Дополнительная литература

Общая литература по теме книги

Brown, G. The Energy of Life. HarperCollins, London, 1999.

Cairns-Smith, G. Seven Clues to the Origin of Life. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1985.

Cowen, R. History of Life. 5th ed. Blackwells, New York, 2000[103].

Davies, P. The Fifth Miracle. The Search for the Origin of Lifе. Penguin Books, London, 1998.

Dawkins, R. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989[104].

Djerassi, С. and Hoffman, R. Oxygen. Wiley-VСН, Weinheim, 2001.

Dyson, F. Origins of Life. Revised Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

Emsley, J. Molecules at an Exhibition.Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.

Fenchal, Т. and Finlay, В. J. Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.

Fortey, R. Life: An Unauthorised Biography. НаrреrСоllins, London, 1997[105].

Fortey, R. Trilobite! Flamingo, London, 2001.

Gould, S. J. Wonderful Life. The Burgess Shale and the Nature of Story. Penguin Books, London, 1989.

Hager, Т. Linus Pauling and the Chemistry of Lifе. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.

Halliwell, В. and Gutteridge, J. М. С. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, Third Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

Holliday, R. Understanding Аgeing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995.

Hughes, R. Е. Vitamin С. Сатbridgе World History of Food (Eds. Kiple, К. F. and Ornelas, К. С). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.

Jacob, F. Of Flies, Mice and Men. Harvard UniversityPress, Cambridge, 2001.

Jones, S. The Language of the Genes. Second edition. Flаmingo, London, 2000.

Kirkwood, Т. The End of Аge. Reith Lectures 2001. Profile Books, London, 2001.

Kirkwood, Т. Time of Оur Lives. Why Ageing is Neither Inevitable поr Necessary. Phoenix, London, 2000.

Lovelock, J. The Ages of Gaia: А Biography of Our Living Еаrth. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.

Margulis, L. and Sagan, D. Microcosmos. Four Billion Years of Мicrobial Evolution. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1986.

Maynard Smith, J. and Eors Szathmary, Е. The Origins of Life: From the Birth of Life to the Origin of Language. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

Medawar, Р. An Unsolved Рroblет of Biology. НК Lewis, London, 1952.

Nesse, R. М. and Williams, G. С. Evolution and Healing. Phoenix, London, 1995.

Porter, R. The Сreatest Веnefit to Mankind. HarperCollins, London, 1999.

Ridley, М. Genome. Fourth Estate, London, 1999[106].

Stearns, S. С. (Ed.). Evolution in Health and Disease. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

Tudge, С. The Variety of Lifе. Oxford UniversityPress, Oxford, 2000.

Watson, J. The Double Helix. Penguin Books, London, 1999[107].

Weatherall, D. Science and the Quiet Art. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.

Willcox, В. J., Willcox, С. and Suzuki, М. The Okinawa Way. Mermaid Books, London, 2001[108].

Глава 1. Открытие кислорода

Lavoisier, А. Elements of Chеmistrу. Dover Publications, New York, 1965 (впервые опубликовано в Париже в 1789 г.).

Priestley, J. Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. Birmingham, 1775.

Szydlo, Z. А new light on alchemy. History Today 47: 17 — 24; 1997.

Szydlo, Z. Water Which Does Not Wet Hands. The Alchemy of Michael Sendivogius. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1994.

Bernard Jaffe. Crucibles. Newton Publishing Со, New York, 1932.

Лечение кислородом

Haldane, J. S. Respiration. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1922.

Greif, R., Akca, О., Horn, E. Р., Kurz, А., and Sessler, D. I. Supplemental perioperative oxygen to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection. New Епgland Journal of Мedicine 342: 161 — 167; 2000.

Подводное плавание и атмосферное давление

Martin, L. Scuba Diving Explained: Questions and Answers on Physiology апd Меdiсаl Aspects of Sсиba Diving. Best Publishing Со, Flagstaff, AZ, 1999.

Ashcroft, F. Life at the Extremes: The Science of Survival. HarperCollins, London, 2000.

Bert, P. La Pression Barometrique. Paris, 1878.

Haldane, J. В. S. Possible Worlds and Other Essays. Chatto and Windus, London, 1930.

Глава 2. Факторы, регулирующие содержание кислорода в атмосфере

Berner, R. А. Biogeochemical cycles of carbon and sulfur and their effect on atmospheric oxygen over Phanerozoic time. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 75: 97 — 122; 1988.

Кислород и эволюция

Cloud, Р. Atmospheric and hydrospheric evolution on the primitive earth. Science 160: 729 — 736; 1968.

Knoll, А. Н. and Holland, Н. D. Oxygen and Proterozoic evolution: an update. In Effects of Fаst Global Change on Life (Eds.: Panel on Effects of Past Global Change on Life). National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1995.

Глава 3. Монстры Шпигельмана и потеря сложности

Spiegelman, S. An in vitro analysis of а replicating molесulе. American Scientist 55: 3 — 8; 1967.

Первые признаки жизни и изотопы углерода

Mojzsis, S. J., Arrhenius, С., McKeegan, К. D., Harrison, Т. М., Nutman, А. Р. and Friend, С. R. L. Evidence for life on earth before 3,800 million years ago. Nature 384: 55 — 59; 1996.

Ископаемые цианобактерии и эукариоты

Brocks, JJ., Logan, G. A., Buick, R. and Summons, R. E. Archean mоlecular fossils and the early rise of eukaryotes. Science 285: 1033 — 1036; 1999.

