence, 264

Gath, 19–20

Gaul, 72–3, 93, 112

Gaza, 49, 57n, 67, 70, 79n, 172, 240, 272, 302, 307, 407, 416, 433, 447n, 466

and Hamas and Intifada, 447n, 506–7, 509, 513

and Israeli war, 481, 503

Geba, 84n

Gedaliah, 44n, 309

Gehenna, 39–40, 281

Gemaraiah, son of Shaphan, 41n

Gemellus, 111–12

Geneva, 482

Genghis Khan, 157n, 280, 283, 375

Genseric, King of the Vandals, 130n

St George, 197n, 244

St George’s Cathedral, 363

St George’s School, 384, 442

George V, King, 321n, 363, 421

George II, King of Greece, 456

Georgia, 156n

Georgians, 106n, 281–2, 285, 296

Ger court, 484n, 515

Germanicus, 112

Germany, 270n, 373, 375, 377, 409, 426, 460

Nazi Germany, 439–41, 449, 455–6

Gerold, Patriarch, 268

Gessius Florus, 121–3

Gezer, 26, 29n

al-Ghadiya, Abdel Latif, 308

al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, 203n

Ghosh,Jaber Abu, 330

Gibeon (Tell al-Ful), 19, 21

Gihon Spring, 14–15, 21–2, 25, 36

Gladstone, William, 350n, 388

Glaphyra, 93

Glubb, General Sir John (Glubb Pasha), 477–80, 484–5, 490

Gnostic Gospels, 109n, 139n

God-fearers, 118, 120

Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, 208, 210–12, 214–15, 227, 249, 320

