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Abkhazia, 136–39, 231, 505, 506–7, 513–14, 516–18

Abrikosov, Andrei, 294

Abulyan, Armenak, 502

Abwehr (German military intelligence), 485, 798

Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Italian invasion of, 269, 287, 292, 318

Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, xiii

Academy of Sciences, arrests in, 405

Adzhubei, Alexei, 379

Afanasyev, Boris (Atanasov), 322

Afinogenov, Alexander, 152, 544–45, 595

Africa, European “scramble” for, 591

Agranov, Yakov (Yankel Sorenson), 176, 196, 207, 212, 264, 319, 394

Kirov murder and, 210, 211, 213, 228, 236

Agrba, Alexei, 505, 507, 516

agricultural commissariat, arrests in, 405

agriculture, Soviet, 131

droughts and, 75–76, 87

improved harvests in, 47–48, 70, 87, 130, 132, 180, 226, 263

poor harvests in, 16, 47–48, 75, 87, 100, 103, 106, 112, 305, 405, 514, 606

see also collectives; collectivization

aircraft, 425

British, 794

German, 764, 794, 827

Soviet, 820, 824, 839, 861, 893

U.S., 834

see also bombers; fighters

Ajaria, Ajarians, 513–14, 518

Akhmatova, Anna (Gorenko), 181, 186

Akulov, Ivan, 79, 212, 232

Albania, 665, 812

Alexander I, king of Yugoslavia, assassination of, 189, 751

Alexander II, emperor of Russia, assassination of, 199

“Alexander III Receiving Rural District Elders in the Courtyard of Petrovsky Palace” (Repin), 246–47

Alexander Nevsky (film), 671, 812, 853

Alexandrov, Grigory, 215, 216, 217, 293, 593, 795, 853, 854

Alexandrovsky, Mikhail, 413, 455

Alexandrovsky, Sergei, 252, 403, 560, 561, 565, 568, 572

Alexei, tsarevich of Russia, xi

Alfonso XIII, king of Spain, 312, 314

Alighieri, Dante, vii

Alliluyev, Pavel, 46, 108, 111, 191, 210

Alliluyev, Sergei, 108, 214

Alliluyeva, Anna, 108, 742

Alliluyeva, Nadezhda “Nadya,” 3, 46–47, 103, 108, 109–10, 163, 212, 214, 272, 388

funeral of, 111–12

Stalin’s correspondence with, 25, 26, 43, 45, 54–55, 82–83

Stalin’s fights with, 109, 110

suicide of, 110–11, 134, 228, 232, 250, 491

Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 3, 103, 108, 109, 111, 187, 209, 234, 263, 271, 281, 388, 464, 526

on mother’s suicide, 112

schooling of, 165

Stalin’s correspondence with, 135

on Stalin’s darkening mind-set, 492

Stalin’s doting on, 166, 600

on Stalin’s film watching, 192

in visit with grandmother, 270

Alliluyeva, Yevgeniya “Zhenya,” 191, 388

all-Union Congresses of Collective Farm Shock Workers, 120, 226–27

All-Union Congress of Shock Brigades (1929), 31–32

all-Union Creative Conference of Workers in Soviet Cinema, 217–18

Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 12, 497

“Alta,” see Stöbe, Ilse

Amatouni, Amatouni, 504, 516

Amur River, 456–57, 536, 805

anarchists, in Spanish civil war, 316, 321, 334, 338, 339, 351, 364, 400–401, 406, 408, 718

Andreyev, Andrei, 57, 237, 295, 308

as Central Committee secretary, 225, 500, 606

Kirov murder and, 205

regional party arrests and, 444

Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 225

Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 596, 655, 665, 667, 677, 687–88

anti-intellectualism, Stalin’s denunciation of, 571

anti-Semitism, 238, 266–67, 307, 430, 557, 559, 582, 589, 597–98

Antonescu, Ion, 788, 798, 853, 876, 889

Antonov-Ovseyenko, Vladimir, 334, 380, 467

“Appeal to All Members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” (Ryutin), 104

Aragon, Louis, 255

Aral Sea, 692

“Architect of Socialist Society, The” (Radek), 155

Arctic Sea, 711

Ardennes, 766, 767

Arkhangelsk, 739, 740

armaments commissariat, 727

Armenia, 138, 354, 502, 504, 516, 517, 542, 773

army, German, see Reichswehr; Wehrmacht

army, Soviet, see Red Army

Aron, Raymond, 760

artels, 35–36

Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 262

Artuzov, Artur, 24, 91, 158, 222, 377, 378

appointed deputy chief of military intelligence, 172

arrest of, 413

Uritsky’s rivalry with, 252–53

“Aryan,” see Scheliha, Rudolf von

Association of Proletarian Writers, 152, 153

Astakhov, Georgy, 631–32, 646, 654, 655, 664


German annexation of, 240–41, 292, 558–60, 598, 888

1937 putsch in, 556

Austria-Hungary, xv

aviation commissariat, 737–38

Axis pact, 809–10, 811

Bulgaria in, 847

Germany, Japan, and Italy in formation of, 792–93

Hungary in, 811–12, 829, 847

proposed Soviet inclusion in, 797, 799, 808–9, 813, 815–16, 817–19, 820, 831, 835

Romania in, 812, 829, 847

Slovakia in, 812, 829, 847

Stalin’s conditions for joining, 813, 818, 820, 831

Yugoslavia in, 847, 850

Azerbaijan, 138, 190, 354, 502, 518, 773

Babel, Isaac, 181, 255, 635, 740, 788

Bagirov, Mircafar, 139, 502, 503, 504, 520

Baikal, Lake, 644

Baku, 504, 739–40, 762

Baldwin, Stanley, 255, 317

Balkans, 796, 798, 799, 837, 840

Churchill’s concern about, 777

conflicting Soviet and German interests in, 814–15, 816, 831

German invasion of, 889

Baltic Fleet, Soviet, 703, 710, 711

Baltic Sea, 703, 707, 876

Baltic special military district, 779

Baltic states, 92, 614

anti-Soviet fifth column in, 774–75

British relations with, 655

denunciations encouraged in, 772

deportations in, 772

German-Soviet Pact and, 651, 652, 654, 659

pro-German sentiment in, 655

single-candidate elections in, 772

Soviet annexation of, 772, 776, 819, 829

Soviet demand for guarantees of territorial integrity of, 634, 647–48

Soviet demand for mutual assistance pact with, 693

in Soviet war planning, 290

Stalin’s fear of invasion from, 27, 50, 54, 84, 613, 647

Triple Alliance proposal and, 633, 634, 638, 639, 647–48

Balytsky, Vsevolod, 39, 77, 78, 79, 103, 162, 168, 344, 431–32, 449

Balzac, Honoré, 231

Bank of England, 616

banks, failures of, 85–86

Barbarossa, Operation, see Germany, Nazi, Soviet invasion preparations of

Barbusse, Henri, 1, 155, 263

Stalin as depicted by, 225–26

Barcelona, Spain, 408

Basques, 312, 407, 411

Bavarian Soviet Republic, xiii

Baidukov, Georgy, 425, 451

Beck, Józef, 568, 596–97, 615, 620, 634, 638

Beck, Ludwig, 168, 222, 257, 287, 291, 559, 567

Bedny, Demyan (Yefim Pridvoroy), 169, 332

Stalin’s relationship with, 150–51

survived the terror, 545–46

Belgium, 678, 766

German invasion of, 763

see also Low Countries

Belgrade, 847

Belorussia, 180, 772–73

anti-Soviet fifth column in, 774–75

ethnic Poles in, 211

famine in, 98

Polish territory annexed by, 689, 716

Belyakov, Alexander, 425, 451

Beneš, Edvard, 61–62, 252, 561, 562, 565, 567, 572

Berezhkov, Valentin, 799, 872

Berezina River, 340

Berghof, 585, 633, 642, 661, 664, 666

Beria, Lavrenti:

