‘We’ve just had a call from Wilkinson’s in Shirley. Apparently, DI Grace just left there in a hurry.’

McAndrew’s tone was hushed. She clearly felt awkward working against their boss, but orders were orders, so she’d brought her news straight to Sanderson and Charlie.

‘This is the address of the store -’

‘I know where it is,’ Sanderson interrupted. ‘Alert uniform in the area to be on their guard – I want any sightings radioed in immediately.’

‘I’ll advise officers in outlying areas to head towards the precinct – they can form a wider net in case she slips through.’

‘Was she on foot?’

‘I believe so.’

‘Good, then we’ve got a good chance of taking her. I’ll take the car down there now.’

Charlie watched Sanderson head off, her emotions in riot. Since the arrest warrant had been finalized, she had been torn in two. One part of her wanted to do her duty like McAndrew, but the greater part of her wanted to warn Helen of the danger she was now in. She couldn’t call or text her as that would be too easily traced back to her, but perhaps there was a payphone in one of the local pubs? Charlie had the sense that the net was closing on Helen now and, unless she did something to help her, she was doomed.

‘DS Brooks is coming with me. You can take point here.’

It was said to McAndrew, but was aimed at Charlie. Sanderson was looking at her as if she could read her mind, sensing her disloyalty. The eyes of the room were on her now so with a heavy heart, Charlie said:

‘Sure. Let’s go.’

There would be no escape for Helen today.
