Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship.
The Koran,17.1
The Apostle of Allah, accompanied by Gabriel, was transported to Jerusalem where he found Abraham and Moses and the other Prophets.
Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah
A ruler was not considered a caliph unless he reigned over both the Holy Mosque [Mecca] and the Jerusalem Mosque.
Sibani, Fadail
One day in Jerusalem is like a thousand days, one month like a thousand months, and one year like a thousand years. Dying there is like dying in the first sphere of heaven.
Kaab al-Ahbar, Fadail
A sin committed [in Jerusalem] is equal to a thousand sins and a good deed there to a thousand good deeds.
Khalid bin Madan al-Kalai, Fadail
Allah, may he be praised, said of Jerusalem. You are my Garden of Eden, my hallowed and chosen land.
Kaab al-Ahbar, Fadail
O Jerusalem,I shall send you my servant Abd al-Malik to rebuild and adorn you.
Kaab al-Ahbar, Fadail