accusations against, 541, 589

arrests and executions ordered by, 502, 508–9, 513, 515

Blyukher’s death and, 549–50, 578

charisma of, 502

civil-war-era career of, 510–11

cruelty of, 549, 889

dachas of, 502, 605–6

elevated to Central Committee, 162

Georgian artists and writers controlled by, 511–12

and German invasion plans, 795, 876, 880, 894

Gulag labor as responsibility of, 692

industrial output and, 231

as inner circle member, 501, 526, 548

Khrushchev’s relationship with, 501, 520–21

Lakoba’s rivalry with, 139, 141, 142, 237, 504–6, 508

and Litvinov investigation, 626

lobbying for resources to Georgia by, 513–14

loyalty cultivated by, 549

Mekhlis’s criticisms of, 508, 509

Molotov’s rivalry with, 550, 692

and murder of Radek, 637

as NKVD deputy head, 541–42, 543, 547–48

as NKVD head, 588–89, 595, 605

NKVD powerbase of, 550, 588–89

in NKVD arrests, 588

Polish POWs and, 744–45

and rebuilding of Soviet intelligence, 589

Red Army reports of, 731

rise of, 139–41

showcase trials staged by, 515–16

South Caucasus controlled by, 501–4, 505, 506, 507, 512

Stalin biography project of, 154, 214, 260, 301

Stalin’s correspondence with, 513–14, 515–16, 518

Stalin’s relationship with, 511, 512–13, 546, 548, 550, 605–6

Stalin’s similarities to, 501

Trotsky assassination and, 610–12, 617, 764, 787

Vlasik’s rivalry with, 526

Winter War and, 725, 735, 739

and Yezhov investigation, 618–20

Yezhov’s power struggle with, 509, 542


bombing of, 791, 808, 809, 811, 818

Chancellery complex in, 585

Molotov’s visit to, 805–9, 811, 815, 818

1936 Olympics in, 326

Stalin’s 1907 visit to, xv

Berling, Zygmunt, 795, 838

Berlings, Orests (“Lycée-ist”), 804, 807, 823, 852, 873, 876, 880

Berzin, Jan Pēter Ķuzis, 172, 338, 382, 405, 454

reappointed head of military intelligence, 423

Stalin’s correspondence with, 406

Bessarabia, 17, 563, 694, 773, 786, 853

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93

Soviet occupation of, 773–74, 776, 777

Bessonov, Sergei, 246, 275, 291

Bismarck, Otto von, 61, 339, 558–59, 598, 643, 791–92, 814, 886, 906

Bismarck (battleship), 255, 598, 703, 764

Black Sea, 311, 702, 703, 794, 796, 813, 819, 831

Black Sea Fleet, Soviet, 702–3

blitzkrieg, 767, 894, 904

Blokhin, Vasily, 424, 742

Blomberg, Werner von, 49, 473, 474, 475

Blum, Léon, 317, 318, 320, 329, 357, 363, 458

Blunt, Anthony, 222, 656, 800, 836

Blyukher, Vasily, 30–31, 420, 424, 456, 531, 533

accusations against, 527, 529, 537, 547

arrest and fatal beating of, 549–50, 578, 893

drinking by, 529

as Red Army marshal, 272

relieved of Far Eastern command, 547

and Soviet incursion in Manchukuo, 535–36, 537–38, 540, 547

Voroshilov’s dislike of, 412–13

Bodenschatz, Karl, 631, 675

Bogdanov, L. T., 141–42

Bohlen, Charles, 480–81, 666

Bolshakov, Ivan, 789, 795

Bolshevik Revolution, xi, 174, 489, 522

twentieth anniversary of, 467–69, 470

Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, see Communism


German, 351, 678, 755

Soviet, 99, 101, 265, 338, 346, 351, 567, 820, 856

Boris III, king of Bulgaria, 811, 812, 889

Borisov, Mikhail, 201, 205, 207, 220, 235

Bormann, Martin, 585, 867

Brauchitsch, Walther von, 567, 677

Braun, Eva, 584, 642

Brest-Litovsk, Poland, 469, 695, 704, 722

German withdrawal from, 686–87

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, xv, 4, 121, 363, 370, 685, 903

Brezhnev, Leonid, 603

Brik, Lily, 276–77

British empire, xv, 591, 783, 833

British intelligence, 222, 242, 614, 656, 675

Enigma intercepts of, 850, 857, 882, 884, 890, 891

German military capabilities overestimated by, 591

on German military capability, 652–53

and Germany’s planned Soviet invasion, 882–83

Red Army capability underestimated by, 591

Soviet agents in, 836

Yugoslav coup and, 847

Bucharest, 872

Budyonny, Semyon, 37, 44, 46, 213, 272, 421, 424, 545

Bug River, 695

Bukhara, 138

Bukharin, Nikolai:

arrest of, 443

Central Committee expulsion of, 387

conspiracy accusations against, 357–58, 379, 386, 397, 437, 476

in counterattack on collectivization, 15

eulogy for Nadya delivered by, 112

execution of, 479, 526, 560, 602

expelled from politburo, 29

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386–87

imprisonment of, 477–78

interrogations of, 336, 387

as Izvestiya editor, 349, 359

Kamenev’s meeting with, 12

Kirov murder and, 205

press slander of, 359

at 17th Party Congress, 156

Stalin’s correspondence with, 64–65, 336, 387, 478

Stalin’s demonization of, 11–12, 14–15, 24, 26, 56, 57, 68

Stalin’s friendship with, 11, 526

Stalin’s psychological torture of, 349, 368

trial of, 478, 560

Bukovina, 786, 808, 819

northern, Soviet occupation of, 774, 776

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 151, 184, 186, 230, 635

death of, 746

Kerzhentsev’s criticism of, 284–85

Stalin’s relationship with, 148–50

Bulgaria, 274, 788, 811, 812, 889

in Axis pact, 847

failed Communist coup in, 17

fascist coup in, 171–72

Soviet relations with, 813–14

Soviet spies in, 794

Wehrmacht in, 831, 872

Bulletin of the Opposition (Leninist-Bolsheviks), 13–14, 24, 68, 91, 94, 105, 294, 323, 328

