‘What do we say to the press?’

There was more than a hint of excitement in Gardam’s voice, but Helen knew he was experienced enough not to get carried away.

‘There’s massive media interest in this case already and I don’t want to whip them up any more,’ he continued. ‘I take it you’ve seen the early edition of the Evening News?’

Helen confirmed that she had, trying to put Emilia Garanita’s lurid four-page spread from her mind. It was written as if in sympathy with the dead, but in reality was a hatchet job on Jake and everyone ‘like’ him. She could tell that Emilia was hoping that this story would be a long runner and felt a small sense of satisfaction that she might be about to cut her enjoyment short.

‘I think we play it straight,’ Helen carried on. ‘We say that an individual is helping us with our enquiries and leave it at that.’

‘They’ll know he’s in custody. DS Sanderson has made sure of that. What details are we prepared to release?’

‘Gender, age if you want, but leave it at that,’ she replied, making a mental note to talk to Sanderson. ‘We don’t want a witch hunt.’

‘I think we’re probably going to get one, come what may, but I’m sure you’re right. I’ll give them enough and no more. If you want to come along to say a few words to start us off -’

‘I think I’m better used in the interview suite, sir.’

‘As you wish. I understand he’s already downstairs, so don’t let me keep you. I’ll field the hacks and leave you to do what you do best. The sooner we nip this one in the bud, the better.’

Helen thanked him and headed for the lift bank. Paul Jackson was an unlikely suspect in some ways, but he had history with Jake, a taste for the exotic, as well as access to people’s credit card details. Killers came in all shapes and sizes and Paul Jackson had a lot of explaining to do. Would he be able to tell her why her good friend had been so brutally killed? As she descended to the custody area, Helen felt a surge of excitement, a sense that they were finally getting somewhere. And unless her eyes deceived her, Gardam was feeling it too.