Knoll, А. Н. А new molecular window on early lifе. Science 285: 1025 — 1026; 1999.

Canfield, D. Е. А breath of fresh air. Nature 400: 503 — 504; 1999.

Полосатые железные горы

Widdel, F., Schnell, S., Heising, S., Ehrenreich, A., Assmus, В. and Schink, В. Ferrous iron oxidation by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Nature 362: 834 — 836; 1993.

Черное море и Ноев ковчег

Ryan, W., Pitman, W. and Нахbу, W. (illustrator). Noahʼs Flood: the New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed History. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1999.

Изотопы серы, пирит и кислород

Canfield, D. Е. А new model of Proterozoic ocean chemistry. Nature 396: 450 — 452; 1998.

Canfield, D. Е, Habicht, К. S. and Thamdrup, В. The Archean sulfur cycle and the early history of atmospheric oxygen. Science 288: 658 — 661; 2000.

Природные ядерные реакторы в Габоне

Cowan, G. А. А natural fission reactor. Scientific Атеriсап 235: 36 — 41; 1976.

«Земля-снежок» и залежи марганца в Калахари

Kirschvink, J. L., Gaidos, Е. J., Bertani, L. Е., Beukes, N. J., Gutzmer, J., Маера, L. N. and Steinberger, R. Е. Paleoproterozoic snowball earth: extreme climatic and geochemical global change and its biological consequences. Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 1400 — 1405; 2000.

Кислород и эволюция эукариот

Rye, R. and Holland, Н. D. Paleosols and the evolution of atmospheric oxygen: а critical review. American Jourпаl of Science 298: 621 — 672; 1998.

Knoll, А. Н. The early evolution of eukaryotes: а geological perspective. Science 256: 622 — 627; 1992.

Kurland, С. G. and Anderson, S. G. E. Origin and evolution of the mitochondrial proteome. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 64: 786 — 820; 2000.

Глава 4. Эволюция первых животных

Nash, М. When life exploded. Tiте Magazine 146: 66 — 74; 4 December, 1995.

Briggs D. E. G. and Fortey, R. A. The early radiation and relationships of the major arthropod groups. Science 246: 241 — 243; 1989.

Knoll, А. Н. and Carroll, S. В. Early animal evolution: emerging views from comparative biology and geology. Science 284: 2129 — 2137; 1999.

Valentine, J. W. Late Precambrian bilatarians: grades and clades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciеnces USA 91: 6751 — 6757; 1994.

Молекулярные часы

Conway Morris, S. Моlесulаr clocks: defusing the Cambrian explosion? Current Biology 7: R71 — R74; 1997.

Bromham, L., Rambaut, А., Fortey R., Cooper, А. and Penny, D. Testing the Cambrian explosion hypothesis by using а molecular dating technique. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95: 612386 — 612389; 1998.

Ayala, J., Rzhetsky, А. and Ayala, F. J. Origin of metazoan phyla: molecular clocks confirm paleontological estimates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95:606 — 611; 1998.


Hoffman, Р. F., Kaufman, А. J., Halverson, С. Р. and Schrag, D. Р. А Neoproterozoic snowball Earth. Science 281: 1342 — 1346;1998.

Hoffman, P. F. and Schrag, D. Р. Snowball Earth. Scientific American Jаnuаrу 2000.

Walker, G. Snowball Earth. New Scientist 6th November 1999.

Изотопные отношения и кислород

Canfield, D. E. and Teske, А. Late Proterozoic rise in atmospheric oxygen concentration inferred from phylogenetic and sulphur-isotope studies. Nature 382:127 — 132; 1996.

Knoll, А. Н. Breathing room for early animals. Nature 382: 111 — 112; 1996.

Kaufman, А. J., Jacobsen, S. В. and Knoll, А. Н. The Vendian record of С- and Sr-isotopic variations: Implications for tectonics and paleoclimate. Earth and Planetary Science 120: 409 — 430; 1993.


Brasier, М. D., Shields, G. А., Kuleshov, V. N. and Zhegallo, Е. А. Integrated chemo- and bio-stratigraphic calibration of early animal evolution: Neoproterozoic — early Cambrian of southwest Mongolia. Geological Magazine 133: 445 — 485; 1996.

Logan, G. А., Hayes, J. M., Hieshima, G. В. and Summons R. Е. Terminal Proterozoic reorganization of biogeochemical cycles. Nature 376: 53 — 56; 1995.

Глава 5. Гигантские стрекозы

Rutten, М. G. Geologic data on atmospheric history. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2:47 — 57; 1966.

Wakeling, J. М. and Ellington, С. Р. Dragonfly flight. III. Lift and power requirements. Journal of Ехpеrimeпtal Biology 200: 583 — 600; 1997.

Производство метана и пожары

Watson, А., Lovelock, J. Е. and Margulis L. Methanogenesis, fires and the regulation of atmospheric oxygen. Biosystems 10: 293 — 298; 1978.


Beerling, D. J., Woodward, F. I., Lomas, IVf. R., Wills, М. А., Quick, W. Р. and Valdes P. J. The influence of Carboniferous palaeo-atmospheres on plant function: an experimental and modelling assessment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. В. 353: 131 — 140; 1998.

Beerling, D. J. and Berner, R. А. Impact of а Permo-Carboniferous high Oz event on the terrestrial carbon cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 12428 — 12432; 2000.