Bullitt, William, 144–45, 263, 292

as U.S. ambassador to Soviet Union, 145–46, 167

Bullock, Alan, xv

Burgess, Guy, 222, 656, 661, 836

Buryat-Mongol autonomous republic, 281, 803

Butovo killing field, 479, 619

Butyrka prison, 438, 649

Bychkova, Alexandra, 108, 166

Cadogan, Alexander, 622–23, 642, 868


arrests of, 577

Stalin on education of, 571–72

Stalin on importance of, 250, 462–64, 468, 495, 576–77, 603, 604–5, 832, 902

Cairncross, John, 656, 836

Cajander, Aimo, 706, 718

Campbell, Joseph, 301

Campbell, Thomas, 114–15

Canaris, Wilhelm, 485, 647, 661, 798

capitalist encirclement, 5–6, 11, 44, 124, 303, 305, 428, 429, 553

Carol II, king of Romania, 563, 613, 788

Catalonia, in Spanish civil war, 312, 316, 321, 364, 380, 408

Catherine II, “ the Great,” empress of Russia, 888

censors, censorship, 282, 308, 422

ubiquity of, 422

“Center of Centers” conspiracy, 434, 437, 450

Central Asia, 190

Central Black Earth region:

collectivization in, 39, 41, 70

famine in, 122

grain procurement in, 128

Central Committee, 45, 64, 126, 160, 161, 500, 602, 788, 839, 907

accusations against sitting members of, 383

Andreyev as secretary of, 225, 500, 606

arrests of, 443, 603

February–March 1937 plenum of, 383–84, 386–91, 394, 396–97, 418, 483, 488, 508, 509

joint plenums of Central Control Commission and, 15–16, 58, 65, 107, 115–17

June 1937 plenum of, 433–34, 443, 450, 510

Lominadze’s expulsion from, 59

Molotov elevated to, 605

new members of, 162

1933 purge by, 114

Syrtsov’s expulsion from, 59

Yezhov as secretary of, 224, 225, 437, 498, 587

Central Control Commission, 12, 57, 113, 383, 603, 907

joint plenums of Central Committee and, 15–16, 58, 65, 107, 115–17

Yezhov as chairman of, 225, 437, 587

Cervantes, Miguel de, 231

Chahar province, Inner Mongolia, 233–34

Chamberlain, Neville, 555, 559, 579, 582, 590, 591, 613, 657, 679, 762, 856

appeasement policy of, 565–66, 591, 652–53, 662, 674, 677

and choice between alliance with Hitler or Stalin, 674–75, 698

death of, 802

and German-Soviet Pact, 673, 675

Hitler misread by, 653

Hitler’s manipulation of, 698–99

Munich Pact and, 564, 565–66, 575

and negotiations with Germany, 652, 653

Polish independence guaranteed by, 614–15, 616, 617, 653, 654, 662, 674, 676

Red Army underestimated by, 675

resignation of, 763

Romanian independence guaranteed by, 616

Triple Alliance proposal and, 648, 649, 662

war preparations and, 782

Chapayev (film), 192, 193, 210, 215, 217, 230, 285, 466

Chaplin, Charlie, 217, 796

Charkviani, Candide, 166, 547

Chavchavadze, Ilya, 511, 512

Cheka, Chekists, 23, 79, 176, 181, 229, 345, 415, 449

in Azerbaijan, 139, 339, 908

see also NKVD

Chekhov, Anton, 2, 148

Chelyabinsk, 32, 190, 343

chemical commissariat, 846–47

Chiang Ching-kuo, 366, 367

Chiang Kai-shek, 30, 83, 114, 125, 167, 262, 321, 330, 374, 379, 457, 530, 533, 539, 557, 574, 744, 793, 887

in civil war with Communists, 277

legality of Communists recognized by, 459

proposed Sino-Japanese alliance and, 233

Soviet-Japanese pact feared by, 459

united front reaffirmed by, 366, 367

united front with Communists rejected by, 360

in war with Japan, 460, 470–71

Zhang’s capture of, 360–61, 366–67

Chicherin, Georgy, 26–27, 89

Chilston, Viscount, 242, 481


civil war in, 262, 277, 321, 359–60, 367, 379

Communists in, see Communist Party, Chinese

Japanese-Soviet negotiations on, 793–94

Japanese war with, 229, 321, 330, 359, 364, 457–59, 460, 470–71, 530, 533, 536, 539, 557, 597, 667, 677, 743–44, 793, 805

Japan’s designs on, 88

Soviet aid to, 321, 459, 470, 471, 530, 535, 744, 852

Soviet policy on, 29–30, 321

Trotskyites in, 469

U.S. aid to, 843

see also Manchuria

Chinese, in USSR, deportations and imprisonment of, 528

Chinese Eastern Railway, 30, 83, 84, 144

sale to Manchukuo of, 233, 243

Chita, Siberia, 644, 667

Chkalov, Valery, 425, 451

Choibalsan, Khorloogiin, 196, 280, 287, 461–62, 482, 737

Christie, J. Walter, 91–92

Chubar, Vlas, 100, 102, 103, 180, 225, 308, 540

Chudov, Mikhail, 201, 202, 205

Churchill, Winston, 61, 557, 719, 740, 775, 794, 903

and Anglo-Soviet trade talks, 777

in attempt to provoke Soviet attack on Germany, 850–51

on imminent German invasion of USSR, 882

Maisky and, 709–10

negotiations with Hitler rejected by, 778

as prime minister, 763

in refusal to negotiate with Hitler, 764

scuttling of French navy ordered by, 777–78

Ciano, Galeazzo, 318, 355, 632–33, 647, 816

Cinema for the Millions (Shumyatsky), 218

Circus (film), 293


food rationing in, 128

influx of migrants into, 72

civil defense service, arrests in, 414

Civil War in France, The (Marx), 494

class struggle, 5, 7, 11

culture and, 132

seen as inevitable by Marxists, 6, 553

sharpening of, 6, 29, 38, 59, 114, 116, 309, 389

Stalin’s view of, 143–44, 190, 389

Clausen, Max, 874–75, 890

Clausewitz, Carl von, 2, 730

collectives, 909

attempts to force peasants back into, 115

compared with Gulags, 227

household plots and livestock in, 226, 639

Kazakhs’ flight from, 106

maternity leave approved for, 227

mechanization of, 226

1936 constitution and, 352, 353

peasants’ flight from, 93, 99, 101, 117, 129, 405

population of, 606

stabilization of, 226, 305

collectivization, xii, 11, 53, 84, 87, 103, 120, 137, 138, 299, 308, 439, 485, 902

artels in, 35–36

assassination of rural officials in, 38

as cause of famine of 1931–33, 71, 128–29

forced implementation of, 10, 27, 29, 35, 39, 70, 71, 106, 127–28, 302, 448, 477, 547, 638–39

human cost of, 131

industrialization and, 10–11

inflated claims for, 28–29, 31

kommunas in, 35–36

kulaks in, see dekulakization

Marxist ideology and, 132, 576–77

mass resistance to, 27, 29, 38–39, 41–42, 68

1928–29 harvest and, 16

OGPU and, 38, 39

opposition to, 12, 14, 38, 39, 52, 53, 77, 219, 301, 303, 309, 469, 470, 477, 484, 495

