anti-Semitism of, 238, 266, 307, 342, 430, 557, 582, 597–98

anti-Slav worldview of, 817

Antonescu’s meeting with, 798

appointed chancellor, 118, 120

assassination attempts against, 700–701, 720

Austrian annexation plan denied by, 240–41

in Beer Hall Putsch, xiv, 559, 867

Britain and France viewed as main enemies by, 474

British concerns about, 238

British empire envied by, 833

and British-German relations, 355, 904–5

British invasion plans of, 782–83, 784, 794

Chamberlain manipulated by, 698–99

Chamberlain’s appeasement of, 565–66, 591, 652–53, 662, 674, 677

Chancellery offices of, 585

charisma of, 304, 557

coup plots against, 563–64, 567

Czechoslovak democracy undermined by, 558

daily routine of, 585–86

Danzig trip of, 684–85

dictatorial powers of, 120–21, 698

diplomatic maneuvering by, 286–87

Eastern Pact rejected by, 189

European conquest as goal of, 652, 814, 817, 888–89

fiftieth birthday celebration of, 629–30

Four-Year Plan of, 329

French-Soviet alliance denounced by, 252, 275–76, 288–89

Franco’s meeting with, 797–98, 815

as gambler, 675, 705

general European war anticipated by, 474

and German-Soviet negotiations, 403, 660, 661, 664–65

inner circle of, 585, 586

Lebensraum policy of, 238, 342, 474, 556, 562, 682, 783, 785, 834, 904

Lithuania ceded to Soviet sphere of influence by, 694–95

Lvov withdrawal ordered by, 686

as master improviser, xiv–xv

meeting of Simon and Eden with, 240–41, 254

Molotov’s meetings with, 806, 807–8, 823

Munich Pact and, 564, 565–66

Mussolini’s relationship with, 555–56, 559, 561, 798

in 1933 visit to Soviet Union, 146–47

nonaggression pacts and, 157–58, 252

in Paris tour, 769–70

personality and interests of, 583–85

Pétain’s meeting with, 798, 815

Polish invasion and, 636, 639, 651, 657, 661–62, 675–77

on possibility of war with USSR, 241

on possible Soviet Pact, 650

in prison, xiv

rearmament pushed by, 143, 238, 556

Rhineland remilitarized by, 288

rise of, xii–xiv, 129

SA arrests ordered by, 174–75

as self-proclaimed defender of civilization, 641

and Soviet annexation of Baltic states, 773

Soviet invasion plans of, see Germany, Nazi, Soviet invasion preparations of

Soviet pact desired by, 631, 639, 640, 646–47

Soviet policy of, 143, 617, 623

Soviet threat as fixation of, 242–43, 244, 248, 255, 257, 276, 292, 299, 329, 340, 342

and Spanish civil war, 317, 318, 398

on Stalin, 822

Stalin compared with, xiv–xv, 888

Stalin’s accusations of Trotskyite collusion with, 386–87

Stalin’s birthday greeting from, 734–35

Stalin’s misreading of, 119, 239, 583, 838, 859, 864–65, 869, 878, 891, 896, 897

Stalin’s relationship with, 579, 905–6

Stalin’s view of, 432, 822

and start of German invasion of USSR, 900

Triple Alliance proposal and, 655, 662

U.S. power envied by, 833–34

Versailles Treaty injustices decried by, 240, 254, 612, 630, 675

war ministry abolished by, 475

Western offensive planned by, 700, 720, 735

world conquest as goal of, 904–5

World War I army service of, xiii

zero-sum geopolitics of, 904

Hitler Rearms (Woodman), 681

Hitler-Stalin Pact, xii, xv, 631, 646, 699, 702, 708, 774, 775, 793, 880, 889, 903