Захоронение углерода и расчет содержания кислорода в атмосфере (см. также литературу к главе 2)

Berner, R. А. and Canfield D. E. А new model for atmospheric oxygen over Phanerozoic time. American Jоиrпаl of Science 289: 333 — 361; 1989.

Пузырьки газа в янтаре

Berner, R. А. and Landis, Р. Gas bubbles in fossil amber as possible indicators of the major gas composition of ancient air. Science 239: 1406 — 1409; 1988. Technical comments on Berner and Landis. Science 241: 717 — 724; 1988.

Изотопы углерода и расчет содержания кислорода в атмосфере

Berner, R. А., Petsch, S. T., Lake, J. A., Beerling, D. J., Рорр, В. N., Lane, R. S., Laws, E. А., Westley, М. В., Cassar, N., Woodward, F. I. and Quick, W. Р. Isotopic fractionation and atmospheric oxygen: implications for Phanerozoic 02 evolution. Science 287: 1630 — 1633; 2000.

Адаптация растений к пожарам и ископаемый древесный уголь

Robinson, J. М. Phanerozoic Oz variation, fire and terrestrial ecology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Раlaeоесоlogy 75: 223 — 240; 1989.

Jones, Т. P. and Chaloner, W. G. Fossil charcoal, its recognition and palaeoatmospheric significance. In: Кumр, L. R., Kasting, J. F. and Robinson, J. М. (Eds.), Atmospheric Oxygen Variation through Geologic Time. Global and Planetary Changes: 39 — 50; 1991.

К/Т-граница, пожары и цунами

Wolbach, W. S., Lewis, R. S., Anders, E., Orth, С. J. and Brooks, R. R. Global fire at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Nature 334: 665 — 669; 1988.

Kruger, М. А., Stankiewicz, В. А., Crelling, J. С, Montanari, А. and Bensley, D. F. Fossil charcoal in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary strata: evidence for catastrophic firestorm and megawave. Geochimica et Geophysica Acta 58: 1393 — 1397; 1994.

Механика полета стрекозы в богатой кислородом атмосфере

Graham, J. В., Dudley, R., Aguilar, N. М. and Gans, С. Implications of the late Palaeozoic oxygen pulse for physiology and evolution. Nature 375: 117 — 120; 1995.

Dudley, R. Atmospheric oxygen, giant paleozoic insects and the evolution of aerial locomotor performance. Jоиrпаl of Ехpеriтеntal Biology 201: 1043 — 1050; 1998.

Harrison, J. F. and Lighton J. R. В. Oxygen-sensitive flight metabolism in the dragonfly Erythemis simplicicollis. Journal of Ехperimental Biology 201: 1739 — 1744; 1998.

«Полярный гигантизм» и кислород

Chapelle, G. and Peck, L. S. Polar gigantism dictated by oxygen availability. Nature 399: 114 — 115; 1999.

Глава 6. Жизнь Марии Кюри

Quinn, S. Marie Curie: А Life. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1995.

Облучение, «радиевые девушки» и Хиросима

Clark, С. Radium Girls: Women and Industrial Health Refоrт, 1910 — 1935. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1997.

Hersey, J. Hiroshima. Penguin Books, London, 1990.


Von Sonntag, С. Chemical Basis of Radiatioп Biology. Taylor and Francis, London, 1987.

Свободные радикалы кислорода

Fridovich I. Oxygen is toxic. Bioscience 27: 462 — 466; 1977.

Gerschman, R., Gilbert, D. L., Nye, S. W., Dwyer, Р. and Fenn W. О. Oxygen poisoning and Х-irradiation: А mechanism in common. Science 119: 623 — 626; 1954.

Gilbert, D. L. Fifty years of radical ideas. Annals of the New York Асаdemу of Science 899: 1 — 14; 2000.

Сжиженный кислород

Wilson, D. Supercold. An Introduction to Low Temperature Technology. Faber and Faber, London, 1979.

Повреждение тканей свободными радикалами, выделяющимися при дыхании

Shigenaga, М. К., Gimeno, С. J. and Ames В. N. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2ʼ-deoxyguanosine as а biological marker of in vivo oxidative DNA damage. Proceedings of the National Acadету of Sciences USA 86: 9697 — 9701; 1989.

Радиационная устойчивость бактерий

Hoyle, F. The Intelligent Universe. Michael Joseph, London, 1983.

White, О., Eisen, J. А. and Heidelberg J. F., et al. Genоmеsequence of the radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans R1. Science 286: 1571 — 1577; 1999.

Поверхность Марса

Оуаmа, V. I. and Berdahl В. J. The Viking gas exchange experiment results from Chryse and Utopia surface samples. Journal of Geophisiсаl Research 82: 4669 — 4676; 1977.

Глава 7. Эволюция фотосинтеза

Des Marais, D. When did photosynthesis emerge on Earth? Science 289: 1703 — 1705; 2000.

Xiong, J., Fischer, W. М., Inoue, К., Nakahara, М. and Bauer, С. Е. Molecular evidence for the early evolution of photosynthesis. Science 289: 1724 — 1730; 2000.

Hartman, Н. Photosynthesis and the origin of lifе. Origins of Lifе and Evolution of the Biosphere 28: 515 — 521; 1998.