regime concessions in, 42–43

17th Party Congress’s celebration of, 160

as Stalin’s great gamble, 9, 17, 705

success of, 369

urban workers recruited for, 36–38, 42, 43

Comintern (Communist International), 119, 121, 143, 168, 171, 313, 328, 675, 909

Chiang’s capture condemned by, 362

China policy of, 321, 330

Dimitrov appointed general secretary of, 262–63

German-Japanese pact against, 355–56

German-Soviet Pact as blow to, 670–71

mass arrests in, 446–47

7th Congress of, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263

6th Congress of, 19–20

Social Democrats and, 171, 173, 175, 189

Spanish civil war and, 320, 460

tenth plenum of, 19–20

“united front” policy of, 259, 262, 277, 299, 320, 330, 359, 362, 367

commissariats, 908

see also specific commissariats


British fear of, 590, 591

conspiratorial worldview of, 5–6, 308, 378, 422, 429, 439, 447, 483, 490

as enabler of terror, 307–8

German-Soviet Pact as betrayal of, 670–72

lofty vision of, 6, 7

mass violence justified by, 6–7

as revolt against Social Democracy, 19

Communist International, The, 344

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 573

Communist Party, Austrian, 222

Communist Party, British, 222, 446

Communist Party, Bulgarian, 813–14

Communist Party, Chinese, 121, 262, 277, 330, 374, 446, 793

in civil war with Nationalists, 262, 277, 321, 359–60, 367, 805

as dependent on Soviet weapons and supplies, 366

in Long March, 262, 277, 321, 471

Nationalist massacre of, 30

ordered to release Chiang, 363–64

Soviet aid requested by, 321, 744

Stalin’s orders to, 371, 813

Trotskyites in, 371

in united front with Nationalists, 29–30, 362, 364, 379, 458, 459, 470

Communist Party, Czechoslovak, 20, 121, 446

Communist Party, Finnish, 713, 723

Communist Party, French, 121, 251, 261, 298, 328, 329, 446

Communist Party, German, 19, 53, 86, 118, 119, 121, 143, 220, 259, 307, 401, 446

Communist Party, Lithuanian, 770–71

Communist Party, Polish, 446

Communist Party, Spanish, 320, 321–22, 329, 335, 338, 364, 400, 408, 670

in attacks on leftist groups, 364

possibility of coup by, 401, 405, 406

Communist Party, Ukraine, 102

Communist Party, U.S., 145, 146, 446

Communist Party, USSR:

all aspects of society controlled by, 73, 697, 907

arrests of, 434, 438–39, 443–44, 475

conferences of, 907

congresses of, 907

18th Congress of, 601–5, 606–9, 610, 624, 698, 839–40, 862

infighting in, 48–49, 57

mass expulsions from, 278

Nazi Party, USSR compared with, 697

party card verification campaign in, 253, 278, 294, 348, 443

purges of, 43, 112, 114, 117, 124, 126, 438-39, 443, 475

reinstatement of expelled members of, 475

rightists in, see rightists

secret department of, see Stalin, Iosif, dictatorship of

17th conference of, 91

16th Congress of, 17, 43–46, 160, 355

Stalin as general secretary of, xi–xii, 10, 863, 907–8

Stalin’s micromanagement of, xii

Communist Party, USSR, apparatus of, 907

dysfunction in, 430, 440–42, 705

Kaganovich as head of, 325, 518–19

mass arrests in, 307, 442–45, 520

regional mass arrests in, 434, 443–44, 518, 551, 603

Communist Party, USSR, 17th Congress of, 155–56, 159–60, 168, 190, 206, 355, 358, 517

Bukharin at, 156

Kamenev at, 156

Kirov at, 160

Stalin’s keynote speech at, 156–57

Stalin’s report to, 159, 160

Communist Party, Yugoslav, 849

Communist Youth League, 10th Congress of, 289–90

Congress, U.S., repayment of pre-Soviet Russia debt demanded by, 16

Congress of Soviets, 297, 908

7th, 223

Supreme Soviet as replacement for, 354, 471

Congress of Soviets, 8th, 355, 356, 359, 505

Stalin’s speech at, 352, 353, 354, 355, 372, 483

Conquest, Robert, 306

conspiracies, imagined and trumped-up:

Stalin’s obsession with, 54, 113, 313, 332–33, 377, 469–70, 475

as tool of Stalin dictatorship, 306, 428

see also specific conspiracies

constitution, Soviet (1924), 105, 352

constitution, Soviet (1936), 352, 353–54, 370, 546

consumer goods:

access to, 208, 268

shortages of, 781, 856

“Corsican,” see Harnack, Arvid

Coulondre, Robert, 481, 530, 631, 638, 677

Council of People’s Commissars, 10, 29, 53, 55, 82, 84, 283, 286, 344, 354, 462, 542, 757, 831, 832, 865, 908

“bureau” of, 843

Molotov replaced by Stalin as head of, 863

Rykov replaced by Molotov as head of, 65

Stalin’s decimation of, 445

Course on Political Economy, A (Bogdanov), 691

Course of Russian History (Klyuchevsky), 493

Coyoacán, Mexico, 612

Crash of the German Occupation in Ukraine, 342

Creditanstalt, failure of, 79

Crete, German capture of, 905

Crimea, grain procurement in, 128

Cripps, Stafford, 810–11, 836, 890, 903

in British-Soviet talks, 775–76, 778–79, 796, 802

German invasion of USSR predicted by, 850, 884

and Hess’s flight to Britain, 868

possibility of British-German peace suggested by, 851

in recall to London, 877, 880, 884

Stalin’s meeting with, 777

Croatia, 889

culture, Soviet, 908–9

anti-”formalist” campaign in, 284

censors and, 282

class struggles and, 132

proletarianism, 132–33

socialist realism in, 183–84

Stalin’s engagement with, 132–33, 148, 153, 186–87, 248, 282–83, 298, 594, 789–90, 795, 853

Stalin’s mass arrests in, 434

Stalin’s opposition to rigid ideology in, 133, 148–49, 152

see also literature; music; painting

Czechoslovakia, 61–62, 340, 557, 558

ethnic minorities in, 558

French alliance with, 251–52, 299, 558, 559, 560, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568, 592, 612

German invasion of, 609, 612, 616, 617, 679, 747, 888

Hungarian seizure of territory in, 609

Munich Pact and, 565–66

in negotiations for Soviet alliance, 191

Polish seizure of territory in, 609

Silesian territory added to Poland by, 574

Soviet failure to support, 572, 574

Soviet mutual assistance pact with, 191, 251–52, 299, 341, 413, 560, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568

Stalin’s disgust with, 413–14

Sudetenland in, see Sudetenland

USSR recognized by, 173

d’Abernon, Lord, xiv

Dachau concentration camp, 560

Dagin, Israel, 415, 526, 541

Daladier, Édouard, 378, 565, 566, 592, 658, 673, 679, 762

Dalstroi (Far Northern Construction Trust), 133, 220, 598–99

Danton, Georges, 3

Danube, 794, 796

Danzig, 158, 596, 597, 613, 614, 615, 616, 652, 655, 658, 677, 895

Hitler’s trip to, 684–85

Darkness at Noon (Koestler), 435

Davies, Joseph, 480–81

Days of the Turbins, The (Bulgakov), 148–49, 230

defense commissariat:

arrests in, 405

Kremlin as responsibility of, 228, 229

see also Voroshilov, Klim E.

