Nathan Pollock and Corinne Meilleroux both stand up from the table when the situation in the dayroom becomes more acute.

They realise that Jurek has decided to execute Bernie, and are hoping that Saga won’t forget that she has no police responsibilities or rights.

‘There’s nothing we can do,’ Corinne whispers.

Slow, thunderous rumbling sounds emerge from the speakers. Johan Jönson adjusts the sound levels and scratches his head anxiously.

‘Give me a punishment instead,’ Bernie whimpers. ‘I deserve a punishment...’

‘I can break both his legs,’ Saga says.

Corinne wraps her arms round herself and is trying to control her breathing.

‘Don’t do anything,’ Pollock whispers to the speaker. ‘You have to trust the guards, you’re only a patient.’

‘Why hasn’t anyone come in?’ Johan Jönson says. ‘The guards must have noticed what’s going on, for God’s sake?’

‘If she acts, Jurek will kill her at once,’ Corinne whispers, the stress making her French accent come to the fore.

‘Don’t do anything,’ Pollock pleads. ‘Don’t do anything!’