Schiller, Н., Senger, Н., Miyashita, Н., Miyachi, S. and Dau, Н. Light-harvesting in Acaryochloris marina — spectroscopic characterization of а chlorophyll d-dоminated photosynthetic antenna system FEBS Letters 410: 433 — 436; 1997.

Hoganson, С. W., Pressler, М. А., Proshlyakov, D. А. and Babcock, G. Т. From water tо oxygen and back again: mechanistic similarities in the enzymatic redox conversions between water and dioxygen. Biochimka et Biophysica Acta 1365: 170 — 174; 1998.

Каталаза и кислород-выделяющий комплекс

Blankenship, R. Е. and Hartman, Н. The origin and evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Тrends in Biological Sciences 23: 94 — 97; 1998.

Ioannidis, N., Schansker, С., Barynin, V. V. and Petrouleas, V. Interaction of nitric oxide with the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II and manganese catalase: а comparative study. Jourпаl of Вiological and Inorganic Chemistry 5: 354 — 563; 2000.

Пероксид водорода на первозданной Земле

Kasting, J., Holland, Н. D. and Pinto J. Р. Oxidant abundances in rainwater and the evolution of atmospheric oxygen. Journal of Geophisiсаl Research 90: 10497 — 10510; 1985.

Kasting, J. F. Earthʼs early atmosphere. Science 259: 920 — 926; 1993.

МсКау, С. P. and Hartman, Н. Hydrogen peroxide and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Origins of Lifе and Evolution of the Biosphere 21: 157 — 163; 1991.

Глава 8. Геномы человека и шимпанзе

Chen, F. С. and Li, W. Н. Genomic divergences between humans and other hominoids and the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Атeriсап Jоиrпаl of Нumап Genetics 68: 444 — 456; 2001.

Эукариоты и митохондрии

Gray, М. W., Burger, G. and Lang, В. F. Mitochondrial evolution. Science 283: 1476 — 1481; 1999.

Kurland, С. G. and Andersson, S. G. E. Origin and evolution of the mitochondrial proteome. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 64: 86 — 820; 2000.

Последний универсальный общий предок

Woese, С. Interpreting the universal phylogenetic tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 8392 — 8396; 2000.

Woese, С. The universal ancestor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 95: 6854 — 6859; 1998.

Doolittle, W. F. and Brown, J. R. Tempo, mode, the progenote, and the universal root. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 91: 6721 — 6728; 1994.

Эволюция цитохромоксидазы и аэробного дыхания

Castresana, J. and Saraste, М. Evolution of energetic metabolism: the respiration-early hypothesis. Тrепds in Biological Sciences 20: 443 — 448; 1995.

Castresana, J. and Moreira, D. Respiratory chains in the last common ancestor of living organisms. Journal of Моlесulаr Evolution 49: 453 — 460; 1999.

Castresana, J., Liibben, М. аnd Saraste, М. New Archaebacterial genes coding for redox proteins: implications for the evolution of aerobic metabolism. Journal of Мoleсиlar Biology 250: 202 — 210; 1995.

Castresana, J., Liibben, M., Saraste, М. and Higgins, D. G. Evolution of cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme older than atmospheric oxygen. EMBO Jоиrпаl 13: 2516 — 2525; 1994.

Hoganson, С. W., Pressler, М. А., Proshlyakov, D. А. and Babcock, G. T. From water to oxygen and back again: mechanistic similarities in the enzymatic redox conversions between water and dioxygen. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1365: 170 — 174; 1998.

Гемоглобины и цитохромоксидаза

Preisig, О., Anthamatten, D. and Hennecke H. Genes for а microaerobically induced oxidase complex in Bradyrhizobium jаропicuт are essential for а nitrogen-fixing endosymbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 90: 3309 — 3313; 1993.

Shaobin, H., Larsen, R. W., Boudko, D., et al. Myoglobinlike aerotaxis transducers in Archaea and Bacteria. Nature 403: 540 — 544; 2000.

Trotman, С. Life: All the time in the world. The Biologist 45: 76 — 80; 1998.

Глава 9. Овощи, фрукты и витамин C

Кеу, Т. J., Thorogood, М., Appleby, P. N. and Вurr, М. L. Dietary habits and mortality in 11,000 vegetarians and health-conscious people: results of а 17-year follow uр. British Medical Jоиrпаl 313: 775 — 779; 1996.

Gutteridge, J. М. С. and Halliwell, В. Free radicals and antioxidants in the year 2000: а historical look to the future. Аппаls of thе New York Academy of Scienсеs 899: 136 — 147; 2000.

Khaw, К. Т., Bingham, S., Welch, А., Luben, R., Wareham, N., Oakes, S. and Day, N. Relation between plasma ascorbic acid and mortality in men and women in EPIC-Norfolk prospective study: а prospective population study. Lancet 357:657 — 663; 2001.

Рекомендованная суточная норма

Levine, М., Conry-Cantilena, С. and Wang, Y., et al. Vitamin С pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: Evidence for а recommended dietary allowance. Proceedings of thе National Academy of Sсieпсеs USA 93: 3704 — 3709; 1996.

Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds. Dietary Rеfепсе Intakes for Vitamin С, Vitamin Е, Selenium and Саrotenoids. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000.

Механизм действия витамина C

Levine, М., Dhariwal, К. R., Washko, Р. W., Welch, R. W. and Yang, Y. Сеllulаr functions of ascorbic acid: а means to determine vitamin С requirement. Asia Расifiс Journal of Сliпiсаl Nutrition 2 (suppl. 1): 5 — 13; 1993.