de Gaulle, Charles, 765

Deich, Yakov, 415, 499

Dekanozov, Vladimir, 541, 588, 610–11, 627, 772, 805, 807

as ambassador to Germany, 822, 823, 846, 855, 863–66, 872, 880, 890, 896, 899

dekulakization, 35–39, 53, 58, 70, 74, 84, 103, 127–28, 137, 227, 299, 439, 448, 450, 483, 606

human cost of, 131

internal deportations in, 36, 70, 74–75, 76, 117, 286

mass executions in, 75, 452

Demchenko, Maria, 226, 227

Demetradze, Davit, 512, 513

Demid, Gelegdorjiin, 197, 279, 287, 461

Denmark, 252, 774, 800

German occupation of, 762–63, 889

depression, global, 63, 79

see also Great Depression

Derevyansky, Vladimir, 707, 710

dialectical materialism, 570, 576

Dimitrov, Georgi:

appointed Comintern general secretary, 262–63

on Axis pact, 793

Bulgaria and, 813–14

on capture of Chiang, 361

Chinese Communists and, 330, 373, 744, 813

illnesses of, 176

Spanish civil war and, 347, 406

Stalin’s relationship with, 171, 189–90, 362, 446, 812–13

united front policy and, 175, 189, 259, 320, 362, 470–71

Diplomacy (Kissinger), 579

Dirksen, Herbert von, 144, 221, 609, 652, 676

Divine Comedy, The (Alighieri), vii

Dneprostroi, 41, 95

Dnieper River, 84

Doi, Akio, 650, 653, 713

Donbass, 161, 206, 253, 273, 550

decimation of party apparatus in, 445

Don River valley, 124

Donskoi Monastery, mass burials at, 479–80

Doumenc, Joseph, 657–58, 673

Draule, Milda, 199, 200

Kirov’s murder and, see Kirov, Sergei, murder of

marriage of Nikolayev and, 197–98

Drax, Reginald, 656–58, 659, 661, 664, 673

Dreitser, Yefim, 313, 320, 324

Drohobycz oilfields, 685, 686, 696

drought of 1931, 75–76, 87

Dubinsky, Ilya, 427–28

Dunayevsky, Isaac, 216, 293, 795, 853

Dunkirk, evacuation of, 765

Duranty, Walter, 63, 146

Dvinsky, Boris, 162, 499, 681, 682, 734

Dzierzyński, Felix, 229, 345, 419, 438, 471

Eastern Pact (proposed), 173, 183–84, 191, 222

collapsed negotiations for, 239

Hitler’s rejection of, 189

Eastern Siberia, 70, 75, 90, 97, 128, 198, 460, 779

East Prussia, 596, 613, 614, 679

economy, Soviet, 831

barter in, 39

black markets in, 781–82

and difficulty of obtaining foreign financing, 17–18

Five-Year Plans in, see Five-Year Plans

foreign debt in, 86–87

growth rate drop in, 821

Gulag labor and, 692

inflation in, 39–40, 46, 48

Marxist doctrine and, 691–92

per capita consumption in, 404–5

Eden, Anthony, 242, 280, 288, 292, 398, 648, 836, 868

on Hitler’s harping on Soviet threat, 242–43, 244

joint communiqué of Stalin and, 245

in meeting with Hitler, 240–41, 254

Stalin’s meetings with, 243–44, 251, 254, 255

on Stalin’s personality, 245–46

education, Stalin’s belief in power of, 464

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 170, 255, 256, 334, 339, 481, 497, 517, 545, 635, 670, 858

Eideman, Roberts (Eidemanis), 414, 422–23

Eihe, Roberts, 40, 48–49, 58, 190, 225, 453–54, 549

Eisenstein, Sergei, 215, 217, 218, 230, 284, 417, 635, 671, 770, 812, 853

Eismont, Nikolai, 113, 114

Eitingon, Naum “Leonid,” 610, 611–12

“Elder,” see Schulze-Boysen, Harro

elites, Soviet, 5, 76, 272, 304

access to consumer goods of, 208

terror campaign and, 308, 544

widespread resentment of, 308, 439, 544

Elser, Georg, 700–701, 720

émigré groups, anti-Soviet, 34, 48, 62, 65–66, 106, 349, 352–53, 378, 385, 437

Soviet penetration of, 12, 76, 322, 349, 437

Engels, Friedrich, 261, 573

Enigma machine, 850, 857, 882, 884, 890, 891

enlightenment commissariat, arrests in, 405

Erkko, Eljas, 704, 707, 710, 718–19

Ermler, Friedrich, 372–73

Espionage and Counter-Espionage, M.I.-4 (Russell), 423

Essays on the History of the Roman Empire (Vipper), 493

Estonia, 17, 50, 89, 485, 596, 634, 664, 703, 786

failed Communist coup in, 17

German nonaggression pact with, 647

Red Army troops in, 770–71

Soviet annexation of, 772

Soviet bases in, 714

Soviet pacts with, 93, 693, 694, 708, 715

standing army of, 112

Estonians, in USSR, 476

Ethiopia, see Abyssinia

Europe, failed Communist revolutions and coups in, 17

“Everything Higher: Aviation March” (song), 186

Face of the Day, The (Wasilewska), 789

Fadeyev, Alexander, 151, 153, 424, 437, 512–13, 789

Fall of Paris, The (Ehrenburg), 858

famine of 1891–92, 127

famine of 1921–23, 129

famine of 1931–33, 81, 87–88, 106–7, 112–13, 135, 169, 302

cannibalism in, 122

collectivization and dekulakization as causes of, 128–29

crowd seizures of grain warehouses in, 94

death and disease in, 122, 124, 127, 129

end of, 305

flight from collectives in, 41, 75, 76, 93, 99, 101, 106, 117

household gardens in, 125–26

1933 harvest in, 130

official explanations of, 128–29

OGPU and, 122, 129–30

policy concessions in, 95–98, 99, 100

politburo relief measures for, 123

rationing in, 72, 76, 85, 93–94, 98

reported theft of grain in, 101–2

Stalin’s blaming of peasants for, 128, 129

workers’ strikes and, 95

Farinacci, Roberto, 398–99

fascism, 156, 302

Italian, 19

popular front struggle against, 370

Stalin on, 157, 287

Fear (Afinogenov), 152

Fedotov, Pyotr, 873–74

Feldman, Boris, 412, 423–24

Ferdinand, Franz, archduke of Austria, 88, 558

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 363

on 1937 Trotskyite trial, 371

Stalin’s meetings with, 368–70, 416–17

fifth column:

in lead-up to German invasion of USSR, 774–75

Mola’s coining of term, 351

Nazi recruiting of, 891

as rationale for mass arrests, 428–29


British, 782–83

German, 351, 407, 755–56, 783

Soviet, 78, 346, 351, 567, 668, 756, 820, 839

film industry, Soviet, 192

budget of, 193

musical comedies in, 215–16

newsreels in, 215

proposed Cinema City in, 285–86

Stalin’s involvement in, 193, 215–16, 217–18

films, Stalin’s private screenings of, 192–93, 210

Filov, Bogdan, 812, 813

Finance Capital (Hilferding), 760

Finland, 17, 89, 485, 596, 664, 702, 703, 889

British relations with, 708, 709

German alliance with, 748

German relations with, 703–4, 709, 713, 717

mobilization of, 710, 712, 713, 714, 879, 894

neutrality of, 712

“People’s Government” of, 724–25, 729, 730

pro-German sentiment in, 647

Soviet desire for base in, 710, 711, 716

Soviet invasion of, see Winter War

Soviet negotiations with, 705–7, 708–9, 710, 713–14, 715–20, 721

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 703, 722

Soviet relations with, 722–23

Stalin’s fear of invasion from, 27, 50, 703, 704, 707–8, 712

Stalin’s territorial demands on, 710–15, 716, 718, 719, 746

standing army of, 112

Swedish relations with, 711, 717

territory ceded to USSR by, 747–48

Wehrmacht in, 792, 808, 813, 829

Finland, Gulf of, 702, 707, 711, 714, 716, 725, 740

Finnish intelligence, 721–22

Finns, in USSR, 476

Firin-Pupko, Semyon, 413

First Blow, The (Shpanov), 581, 699

First Cavalry Army, The (film), 690

Fischer, Louis, 339, 380

Fitin, Pavel, 627, 804, 836–37, 845, 852, 878, 879, 883–84

Five-Year Plans, 892

first (1928–32), 17, 20–21, 28, 43, 48, 70, 75, 126, 129, 131, 132, 606

second, 115, 132, 159, 190, 402, 606

shortfalls in, 781

third, 402–3, 606–7, 804–5

Flight (Bulgakov), 148

Fomin, Fyodor, 202, 204, 207, 208, 220

food commissariat, arrests in, 405

food rationing, 72, 76, 85, 93–94, 95, 98, 128

end of, 197, 235, 268, 305

food shortages, 16, 41, 404–5

forced labor, Gulag complexes for, see Gulag

Ford, Henry, 71

Ford Motor Company, 32

foreign affairs commissariat, 624

arrests in, 447, 495–96, 582, 625

arrest and torture of Litvinovites in, 626–27

Litvinov’s dismissal from, 625, 632

Molotov as head of, 625

removal of Jews from, 628

Foreign Legion, Spanish, 316

foreign policy, Stalin’s micromanaging of, 624–25

forestry commissariat, arrests in, 405

“former people,” 61, 74–75, 148, 177, 229, 236, 352, 383

Fourth International, 610, 787

France, 317, 340

accused of anti-Soviet plotting, 61–62

avoidance of new war as policy of, 556, 559, 563, 566, 568, 592

British relations with, 242, 298, 592, 612

Czech alliance with, 251–52, 299, 558, 559, 560, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568, 592, 612

in declaration of war on Germany, 679

German occupation of, 760–61, 765–66, 767, 769, 773, 826, 827, 861, 889

German relations with, 272, 357, 374

and German remilitarization of Rhineland, 288, 592

Germany viewed as threat by, 238, 298, 591–92

Hitler’s view of, as main enemy, 474

in minimal response to German invasion of Poland, 679–80

Munich Pact and, 565–66

in negotiations for Soviet alliance, 173, 188–89, 191, 246

Polish alliance with, 158, 592, 597, 612, 634, 677, 680

Polish independence guaranteed by, 676

political upheaval in, 559

Popular Front government of, 328, 357

and possible Japanese-Soviet war, 89

proposed pact between Britain and, 251

Soviet military talks with, 656–58, 661

Soviet mutual assistance pact with, 248, 249, 255, 266, 272, 275–76, 288, 298, 299, 357, 560, 561, 592, 601, 624, 649

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 146, 251

Soviet relations with, 146, 318–19, 320, 341, 582, 593, 637

Spanish civil war nonintervention policy of, 317

Stalin’s distrust of, 762

Stalin’s gamble on fighting capabilities of, 668–69

Triple Alliance proposal and, 621, 638, 639, 649, 653, 810

France, Vichy, 766, 798, 889

Franco, Francisco, 343, 350, 556, 582, 889

civil war victory of, 615

in failed assault on Madrid, 350–52, 376, 398, 406–7

gradualist strategy favored by, 399

Hitler’s meeting with, 797–98, 815

in Morocco, 314-15

NKVD assassination attempts against, 409

post-civil-war massacres by, 797

right-based coalition built by, 400

rise of, 315-16

Stalin’s view of, 401

as war criminal, 615–16

Frank, Hans, 745, 867

French intelligence, 766

Frinovsky, Mikhail, 342, 391, 413, 415–16, 447, 448, 450, 453, 460, 472, 499, 523, 541

arrest and interrogation of, 617, 618, 620

execution of, 742

and Mongolia mass arrests, 461–62

as naval commissar, 543, 547

in Soviet Far East, 531–32, 534

and Soviet incursion in Manchukuo, 535–36, 537

as Yezhov’s deputy in terror campaign, 452, 497, 500, 528–29, 540

Fritsch, Werner von, 473, 474

“From Factionalism to Open Counterrevolution” (Yezhov), 433

“From the Odessa Jail” (song), 452

Furer, Veniamin, 161, 358

Gagra, 145, 311

shooting incident at, 142

Stalin’s holidays in, 136, 141, 142, 188

Gai, Mark (Stokland), 222, 393

Gaikis, Leonid, 334, 381, 405

Gamarnik, Jan, 58, 90, 350, 418, 423, 424, 443, 527

Gamelin, Maurice, 280, 767

Gamsakhurdia, Konstantin, 512, 513

Gavrilović, Milan, 779, 847–48

Geladze, Keke, 63–64, 109

death of, 421–22

grandchildren’s visit with, 270

Stalin’s correspondence with, 108, 270

Stalin’s visit with, 270–71

Gelovani, Mikhail, 548, 617–18, 745, 854

Genden, Peljidiin, 196, 277, 461

Stalin’s meetings with, 147–48, 195, 278–79

Stalin’s pipe smashed by, 279

George V, king of England, 280

George VI, king of England, 404, 566

Georgia, 138, 354, 547

Beria’s lobbying for aid to, 513–14

Beria’s supreme power in, 501, 506, 512–13

famine in, 81

mass terror in, 502, 508–9, 513, 515–16, 517

nationalism in, 138

1937 harvest in, 514

NKVD in, 508

10th Party Congress in, 509, 512, 517

Gerasimov, Alexander, 395, 436, 733, 854

German embassy, Moscow, evacuation of, 879, 887

German intelligence, 485

Anglo-Soviet trade talks and, 779

in USSR, 775

see also Abwehr; SD

Germans, in USSR, 476

mass arrests and executions of, 356, 453

German-Soviet nonaggression pact, see Hitler-Stalin Pact German Workers’ Party, xiii