Goedsche, Hermann, 380n

Gogol, Nikolai, 341–2, 344

Goitein, S. D., 199n

Golan, 9, 70, 138

gold, 28, 31

Golden Calf, 198

Golden Gate, 164, 165n, 184, 185n, 195, 213, 227, 265n, 347, 388, 522

Goldsmith, Frank, 441

Golgotha, 106, 138, 147, 365

Goliath, 19

Goliath’s Spring, 275

Goodman, Alan, 503

Gordon, General Charles ‘Chinese’, 365

Goren, Rabbi Shlomo, 497, 508n

Gort, Field Marshal Viscount, John, 462

Gospel of Judas, 139n

Gospel of Peter, 109n

Gospel of Philip, 139n

Goths, 139

Government House, 431, 440, 442, 451, 474, 481, 495

Grabar, Oleg, 488, 507n

Graham, Stephen, 367, 387–8

Grammar School, 265n

Granada, 200n, 283–4

Grand Mufti, see Husseni, Amin

Grand New Hotel, 363

Grant, President Ulysses S., 357n

Gray, Colonel Nicol, 466

Greece, 60, 81, 88, 124, 327, 454n, 457

Greek Fire, 207, 211

Greek language, 55

Greek love, 134n

Greeks, 53–64, 72, 106n, 112, 115, 134

see also Orthodox Church

Greenberg, Raphael, 511n

Gregory IX, Pope, 267

Gregory of Nyssa, Saint, 152, 156

Grodno, 307

Gulf of Aqaba, 26

Gur, Colonel Motta, 496–7

Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem, 244–8, 255, 260n

Habiru, 14, 15n

Hadassah Hospital, 440, 473, 481, 495

hadith, 184

Hadrian, Emperor, 133–9, 369

Hafiz Pasha, 346

Haganah, 430, 438–9, 450–3, 456–7, 463, 465, 468–72, 478–80, 486, 503n

Haggai, prophet, 49

Haifa, 447, 459n, 475

Hajim Bey, 419–20

al-Hakim, Caliph, 197–200, 203

Halevi, Judah, 230

Hama, 405

Hamas, 447n, 506–7, 509, 513

hammam bathhouses, 360

Hammurabi, 14

Hamza, 177

Handel, George Frideric, 65n, 426

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 42

Hannibal, 57n, 60

Hanukkah, 65, 98, 417

Haram al-Sharif, 87, 176n, 184, 188n, 193n, 197, 219, 354n, 437, 488, 498

archives, 284

daily rituals, 519–20

Husseini burials, 505n

and Islamic sultanate, 254, 260, 264–6

negotiations and access, 515

and Parker fiasco, 391

al-Harawi, Ali, 230

Haredim, 486–7

Harel Brigade, 474, 476

Harff, Arnold von, 286

al-Harizi, Judah, 265

Harold, King, 201

Haroun al-Rashid, Caliph, 189–90

Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur, 450

Hasan bin Ali, 180n, 403n

Hasidic Jews, 22, 64, 100n, 359, 375n, 364, 375n, 399, 479, 486, 487n

Hatikvah, 425, 474–5

Hazael, King of Damascus, 32n

Hazor, 22, 26, 29n

Hebrew University, 394, 410, 425, 440, 450

Hebrews, 15–17

Hebron, 16, 21, 24, 65, 137, 270, 288n, 329, 333, 346, 438, 449, 483

Heine, Heinrich, xx

Hejaz, 396, 403, 406, 422

Helena, Empress, 143, 145–7

Helena, Queen of Adiabene, 100–1

Henry VI, Emperor, 263n

Henry II, King, 235n, 245n, 257

Henry III, King, 269–70, 422n

Henry IV, King, 285n

Henry V, King, 285n

Henry VIII, King, 146n, 278n, 292, 297

Henry of Champagne, King of Jerusalem, 260n, 265n

Henry, King of the Romans, 270n

Hensmans Hotel, 457

Heraclius, Emperor, 163–5, 172–3, 179, 184, 189, 227

Heraclius, Patriarch, 219n, 244, 245n, 246, 249–50, 254, 256

Hermann of Salza, 270

Herod the Great, King, 3, 5, 9, 14, 27n, 67n, 71, 74–92, 111, 123, 146n, 185

his death, 90–2

and massacre of the innocents, 91

rebuilding of Jerusalem, 82–7

Herod Agrippa I, King, 91n, 111–16, 119, 126

Herod Agrippa II, King, 5–6, 9, 115–16, 119–24, 131–2

Herod Antipas, Tetrarch, 90, 92–6, 98–100, 104–5, 110–12, 119, 122

Herod Archelaus, Ethnarch, 91n, 92–3

Herod Philip, Tetrarch, 93, 96, 111–12

Herod, King of Chalcis, 115–16

Herod’s Gate, 208, 211, 468

Herod’s Palace, 8, 84, 93

Herod’s Tomb, 92n

Herodias, 95–6, 98, 111–12

Herodium fortress, 79n, 92, 136

Herodotus, 47, 49

Hershell, Rabbi David, 345

Herzl, Theodore, 373–82, 475, 503n

Hess, Moses, 374

Hess, Rudolf, 411n

Hethoum II, King of Armenia, 279

Hezekiah, King, 34–9, 355

Hezekiah’s Wall, 69n

Higher Arab Committee, 448

Hilkiah, 40

Hill of Evil Counsel, 440

Hillel, 149

Himmler, Heinrich, 456, 480

Hindenburg, Field Marshal Paul von, 439n

Hindenburg (Allenby’s horse), 419–20

Hindu Kush, 50

Hippicus tower, 84, 132

Hippocrates, 190n

Hiram, King of Tyre, 26

Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 382

Hitler, Adolf, 65n, 270n, 382n, 400, 423n, 436, 447, 450, 452–5, 459, 461

meeting with Grand Mufti, 454–5

rise to power, 439–41

Hittites, 14–15, 23

Hoess, Rudolf, 408

Hoffenstahl, Captain, 389–90

Holland, 294–5

Holocaust, 59, 395, 400, 408n, 440n, 455n, 457, 463, 487

survivors, 463–4

Yad Vashem memorial, 454n, 483n

Holy Lance, 152, 162, 209

Holy of Holies, 3, 6–7, 27, 62, 72–3, 85–7, 112, 125, 129–30, 510

and Arab conquest, 175–6, 179

Holy Sepulchre, see Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Holy War Army, 448–9, 470