Padayatty, S. J. and Levine M. New insights into the physiology and pharmacology of vitamin С. Canadian Medical Association Jоиrпаl 164: 353 — 355; 2001.

Wang, W., Russo, Т., Kwon, О., Chanock, S., Rumsey, S. and Levine, М. Ascorbate recycling in human neutrophils: induction by bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 94: 13816 — 13819; 1997.

McLaran, С. J., Bett, J. Н., Nye, J. А. and Halliday J. W. Congestive cardiomyopathy and haemochromatosis — rapid progression possibly accelerated by excessive ingestion of ascorbic acid. Australia New Zealand Jоиrпаl of Medicine 12: 187 — 188; 1982.

Глава 10. Как спастись от кислорода

Bilinski, T. Oxygen toxicity and microbial evolution. Biosystems 24: 305 — 312; 1991.


McCord, J. М. and Fridovich, I. Superoxide dismutase. An enzymic function for erythrocuprein (hemocuprein). Journal of Вiologiсal Chemistry 244: 6049 — 6055; 1969.

Fridovich, I. Oxygen toxicity: а radical explanation. Jоиrnal of Еxpеrimеntal Biology 201: 1203 — 1209; 1998.

Lebovitz, R. М., Zhang, Н., Vogel, H., Cartwright, J., Dionne, L., Lu, N., Huang, S. and Matzuk М. M. Neurode-generation, myocardial injury and perinatal death in mitochondrial superoxide dismutase-deficient mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 93: 9782 — 9787; 1996.


Chae, Н. Z., Robison, К., Poole, L. В., Church, G.. Storz, G., Rhee, S. G. Cloning and sequencing of thiol-specific antioxidant from mammalian brain: alkyl hydroperoxide reductase and thiol-specific antioxidant define а large family of antioxidant enzymes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 91: 7017 — 7021; 1994.

McGonigle, S., Dalton, J. Р. аnd Jаmes, Е. R. Peroxidoxins: а new antioxidant family. Рarasitology Today 14: 139 — 145; 1998.

Окисление тиолов, сигнальные пути и индуцируемые стрессом белки

Arrigo, А. P. Gene expression and the thiol redox state. Free Radical Biology and Меdiciпе 27: 936 — 944; 1999.

Marshall, Н. E., Merchant, К. and Stamler, J. S. Nitrosation and oxidation in the regulation of gene expression. FASEB Jоиrпаl 14: 1889 — 1900; 2000.

Groves, J. Т. Peroxynitrite: reactive, invasive and enigmatic. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 3: 226 — 235; 1999.

Yachie, А., Niida, Y., Wada, Т., Igarashi, N., Каnedа, Н., Toma,Т., Ohta, К., Kasahara, Y. and Koizumi, S. Oxidative stress causes enhanced endothelial cell injury in human home oxygenase-1 deficiency. Jоиrпаl of Сlinical Investigation 103: 129 — 135; 1999.

Cai, L., Satoh, М., Tohyama, С. and Cherian, M. С. Metallothionein in radiation exposure: its induction and protection role. Toxicology 132: 85 — 98 1999.

Foresti, R., Clark, J. Е., Green, С. J. and Motterlini, R. Thiol compounds interact with nitric oxide in regulating heme-oxygenase-1 induction in endothelial cells. Involvement of superoxide and peroxynitrite anions.Jоиrпаl of Biological Chemistry 272: 18411 — 18417; 1997.

Motterlini, R., Foresti, R., Bassi, R., Calabrese, V., Clark, J. Е. and Green, С.J. Endothelial home oxygenase-1 induction by hypoxia: modulation by inducible nitric oxide synthase and S-nitrosothiols. Jоиrnаl of Вiological Chemistry 27 Si 13613 — 13620; 2000.

Глава 11. Репликация

Orgel, L. E. The origin of life on the earth. Scientific American 271: 76 — 83; 1994.

Половое размножение

Atmar, W. On the role of males. Animal Behaviour 41: 195 — 205 1991.

Clark, W. Sex and the Origins of Deаth. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.

Теория одноразовой сомы

Kirkwood, Т. В. L. Evolution of ageing. Nature 270: 301 — 304; 1977.

Kirkwood, T. В. L. and Holliday, R. The evolution of аgеing and longevity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London В 205: 531 — 546; 1979.

Изменение продолжительности жизни

Austad, S, N. Retarded senescence in an insular population of Virginia opossums (Didelphis virgʼmiana). Jоиrnаl of Zoology 229: 695 — 708; 1993.

Rose, М. R. Can human aging be postponed? Scientific Атеriсап 281: 106 — 111; 1999.

Westendorp, R. G. and Kirkwood, Т. В. L. Human longevity at the cost of reproductive success. Nature 396: 743 — 746; 1998.

Глава 12. Тихоокеанский лосось и старение

Partridge L. and Barton N. Н. Optimality, mutation and the evolution of ageing. Nature 362: 305 311; 1993.

Поздно действующие гены и теория антагонистической плейотропии

Haldane, J. В. S. New Paths in Genetics. Harper, London, 1942.

Williams, G. С. Pleiotropy, natural selection and the evolution of senescence. Evolution 11: 398 — 411; 1957.

Shokeir, М. Н. Investigation on Huntington's disease in the Canadian Prairies. II. Fecundity and fitness. Clinical Genetics 7: 349 — 353; 1975.