Germany, Imperial, in World War I, xv

Germany, interwar, 17

Communists in, 19

depression in, 79–80, 86, 118

failed Communist coup in, 17

1930 elections in, 53

1932 elections in, 118, 119

Reichstag fire in, 120, 142

reparations owed by, 79

rise of Nazism in, 118–19, 129

in secret military cooperation with Soviets, 21

Soviet relations with, 86, 89, 93

unemployment in, 72

Germany, Nazi, 583

in Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 596, 655, 667, 677

anti-Communism in, 593

anti-Semitism in, 266–67, 307, 430, 559, 589, 736–37

armaments and machinery supplied to USSR by, 769

Austria annexed by, 292, 558–60, 598

Britain’s naval limitation pact with, 288, 630

Britain’s need for accommodation with, 169, 591

British lack of knowledge about, 242

British relations with, 355, 357, 590, 609, 617, 652, 653, 904

as common enemy of Britain and USSR, 168

Czechoslovakia invaded by, 609, 612, 616, 617, 679, 747, 888

declining reliance on Soviet materials of, 774

Estonia’s nonaggression pact with, 647

in exit from League of Nations, 240

expansionism of, 556, 609, 675

in failure to ship contracted material to USSR, 753, 756

Finnish relations with, 703–4, 709, 713, 717, 748

Four-Year Plan of, 348, 366

France’s fear of, 298, 591–92

French relations with, 272, 357, 374

grain shortages in, 852–53

Italian “Pact of Steel” with, 632–34, 639

Italy’s relations with, 292

Japanese relations with, 650

Japan’s sharing of intelligence with, 485, 533

Kristallnacht in, 598

Latvia’s nonaggression pact with, 647

military buildup of, 143, 191, 592

Molotov’s visit to, 805–9, 811, 815, 818

national debt of, 598

Nuremberg laws passed by, 266

Nuremberg rallies in, 266, 342, 564

Poland invaded by, 678–79, 682, 684–85, 691, 826

Poland’s rejection of alliance with, 634, 638

Polish invasion plans of, 620–21, 636–37, 646, 651, 659–60, 661–62, 664, 675, 676–77

Polish nonaggression declaration with, 157–58, 159, 222, 630, 631, 861

Polish POWs slaughtered by, 745

Polish relations with, 291–92, 562, 596–97, 613–14

as possible Japanese ally in attack on USSR, 534

private companies in, 697–98

and proposed Japanese military pact, 539, 632, 633–34, 639–40, 646, 653

rearmament of, 240, 242–43, 342, 556, 598, 612, 821

Red Army arrests as viewed in, 431

Red Army underestimated by, 748–49

Reichstag fire trial in, 142–43

Rhineland remilitarized by, 288, 592

Romanian alliance with, 774

shortages of raw materials in, 329, 350, 474, 833, 838, 859, 890

Soviet accusations of espionage by, 487

Soviet armaments openly revealed to, 856–57

Soviet distrust of, 673

Soviet extradition of political refugees to, 695

Soviet grain exports to, 661, 743, 756–57, 769, 816

Soviet imports of material and technology from, 816–17

Soviet invasion of Poland sought by, 679, 680

Soviet loan from, 246, 259, 264, 291

Soviet planning for war with, 779, 843–44, 869–71

Soviet relations with, 121, 144, 211, 222, 275, 289, 298, 342, 356, 402–3, 609, 622, 623, 631–32, 633, 637

Soviet shipments of raw materials to, 769, 856, 869

Soviet spies in, 252, 699, 722, 800, 803–4, 810, 822, 836

Soviet trade negotiations with, 246, 257, 271–72, 291, 347–48, 366, 598, 621–22, 643, 651, 654, 659, 660, 694

Soviet trade pacts with, 661, 696, 731, 743, 752, 756–57, 764, 769, 779, 786, 799, 817, 830–31, 856, 869

Spanish civil war intervention of, 317–18, 323, 328–29, 339, 350, 407, 431, 556, 582

Stalin dictatorship compared with, 696–97

Stalin on war plans of, 245

Stalin’s desire for rapprochement with, 169, 299, 579, 582–83, 601, 637, 643, 661, 675

Stalin’s fear of British alliance with, 590

Stalin’s growing concerns about, 167–68, 239–40, 242, 414, 533

in Tripartite Pact, see Axis pact

as USSR’s principal foe, 581

war plan of, 613, 620

Winter War and, 730

Germany, Nazi, Soviet invasion preparations of, 783–86, 815, 820, 822–23, 835

disinformation campaign in, 837–38, 840, 842, 860, 865–66, 869, 872–73, 874, 877, 878, 885, 890–91

eastern buildups of Wehrmacht in, 783–84, 785, 787, 790, 791, 794, 795, 818, 820, 825, 828, 838, 857, 858, 859, 864, 875, 877, 878, 881, 891, 894

fifth column recruiting in, 891

Hitler’s June 14 conference on, 881

Hitler’s justification of, 847

Luftwaffe redeployment in, 857

perceived as blackmail, 859, 882, 883–84, 886, 891

Romania in, 876, 877

Soviet airspace violations by, 846, 855–56, 857, 869, 878, 880, 898

Soviet intelligence and, 824, 828–29, 836–38, 840, 841–43, 845, 846, 858–59, 864, 865–66, 876, 880, 883, 890, 894–95

Stalin’s discounting of, 841–42, 856, 868, 875, 880–81, 883–84, 885, 890–91, 897

and Stalin’s fear of provoking attack, 841, 870, 871, 894, 895, 898

three-pronged attack in, 840, 845, 879

Tukhachevsky on, 245

U.S. warnings of, 854–55

widespread rumors of, 863–64

Germany, Nazi, in World War II:

in Battle of Britain, 780, 784, 785, 793, 794

British and French declaration of war on, 679

British bombing of, 791, 794, 808, 809, 811, 818

British invasion plans of, 782–83, 784, 794

France occupied by, 760–61, 765–66, 767, 769, 773, 826, 827, 861, 889

Greece invaded by, 849, 852, 859

Hess’s flight to Britain from, 866–68, 871

Japanese attack on British territory as goal of, 784

Low Countries invaded by, 760, 763, 766

Norway and Denmark occupied by, 762–63

“peripheral strategy” of, 784, 791, 798, 815, 835, 838, 849, 896, 905

Romania occupied by, 796, 797, 798, 808

USSR invaded by, 899–900

Yugoslavia invaded by, 848–49, 850, 852, 859

Gestapo, 174, 221, 331, 332, 336, 560

Gibraltar, 315, 784

Gide, André, 255, 256, 295, 326, 416

Gladun, Yevgeniya, 225, 635

Goebbels, Joseph, 118, 143, 173, 266, 318, 356, 432, 474, 585, 608–9, 630, 642, 677, 678, 762, 805, 808, 872, 877, 882, 891, 896, 900