Baltic states as issue in, 651, 652, 654, 659

British and French reaction to, 673–74, 676, 730

division of Poland in, 664, 679, 680

German violations of, 787–88, 790, 792, 799, 808

hard-line Nazis’ dismay at, 673

Japan and, 670

Lithuania and, 692–93

negotiations leading to, 650, 651, 654, 655, 657, 659–60, 662–65

new Soviet demands for, 799–800

revision of, 692–94, 695–96

Ribbentrop and, 678

seen as betrayal of Communist ideals, 670–72

signing of, 665–66

Soviet war planning and, 829

spheres-of-influence protocol of, 664, 666, 684, 685, 773, 806, 808, 831

Stalin on, 671, 768

Hoffmann, Heinrich, 584, 673

Hohenzollern dynasty, xv

Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 410–11

Hoover, Herbert, 61, 79

Horthy, Miklós, 889

House of Commons, British, 28, 582, 614, 679

housing, scarcity of, 405

Howard, Roy, 287–88, 298, 621

“How Could This Happen?” (Trotsky), 13

How It All Began (Bukharin), 478

“How to Organize Competition?” (Lenin), 18

Hungarian Soviet Republic, 545

Hungary, 17, 557, 787, 791, 889

in Axis pact, 811–12, 829, 847

Czech territory seized by, 609

mobilization of, 894

I Am the Son of the Working People (Katayev), 770

Ilf, Ilya, 285, 404

Ilyushin, Sergei, 853

In an Old Urals Factory (Yoganson), 607

Indochina, 794

Industrial Academy, 25, 26, 109, 110

industrialization, Soviet, 16, 41, 53, 87, 131–32, 308, 821

accidents and waste in, 73

armament production in, 20–21, 84–85, 727, 760, 820

capital investment in, 257–58, 273

collectivization and, 10–11

first Five-Year Plan and, 17, 20–21, 28, 48

grain exports and, 43, 49–50, 68, 94, 131

growth of work force and, 72, 73, 85

importing of Western skills and technology in, 32, 45, 71–72, 297

mass arrests and, 445, 551, 603

1934 boom in, 155, 168–69

overoptimistic goals for, 70–71, 606–7

poor quality and underproduction in, 48, 513–14, 606

poor working conditions in, 60

productivity in, 445, 551, 781, 782

shortage of consumer goods in, 781

Soviet great-power status as dependent on, 238

success of, 305

wreckers in, see wreckers, wrecking

“Industrial Party,” 54, 56, 60, 77

Industry of Socialism (art exhibition), 607

intelligentsia, Soviet, 464, 481, 570, 571, 604–5

education of, 573–74

see also cadres

International Brigades, 338, 350, 399, 406, 460

International Congress of Writers for the Defense of Culture, 255–56

In the Steppes of Ukraine (Korniychuk), 896

Ionescu, Gheorghe Ştefan, 555

Iran, 17, 872

Iraq, 872

Irkutsk, 461


Abyssinia invaded by, 269, 287, 292, 318

Albania and, 665

in Anti-Comintern Pact, 557

British relations with, 374

France invaded by, 767–68

German “Pact of Steel” with, 632–34, 639

German relations with, 292

Greece invaded by, 798, 812, 847, 849

Munich Pact and, 565–66

Soviet spies in, 241

Spanish civil war intervention of, 318, 323, 328–29, 330, 339, 350, 406, 407, 431, 556, 582

in Tripartite Pact, see Axis Pact

Ivan IV, “the Terrible,” tsar of Russia, 246, 282, 466

Ivanovo, 95, 444

Ivan the Terrible Killing His Son (Repin), 465

Ivan Vasilevich (Bulgakov), 284–85


in Anti-Comintern Pact, 355–57, 539, 557, 581–82, 667, 677

in border clashes with Soviets, 456–57, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