Walker, D. А., Harper, Р. S., Newcombe, R. G. and Davies, К. Huntington's chorea in South Wales: mutation, fertility, and genetic fitness. Journal of Мedical Genetics 20: 12 — 17; 1983.

Гены нематоды

Friedman, D. В. and Johnson, Т. Е. А mutation in the age-1 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans lengthens life and reduced hermaphrodite fertility. Genetics 118: 75 — 86; 1988.

Кеnyon, C., Chang, J., Gensch, Е., Rudner, А. and Таbtiang, R. А. С. elegans mutant that lives twice as long as wild type. Nature 366: 404 — 405; 1993.

Morris, J. Z., Tissenbaum, Н. А. and Ruvkun, G. А phosphotidylinositol-3-ОН kinase family member regulating longevity and diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans. Naturе 382: 536 — 539; 1996.

Kimura, К. D., Tissenbaum, Н. А. and Ruvken G. daf-2, an insulin-receptor-like gene that regulates longevity and diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science 277: 942 — 946; 1997.

Ogg, S., Paradis, S., Gottlieb, S., Patterson, G. I., Lee, L., Tissenbaum, Н. А. and Ruvkun, G. The fork head transcription factor DAF-16 transduces insulin-like metabolic and longevity signals in С. elegans. Nature 389: 994 — 999; 1997.

Инсулин и инсулиноподобные факторы роста

Tissenbaum, Н. А. and Ruvkun, G. An insulin-like signalling pathway affects both longevity and reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 148: 703 — 717; 1998.

Clancy, D., Gems, D., Harshman, L. G., Oldham, S., Stocker, Н., Hafen, Е., Leevers, S. J. and Partridge, L. Extension of lifespan by loss of CHICO, а Drosophila insulin receptor substrate protein. Science 292: 104 — 106; 2001.

«Бережливый генотип» и устойчивость к инсулину

Chukwuma, С. Sr. and Tuomilehto, J. The «thrifty» hypotheses: clinical and epidemiological significance for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Jоиrпаl of Cardiovascular Risk 5: 11 — 23; 1998.

Groop, L. С. Insulin resistance: the fundamental trigger of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 1 (suppl. 1): S1 — S7; 1999.

Глава 13. Скорость жизни, метаболизм и свободные радикалы

Pearl, R. The Rate of Living. Knopf,New York, 1928.

Harman, D. Aging: а theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry. Journal of Gerontology 11: 298 — 300; 1956.

Птицы, скорость метаболизма и образование свободных радикалов

Austad, S. N. Birds as models of aging in biomedical research. ILAR Jоиrnаl 38: 137 — 141; 1998.

Barja, G. Mitochondrial free radical production and aging in mammals and birds. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 854: 224 — 238; 1998.

Свободные радикалы, устойчивость к стрессу и старение

Honda, Y. and Honda, S. The daf-2 gene network for longevity regulates oxidative stress resistance and Mn-superoxide dismutase gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. FASEB Jоиrпаl 13: 1385 — 1393; 1999.

Barsyte, D., Lovejoy, D. А. and Lithgow, G. J. Longevity and heavy-metal resistance in daf-2 and age-1 long-lived mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans. FASEB Journal 15: 627 — 634; 2001.

Orr, W. С. and Sohal, R. S. Extension of lifеspan by overexpression of superoxide dismutase and catalase in Drosophila melanogaster. Science 263: 1128 — 1130; 1994.

Gray, М. D., Shen, J. С., Kamath-Loeb, А. S., Blank, A., Sopher, В. L., Martin, G. М., Oshima, J. and Loeb, L. А. The Werner syndrome protein is а DNA helicase. Nature Genetics 17: 100 — 103; 1997.

Kapahi, Р., Boulton, М. Е. and Kirkwood, Т. В. Positive correlation between mammalian lifespan and сеllulаr resistance to stress. Freе Rаdiсаl Biology and Medicine 26: 495 — 500; 1999.

Ограничение потребление калорий

Sohal, R. S. and Weindruch, R. Oxidative stress, caloric restriction and aging. Science 273: 59 — 63; 1996.

Кауо, Т., Allison, D., Weindruch, R. and Рrоllа, Т. А. Influences of aging and caloric restriction on the transcriptional profile of skeletal muscle from rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98: 5093 — 5098; 2001.

Митохондриальная история старения

Наrman, D. The biological clock: the mitochondria? Journal of the Атеriсап Geriatric Society 20: 145 — 147; 1972.

Miquel, J. An update on the oxygen stress-mitochondria! Mutation theory of aging: genetic and evolutionary applications. Experimental Gerontology 33: 113 — 126; 1998.

Richter, С., Park, J. W. and Аmes, В. N. Normal oxidativedamage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA is extensive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 85: 6465 — 6467;1988.

Beckman, К. В. and Аmes, В. N. Endogenous oxidative damage of mitochondrial DNA. Mutation Research 424: 51 — 58; 1999.

Kirkwood, Т. В. and Kowald, А. А network theory of ageing: the interactions of defective mitochondria, aberrant proteins, free radicals and scavengers in the ageing process. 316: 209 — 236; 1996.

Предел Хейфлика и теломераза

Hayflick, L. The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Experimental Cell Research 37: 614 — 636; 1965.

