‘They haven’t got a bloody clue.’
David Simons’s tone was withering.
‘They arrest someone, let him go. Arrest someone else, let her go…’
Emilia nodded and let Simons rant. Like many in the BDSM community, he had had his hopes raised by the arrest of Michael Parker. News of Parker’s sudden release was therefore a kick in the teeth that had been met with a wave of anger. Many were confused, others were scared, but none had the personal connection that Simons had. Which is why he was blowing a gasket now.
‘It’s incredibly frustrating,’ Emilia said, when Simons eventually drew breath. ‘We all want to get justice for Jake and the investigation seems… unfocused at best. Which is why I wanted to talk to you.’
Simons suddenly looked up, intrigued and surprised.
‘Forgive me for revisiting painful memories, but you said when we talked before that there was someone else in Jake’s life? A woman he had feelings for?’
Simons stared at her, clearly unhappy to be reminded of this.
‘I know this is difficult for you,’ Emilia continued, ‘but it’s really important. What did Jake tell you about the nature of their relationship?’
‘Not a lot – I had to prise it out of him.’
‘And it was complicated. At first, he denied he had feelings for this woman. Then he said he was over her, but I’m not sure that was true either. He used to follow her around at one time, after she’d dropped him -’
‘He stalked her?’
‘I didn’t say that. But he had issues… letting go.’
‘So what happened?’
‘She walloped him,’ Simons said, smiling grimly.
‘She attacked him?’
‘He gave her a fright and got what was coming to him. She lamped him with her motorcycle helmet, I think, and he left her alone after that. He didn’t like telling me of course, but I needed to know everything. For all the good it did me…’
Emilia hesitated – scribbling down ‘motorcycle helmet’ – then asked:
‘You mentioned that you saw them together once – Jake and this woman. Did you see her face?’
‘Only for a moment, but I was intrigued so…’
‘Would you recognize her now?’
‘Why? Why are you asking me these questions?’
‘Look, David, I know this probably seems odd but I’m trying to put together the fullest picture of Jake’s life that I can. For reasons that you’ll understand in time, I’m not convinced we can have full confidence in the police investigation and somebody needs to carry on the fight on Jake’s behalf.’
Simons looked at her and then said:
‘Yes, I think I would.’
Emilia delved into her bag. Pulling a photo from inside, she laid it on the table.
‘Is this her?’
Simons leant forward. Emilia watched him closely. She was trying to remain calm, but her heart was in her mouth. Finally, Simons looked up at her and said:
‘Yes, it is.’