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 231

Goglidze, Sergo, 142, 503, 588, 722, 876

Gogoberidze, Levan, 348, 508

Gogol, Nikolai, 2


international flow of, 79

mining of, 133, 497

Goldstab, Semyon, 467, 548

gold standard, Britain’s abandonment of, 85

Golikov, Filipp, 790, 828–29, 839, 847, 877, 894

German invasion plans and, 845–46, 858, 875, 876–77, 878, 882

Goloshchokin, Filipp, 113, 620

Gorev, Vladimir, 338, 346, 349, 350, 351, 382

Göring, Herbert, 291, 402

Göring, Hermann, 143, 175, 240, 244, 252, 287, 402, 473, 474, 574, 583, 642, 661, 662, 663, 677, 678, 700, 752–53, 785, 807, 815, 837, 842, 891

and German trade with USSR, 291–92, 365

as head of Four-Year Plan implementation, 348

Polish trip of, 222–23

Gorky, Maxim, 25, 60, 155, 230, 255–56, 261, 442, 478

death of, 295

honors heaped on, 151–52

Moscow mansion of, 152

in return to Russia, 151

rumored poisoning of, 296

and son’s death, 177, 296

Stalin’s relationship with, 9, 27, 34, 36, 64, 148, 153, 233

state seizure of archives of, 296

in writers’ union founding, 151–52, 153, 177–78, 181, 183, 185

Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), 32, 135, 151, 162

auto factory at, 94

Gorsky, Anatoly, 656, 661, 740, 741, 800, 836

government bonds, reduced interest rates on, 294–95


imports of, 97, 98, 128

reported theft of, 101–2

reserves of, 85, 263–64

grain exports, 43, 49–50, 68, 85, 87, 94, 99, 107, 129, 269

to Germany, 661, 743, 756–57, 769, 816

industrialization and, 131

reductions in, 126, 128

in tsarist Russia, 127

grain procurements, 10, 16–17, 27, 34–35, 68, 87–88, 102, 115, 123, 131

1934 lag in, 180

1935 harvest and, 263–64

quotas for, 106–7, 113, 128, 227

reductions in, 87, 93–94, 95–96, 100, 106–7, 113, 117, 128

Stalin’s renewed demands for, 112–13, 114

Grand Kremlin Palace, 1939 New Year’s banquet at, 593–94, 595

Great Britain:

accommodation with Nazis needed by, 169, 591

avoidance of new war as policy of, 240, 242, 556, 562, 563, 566, 568, 590–91, 616, 662, 674

Baltic states’ relations with, 655

in Battle of Britain, 780, 784, 785, 793, 794

Communism feared by, 590, 591

in declaration of war on Germany, 679

empire of, xv, 591, 783, 833

Finnish relations with, 708, 709

French navy scuttled by, 777–78

French relations with, 242, 251, 298, 592, 612

German relations with, 355, 357, 590, 609, 617, 652, 653, 904

Germany and Japan as common enemies of USSR and, 168

Germany’s naval limitation pact with, 255, 288, 630

gold standard abandoned by, 85

Great Depression in, 591

Hitler as concern of, 238

Hitler’s view of, as main enemy, 474

Italian relations with, 374

and Japanese invasion of China, 364

Japanese relations with, 653

in military talks with Soviets, 656–58, 661

in minimal response to German invasion of Poland, 679–80

Munich Pact and, 565–66

Polish independence guaranteed by, 614–15, 616, 617, 653, 654, 662, 674, 676

Polish mutual assistance treaty with, 677, 679–80

Polish relations with, 597

Soviet negotiations with, 775–76, 778–79, 796, 810–11, 818, 819–20

Soviet relations with, 24–25, 26, 28, 168, 188–89, 243–44, 276, 364, 582, 593, 616, 632, 637, 719, 903–4

Soviet spy network in, 221–22, 241, 656, 740, 741, 800, 836

Spanish civil war and, 317, 356–57, 374, 398, 582

Stalin’s antipathy and distrust toward, xv, 24–25, 142–43, 168, 255, 292, 298, 675, 699, 762, 764, 765, 777, 780, 786, 819–20, 850, 884, 890, 903

Stalin’s fear of German alliance with, 590

Triple Alliance proposal and, 621, 622–23, 625, 630, 632, 638, 639, 646, 647–49, 652, 653, 674, 777, 810

unemployment in, 72

U.S. aid to, 791, 793, 833–35, 843, 904

Winter War and, 739, 777

Great Citizen, A (film script; Ermler), 372–73, 476

Great Depression, 85–86, 118, 155, 176, 297, 305, 591

Great Dictator, The (film), 796

Great Fergana Canal, 692

great power, USSR as, 238, 298

industrialization and, 131

Stalin’s obsession with building, 5, 8, 240, 249–50

great powers:

Britain as, xv

democratic vs. authoritarian, 296, 298

mass-based modernity mastered by, 296–97

Russia’s sense of insecurity vis-à-vis, 297

Great Terror, The (Conquest), 306

Great Wall of China, 125, 366


German invasion of, 849, 852, 859

Italian invasion of, 798, 812, 847, 849

Grigulevich, Josifas “Juzik” (Grigulevičios) 409–10

Gromyko, Andrei, 628

Gronsky, Ivan, 151, 152

Grzybowski, Wacłav, 634, 683

Gubin, Alexander, 199, 220

Guderian, Heinz, 686, 767, 768

Guernica, bombing of, 407

Guernica (Picasso), 411

Gulag (forced labor camps), 133, 220, 227, 319, 404, 413

death rate in, 599

escapees from, 497

Polish POWs in, 687

population of, 598–99, 692

reforms of, 286

release of Red Army officers from, 759

Guomindang, see Nationalists, Chinese

Habsburg empire, xv, 557, 558, 598

Haile Selassie, emperor of Abyssinia, 292

Halder, Franz, 567, 647, 676, 680, 687, 700, 704, 708, 779, 784, 814, 815–16, 841–42, 854, 864, 874, 881

Halha River, Japanese-Soviet clash at, 644–45, 650–51, 667, 668, 669, 716, 726, 882

Halifax, Edward Wood, earl of, 559, 621, 622, 633, 638, 648, 652, 653, 658, 675, 679, 763, 775, 784

Hamlet (Shostakovich film score), 283

Hanko Cape, 707, 710, 711, 714, 716, 719, 725

Harbin, China, 30, 92, 172, 597

Harnack, Arvid (“Corsican”), 221, 836, 837, 859, 860, 861, 878

heavy industry commissariat, 371, 514, 606

accusations of wrecking in, 384

arrests in, 348, 405

Hebei province, China, 233

Hegel, G.W.F., 302

Heiden, Konrad, 589–90, 682

Henderson, Nevile, 583, 654–55, 661, 662, 664, 676

Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 301

Herriot, Édouard, 146, 147

Herrnstadt, Rudolf (“Arbin”), 220, 659, 699–700

Hess, Rudolf, xiv, 318, 369, 807

in flight to Britain, 866–68, 871

Heydrich, Reinhard, 174, 175, 377, 474

“hidden enemies,” 336, 389, 429, 439

Malenkov’s inventories of, 383, 391

Stalin’s call for ramped-up hunt for, 389–90, 391

Hilger, Gustav, 633, 654, 663, 864, 865

Himmler, Heinrich, 174, 175, 688, 694, 713, 797, 805, 823

Hindenburg, Paul von, 118, 119, 120, 174, 175

Hirohito, emperor of Japan, 458, 536

Hirota, Kōki, 90, 93, 196


ancient, Stalin’s study of, 493

Russian, Stalin’s view of, 465–66, 468

History of National Socialism, A (Heiden), 682

History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), The: Short Course, see Short Course

History of the Russian Revolution (Trotsky), 62

Hitler, Adolf, 158, 218, 237, 298, 329, 350, 473

annihilation of Jews as goal of, 835

anti-Communist hysteria promoted by, 120, 121, 248, 557, 582