Homer, 45

Homs, 405

Hood, Lord, 322

Horn, Father Eleazar, 309–10

Horns of Hattin, 246, 248

Hoshayahu, 42n

House of Wisdom, 190, 196

Hugh, Count of Jaffa, 222

Hungary, 342

hunting, 233

Hurcombe, Sergeant Fred, 418

Hurva Synagogue, 308n, 330, 349, 352n, 480, 511

Hussars of Israel, 343n

Hussein, bin Ali (grandson of the Prophet), 180

Hussein, King of Hejaz (Sherif Hussein), 402–3, 405–6, 415, 432

his tomb, 479, 484

Hussein, King of Jordan, 477, 484–5, 488–90, 505, 507–8, 515

and Six Day War, 490–6

Hussein, Saddam, 251, 485

Husseini family, 308–9, 329, 360–2, 364, 394, 423, 429, 434, 439, 483, 489, 491

Abd al-Kadir al-Husseini, 449, 452, 468–71, 505n

Adnan al-Husseini, 519n

Faisal al-Husseini, 470, 506–7, 518n

Hussein Effendi al-Husseini, 385, 391, 399, 401, 417–18, 420

Ismail al-Husseini, 385

Jamal al-Husseini, 453

Kamal al-Husseini, Grand Mufti Muhammad ibn Mustafa al-Husseini, 307–8

Musa al-Husseini, 481–2

Musa Kazem al-Husseini, 424, 430, 433, 445, 449

Rabah Effendi al-Husseini, 364–5

Rafiq al-Husseini, 518n

Said al-Husseini, 468

Umar al-Husseini, 362

Uthman al-Husseini, 385

al-Husseini, Grand Mufti Haj Amin, 418, 429–31, 435–9, 441, 443, 445–55, 468–9

and Arab revolt, 448–54

meeting with Hitler, 454–5

political decline, 478, 481, 484–5

Huxley, Aldous, xix

Hyrcanus the Tobiad, 56–7, 61n

Hyrcanus II, 70–2, 74–6, 79, 81

Ibn al-Arabi, 203, 213n

Ibn al-Qaysarani, 233

Ibn Asakir, 183

Ibn Battutah, 281

Ibn Ishaq, 172n

Ibn Khaldun, xviii, xxv, 179n, 186, 283–4

Ibn Killis, Grand Vizier, 193–4, 200n

Ibn Shaddad, Baha al-Din, 251n, 252, 261–4

Ibn Taymiyya, 281

Ibn Tulun, Ahmed, 190–1

Ibn Unain, 253

Ibn Wasil, 265, 270

Ibrahim Pasha ‘the Red’, 326–30, 333–4

Idumeans, 71, 125

al-Ikhshid, Muhammad Ibn Tughi, 191

Ikhshid tombs, 193n

Il-Ghazi, 203, 219–20

Imad al-Din, 247, 251n, 254, 258

Imperial Hotel, 444, 518

Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, 368, 386n

India, 50n, 304, 311, 403

Indus, river, 54, 57n

Industrial Revolution, 331

Intifadas, 503–4, 507

Iran, 73, 180n, 181, 186–7, 454

Jewish community, 34n, 48n

Iraq, 30, 36, 64, 73, 101, 134, 150, 180n, 186, 218, 234, 236, 382n, 404

and Arab conquest, 172, 178, 180–1

and Arab Revolt, 403, 405

and division of Middle East, 432, 446, 454, 467–8

and Grand Mufti’s revolt, 448, 454

and Islamic sultanate, 243, 251, 253, 262

and Israeli wars, 477, 494

Jewish community, 34n, 48n, 133, 486

and Persian conquest, 161, 163

Iraq War, 209, 406

Ireland, 409

Ireneos, Patriarch, 520–1

Irgun Zvai Leumi, 439, 450, 453, 457–60, 464–7, 470, 472, 475, 479, 503n

Isaac, son of Abraham, 16, 27n, 39n, 86

Isaac Angelus, 263

Isabella, Queen of Castile, 293–4

Isabella, Queen of Jerusalem, 256n, 265n

Isaiah, prophet, 33–5, 38, 95, 97, 100–1

Isfahan, 283

Ishbosheth, 21

Islam, 10, 483

early, 170–1, 174, 176, 178, 180–1, 184

and offers of conversion, 248–9

Ismail, Imam, 194

Ismail, Shah, 288


and Assyrian conquest, 31–4

coinage, 124, 136

and dysfunctional democracy, 511n

founding of modern state, xxiv, 326, 475–6

and the Maccabees, 65n

revolt against Romans, 123–4, 136

and Six Day War, 492–8

and Suez crisis, 490

union and split with Judah, 21–2, 25, 30–1

war of independence, 458n, 476–82

Israel Defence Forces, 452, 491

Israelites, xviii, 15–20, 25–9

Lost Tribes, 34, 297n, 322, 337–8

Israelovsky Regiment, 311n

Israfil, Archangel of Death, 185n

Israiliyyat, 176

Istanbul, 293, 295–6, 302–3, 306, 311, 315n, 327, 330, 333–5, 342–3, 356, 360–1, 370, 377, 389, 393–4, 400, 402, 405n, 416n, 454n

Italy, 71, 73, 143, 269, 270n, 295

Italian Jews, 454

Iturea, 69

Ivan the Terrible, 146n

ivory, 28

Izzat Bey, 417

Jabiya, 174

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 421, 423, 428–31, 437–9, 458–9, 499

Jacob (Israel), 16

Jacob Baradeus, 157n

Jacobs, Julius, 426n

Jacobson, Eddie, 461, 473

Jaffa, 268, 271, 310, 329, 339, 355–6, 363, 394, 418, 448, 450

and Crusades, 209–10, 215–16, 219, 249, 258, 262

and Jerusalem railway, 348–9

and Napoleonic invasion, 312, 316–18

and Parker fiasco, 391–2

see also Joppa

Jaffa Gate, 104, 208, 268, 288, 292n, 319, 343, 347, 349, 356, 363–4, 377, 384, 397, 400, 418–21, 424, 441, 444, 451–3, 469, 473, 479, 519