Harley, С. В., Futcher, А. В. and Greider, С. W. Telomeres shorten during ageing of human fibroblasts. Nature 345: 458 — 460; 1990.

Bodnar, А. G., Ouellette, М., Frolkis, М., Holt, S. Н., Chiu, С. Р., Morin, G. В., Harley, С. В., Shay, J. W., Lichtsteiner, S. and Wright, W. Е. Extension of lifespan by introduction telomerasе into normal human cells. Science 279: 349 — 352; 1998.

Goyns, М. Н. and Lavery, W. L. Telomerase and mammalian ageing: а critical appraisal. Mechanisms of Аgeing and Development 114: 69 — 77; 2000.

Митохондрии и дифференцировка клеток

von Wangenheim, К. Н. and Peterson, Н. P. Control of cell proliferation by progress in differentiation: clues to mechanisms of aging, cancer causation and therapy. Journal of Тhеоretical Biology 193: 663 — 678; 1998.

Kowald, А. and Kirkwood, Т. В. L. Accumulation of defective mitochondria through delayed degradation of damaged organelles and its possible role in the ageing of postmitotic and dividing cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology 202: 145 — 160; 2000.

Митохондрии и пол

Allen, J. F. Separate sexes and the mitochondrial theory of ageing. Journal of Тhеоretiсаl Biology 180: 135 — 140; 1996.

Birky, С. W. Jr. Uniparental inheritance of mitochondrial and chloroplast genes: mechanisms and evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 11331 — 11338; 1995.

Cummins, J. Mitochondrial DNA in mammalian reproduction. Rеvieus of Reproduction 3: 172 — 182; 1998.

Sutovsky, Р., Моrеnо, R. D., Ramalho-Santos, J., Dominko, Т., Simerly, С. and Schatten, G. Ubiquitin tag for sperm mitochondria. Nature 402: 371 — 372; 1999.

Глава 14. Инфекции и окислительный стресс

Pahl, Н. and Ваeuerlе, Р. Expression of influenza vims hemagglutinin activates transcription factor NF-kappa В. Journal of Virology 69: 1480 — 1484;1995.

Pahl, Н. and Ваeuerlе, Р. Activation of NF-kappa В by endoplasmic reticulum stress requires both Ca2+ and reactive oxygen intermediates as messengers. FEBS Letters 392: 129 — 136; 1996.

Воспалительные процессы у стареющих макак резус

Кауо, Т., Allison, D., Weindruch, R. and Prolla, Т. А. Influences of aging and caloric restriction on the transcriptional profile of skeletal muscle from rhesus monkeys. Рrосееdings of the National Academy of Sciеnces USA 98: 5093 — 5098; 2001.

Болезнь Альцгеймера

Selkoe, D. J. The origins of Alzheimer disease: А is for amyloid. Jоиrпаl of the Атеriсап Medical Association 283: 1615 — 1617; 2000.

Geula, С., Wu, С. К., Saroff, D., Lorenzo, А., Yuan, М. and Yankner, B. A. Aging renders the brain vulnerable to amyloid beta-рrоtein neurotoxicity. Nature Medicine 4: 827 — 831; 1998.

Schweers, О., Mandelkow, Е. М., Biernat, J. and Mandelkow, Е. Oxidation of cysteine-322 in the repeat domain of microtubule-associated protein tau controls the in vitro assembly of paired helical filaments. Рrосееdings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 8463 — 8467; 1995.

Sano, М., Ernesto, C., Thomas, R. G., et al. А controlled trial of selegiline, alpha-tocopherol, or both as treatment for Alzheimerʼs disease. The Alzheimerʼs Disease Cooperative Study. New Епgland Jоиrпаl of Мediсinе 336: 1216 — 1222; 1997.

Синдром Дауна и болезнь Альцгеймера

Nunomura, А., Реrrу, G., Pappolla, М. А., Friedland, R. Р., Hirai, К., Chiba, S. and Smith, М. А. Neuronal oxidative stress precedes amyloid-betа deposition in Down syndrome. Journal Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 59: 1011 — 1017; 2000.

Вирус простого герпеса и болезнь Альцгеймера

Itzhaki, R. F., Lin, W. R., Shang, D., Wilcock, G. К, Faragher, В. аnd Jаmieson, G. А. Herpes simplex vims type 1 in brain and risk of Alzhеimеrʼs disease. Lancet 349: 241 — 244; 1997.

Воспаление и болезнь Альцгеймера

McGeer, Е. G. and McGeer, Р. L. The importance of inflammatory mechanisms in Alzheimerʼs disease. Experimental Gerontology 33: 371 — 378; 1998.

Smith, М. А., Rottkamp, С. А., Nunomura, А., Raina, А. К. and Perry, G. Oxidative stress in Alzheimerʼs disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1502: 139 — 144; 2000.

Mattson, М. Р. and Camandola, S. NFKB in neuronal plasticity and neurodegenerative disorders. Journal of Clinical Investigation 107: 247 — 254; 2001.

Табачный дым

Kodama, М., Kaneko, М., Aida, M., Inoue, F., Nakayama, Т. and Akimoto, Н. Free radical chemistry of cigarette smoke and its implication in human cancer. Anticancer Research 17: 433 — 437; 1997.

Lane, J. D., Opara, Е. С., Rose, J. Е. and Behm F. Quitting smoking raises whole blood glutathione. Physiology and Веhaviour 60: 1379 — 1381; 1996.

