В данном разделе помимо Hanson J.С.М. A comparative study of cataloging rules based on the Anglo-American code of 1908: With comments on the rules and on the prospects for a further extension of international agreement and cooperation.— Chicago, 1939.— XIV, 144 p. и Working group on the co-ordination of cataloguing principles: Report on anonyma and works of corporate authorship / IFLA — FIAB Communications // Libri.— 1956.— Vol. 6, № 3.— P. 271-298, использован один из рабочих документов Лондонского предварительного совещания (июнь 1959 г.) по подготовке Международной конференции по принципам каталогизации: IFLA. International cataloguing conference. Preliminary meeting. Working papers. № 9. Poindron P. Preliminary report of some problems to corporate authorship.