Jaffa Road, 356, 363, 384, 417–18

St James, 115, 119n

St James the Just (James, brother of Jesus), 107, 109–10, 115, 117–19, 124, 144

St James’s Cathedral, 233n, 285, 318n

St Jameses Cathedral, 119n, 162, 277

James I, King, 300

James, King of Aragon, 279

James, brother of Jesus, see St James the Just

Jameson Raid, 389n

Jamra, 188

Jaqmaq, Sultan, 286, 287n

al-Jarallah, Sheikh Husam, 481 see Jarallah

Jason, 61

Jawhariyyeh, Wasif, xxv, 384–5, 388, 390, 395, 397–401, 417, 419–20, 429, 435, 444–5, 449, 453, 456–7, 471–4

Jawhar al-Siqili, 193

Jazzar Pasha, Ahmet, 315–18

Jebusites, 15, 18, 21–2

Jefferson, Thomas, President, 336

Jeharah, King of Judah, 31

Jehoash, King, 32–3

Jehoiakim, King, 41, 45

Jehoshaphat Gate, 240

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 337n

Jehu, King, 32

Jem Sultan, Crown Prince, 288

Jemal Pasha, 395–8, 400, 403, 407–8, 414, 416, 419, 489

Jeremiah, prophet, 41–3, 44n, 100n, 101, 301

Jericho, 13–14, 17n, 43, 71, 79–80, 84n, 90–1, 125, 163, 210, 276, 363, 465, 479

Jeroboam, 29–30

St Jerome, 151–4, 160


Albanian conquest, 326–30

American obsession with, 329n, 336–9

Arab conquest, 173–7, 181–6

and archaeology, 354–6, 390

and Assyrian threat, 36–8

Babylonian destruction, 1, 9, 42–4

British conquest, 416–26

British withdrawal, 465–71

Byzantine city, 159–60

canine pogrom, 307–8

Christian pilgrims, 200–1, 226–7, 284–5, 327–8

Crusader city, 225–32, 235–6

Crusader conquest, 203–20

David’s conquest, 21–23

divided city, 481–9

earthquakes, 149–50, 155, 187, 200

evangelists and visitors, 331–58

Fatimid conquest, 193–5

and Grand Mufti’s revolt, 448–54

Hadrian’s city, 135n

as heavenly city, 10, 33–4, 117, 133, 140, 197

Hellenization, 59–62

Herod’s rebuilding, 82–7

Hezekiah’s city, 35

Islamic city, 264–5

Islamic conquest, 249–50, 253–4

and Israeli rule, 503–23

Kaiser’s visit, 377–80

and life of Jesus, 98–106

Mamluk conquest, 271–2, 276–88

modern life, 515–20

modernist city, 440–5

and Mongol raids, 272, 275, 277–8

multiplicity of names, 176n, 521–2

nineteenth-century city, 359–66

Ottoman conquest, 291–3

Persian conquest, 161–4

Persian rebuilding, 49–51

riots, 429–30, 436–8, 506–7, 509–10

Roman destruction, 1–10

Roman restoration, 145–6, 149–50

Roman suppression, 134–9

and Russian pilgrims, 353, 369, 385–7, 392, 405n

security wall, 509, 512

situation and name, 13–14

and Six Day War, 492–5

Tartar conquest, 271–2

theocracy and power struggle, 58–9

and Three Pashas, 394–401

and Turkoman conquest, 202–3

Jerusalem Academy, 191n, 195

Jerusalem Brigade, 470, 497

Jerusalem Chapels, 285

Jerusalem Chess Club, 424

Jerusalem Emergency Committee, 474

Jerusalem Families, xxiv, 177, 316, 329, 351, 370, 384, 398–9, 420, 442, 472, 474, 508n, 518, 521

ascendancy of, 308–9, 360–1, 364, 385, 434–5

and Israeli war, 481, 483–4, 488

and land sales, 394, 437

Jerusalem Syndrome, xxi, 341–2, 437–8, 499, 501–2

Jesse, of Bethlehem, 19

Jesus, prophet, 120–1

Jesus Christ, 4, 10, 34, 48n, 87, 90, 135, 148n, 150, 165n, 427, 461

his circumcision, 222

and early Christians, 117–19, 122, 133–4, 136

and Gnostics, 140n

and icons, 229

and Islam, 170, 185, 519

his life, 91, 93–4, 96–110

and Manichaeanism, 144n

relics of, 146–7, 152, 162, 229

his tomb, 146–7, 165n, 271, 300, 320

and William Blake, 321n

Jewish Agency, 445, 457, 461–5, 475, 481, 503n

Jewish Auxiliaries, 452

Jewish calendar, 27

Jewish Legion, 421, 430

Jewish observances, 45, 54, 59

Jesus and, 97–8

Jewish Quarter, 8, 35n, 36, 43, 159n, 191, 255, 286, 295, 298, 308, 335, 345, 511, 518

and Buraq Uprising, 438

and Israeli war, 468, 479–80

restoration of, 503–4