Диабет, гликирование и гены age

Brownlee, M. Negative consequences of glycation. Metabolism 49 (suppl.): 9 — 13; 2000.

Воспаление и атеросклероз

Becker, А. Е., de Boer, О. J. and van Der Wal А. С. The role of inflammation and infection in coronary artery disease. Annual Review of Меdicine 52: 289 — 297; 2001.

Окислительный стресс и воспаление при раке

Kovacic, P. and Jacintho, J. D. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis: focus on oxidative stress and electron transfer. Current Medical Chemistry 8: 773 — 796; 2001.

Меrсuriо, F. and Manning, А. М. NFKB as а primary regulator of the stress response. Oncogene 18: 6163 — 6171; 1999.

Глава 15. Устойчивость к малярии

Greenwood, В. М. Autoimmune disease and parasitic infections in Nigerians. Lancet ii: 380 — 382; 1968.

Clark, I. А., Al-Уаman, F. М., Cowden, W. В. and Rockett К. А.Does malarial tolerance, through nitric oxide, explain the low incidence of аutoimmunе disease in tropical Africa? Lancet 348: 1492 — 1494; 1996.

Enwere, G. C., Ota М. О. and Obaro S. К.The host response in malaria and depression of defence аgainst tuberculosis. Аппаls of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 93: 669 — 678; 1999.

Болезнь Альцгеймера в Нигерии

Hendrie, Н. С., Ogunniyi, А., Hall, К. S., et al. Incidence of dementia and Alzheimer disease in two communities: Yoruba residing in Ibadan, Nigeria, and African Americans residing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jоиrпаl оf the Атеriсап Medical Association 285: 739 — 747; 2001.

Farrer, L. А. Intercontinental epidemiology of Alzheimer disease. А global approach tо bad gene hunting. Jоиrпаl of thе Атеriсап Medical Association 285: 796 — 798; 2001.

Гемоксигеназа и подавление иммунитета

Taramelli, D., Recalcati, S., Basilico, N., Olliaro, Р. and Cairo, G. Macrophage preconditioning with synthetic malaria pigment reduces cytokine production via heme iron-dереndent oxidative stress. Laboratory Investigation 80: 1781 — 1788; 2000.

Soares, M. P., Lin, Y., Anrather, J., et al. Expression of home oxygenase-1 can determine cardiac xenograft survival. Nature Medicine 4: 1073 — 1077; 1998.

Motterlini, R., Foresti, R., Bassi, R. and Green, С. J. Curcumin, an antioxidant and аnti-inflammatorу agent, induces heme oxygenase-1 and protects endothelial cells against oxidative stress. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 28: 1303 — 1312; 2000.

Гигиеническая гипотеза

Rook, G. А. and Stanford, J. L. Give us this day our daily germs. Immunology Today 19: 113 — 116; 1998.

«Хрупкое здоровье» долгожителей

Yashin, А. I., De Benedictis, G., Vaupel, J. W., et al. Genes and longevity: lessons from studies of centenarians. Journal of Gеrопtology 55 А: В319 — В328; 2000.

Варианты митохондриальных генов и старение

Tanaka, M., Gong, J. S., Zhang, J., Yoneda, M. and Yagi, К. Mitochondrial genotype associated with longevity. Lancet 351: 185 — 186; 1998.

Vandenbroucke, J. P. Maternal inheritance of longevity. Lancet 351: 1064; 1999.

Цитоплазматический перенос и клонирование

Bamtt, J. А., Brenner, С. А., Maker, Н. Е. and Cohen, J. Mitochondria in human offspring derived from ooplasmic transplantation. Нитап Reproduction 16: 513 — 516; 2001.

Allen J. F. and Allen С. А. А mitochondrial model for premature ageing of somatically cloned mammals. Hypothesis paper. IUBMB Life 48: 369 — 372; 1999.

Липидный состав митохондрий

Раmplonа, R., Portero-Otin, М., Riba, D., Ruiz, С., Prat, J., Bellmunt, M. J. and Barja, G. Mitochondrial membrane peroxidizability index is inversely related to maximum life span in mammals. Journal of Lipid Research 39: 1989 — 1994; 1998.

Laganiere, S. and Yu, В. Р. Modulation of membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition by age and food restruction. Gerontology 39: 7 — 18; 1993.

Митохондриальная медицина

Hagen, Т., Ingersoll, R. Т., Wehr, С. М., Lykkesfeldt, J., Vinarsky, V., Bartholomew, J. C., Song M. H. and Ames В. N. Acetyl-L-carnitine fed to old rats partially restores mitochondrial function and ambulatory activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciепces USA 95: 9562 — 9566; 1998.

Hagen, Т. М., Liv, J., Lykkesfeldt, J., Wehr, С. М., Ingersoll, R. T., Vinarsky, V., Bartholomew, J. С. and Ames, В. N. Feeding acetyl-L-саrnitinе and lipoic acid to old rats significantly improves metabolic function while decreasing oxidative stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99: 1870 — 1875; 2002.

Brierley, E. J., Johnson, M. А., James, О. F. and Turnbull, D. М. Effects of physical activity and age on mitochondrial function. Quarterly Journal of Меdiсine 89: 251 — 258; 1996.

Fosslien, Е. Mitochondrial medicine — molecular pathology of defective oxidative phosphorylation. Annals of Сlinical Laboratory Science 31: 25 — 67; 2001.