British relations with, 653

China war of, 321, 330, 359, 364, 457–59, 460, 530, 533, 536, 539, 557, 597, 667, 677, 743–44, 793, 805

as common enemy of Britain and USSR, 168

expansionism of, 88, 129, 145, 168, 239, 277, 298–99, 581, 675

German relations with, 650

Germany’s sharing of intelligence with, 485

limited resources of, 833

Manchuria occupied by, 83–84, 88; see also Manchukuo

Poland’s offers of cooperation with, 93, 597

as possible German ally in attack on USSR, 534

proposed Chinese alliance with, 233

and proposed German military pact, 539, 632, 633–34, 639–40, 646, 653

in search for allies, 196

Soviet accusations of espionage by, 487

Soviet Far East seizure as goal of, 90, 92, 501

in Soviet neutrality pact, 852

Soviet offers of nonaggression pact rebuffed by, 90, 114

Soviet relations with, 83, 239–40, 243, 650, 665, 793–94, 796–97, 811, 851–52

Soviet war seen as inevitable by, 89–90, 91, 92, 98, 125, 597

Stalin’s avoidance of provocations of, 530

Stalin’s expectation of war with, 125, 143, 287, 456, 536

Stalin’s military buildup provoked by, 91

in Tripartite Pact, see Axis pact

Japan, Sea of, 702

Japanese Army:

failed putsch in, 287

Munich Pact and, 574

troop strength of, 112

see also Kwantung Army, Japanese

Japanese intelligence, 597

anti-Soviet operations of, 526–27

German attack on USSR discounted by, 882

Germany’s sharing of intelligence with, 485, 533

Lyushkov defection and, 532, 533–34

Red Army underestimated by, 668

Stalin’s antispy campaign as windfall for, 527, 532–33

Japanese Korean Army, 531, 536

Javakhishvili, Mikheil, 512, 513, 517

Jelagin, Juri, 422, 472, 476, 593


alleged international conspiracy of, 430, 589, 597

expelled from NKVD, 522

forced to wear Star of David, 736

Hitler’s desire for annihilation of, 835

Kristallnacht attacks on, 598

Polish, 687–88

Ukrainian pogroms against, 690

in Vienna, 560

see also anti-Semitism

Jodl, Alfred, 685, 784, 785, 791, 815, 824, 838, 900

Johnson Act (1934), 167

Jolly Fellows (film), 215–16, 217, 230, 273, 284, 293, 452

Jughashvili, Besarion “Beso,” 3, 154

Jughashvili, Galina, 523

Jughashvili, Yakov, 3, 108, 270, 272–73, 388, 523, 526, 860

attempted suicide of, 250

Jughashvili, Yevgeny, 523

July 11 (film), 690

justice system, Soviet, 176, 190

Kaganovich, Lazar:

appointed transport commissar, 225

as Central Committee secretary, 500

eulogy for Nadya delivered by, 112

famine and, 100, 122–23

at February 1937 plenum, 388, 394

grain procurements and, 180

“hidden enemies” campaign resisted by, 324, 325

as inner circle member, 180, 205, 215, 386, 393, 500, 526

as key to survival of Stalin dictatorship, 69

Kirov murder and, 205, 206

Molotov’s rivalry with, 66, 262

NKVD mass arrests sabotaged by, 500

Orjonikidze’s friendship with, 386, 500

party apparatus run by, 325, 518–19

and proposed replacement of Rykov, 55

regional party arrests and, 444

Stalin’s breaking of, 386, 709

Stalin’s correspondence with, 81, 82, 84, 98, 100, 102–3, 136, 140–41, 178, 180, 182, 184, 189, 263, 264, 266–67, 268–69, 313, 324, 332, 333, 338, 342

on Stalin’s darkening mind-set, 491

Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 211, 225

Stalin’s relationship with, 237

Stalin’s toast to, 694

as Stalin’s top party deputy, 65–66, 82

Trotskyite-Zinovievite trial and, 331

Tukhachevsky trial and, 423

workers’ strikes and, 95

on Yezhov’s appointment as NKVD head, 345

Kalinin, Mikhail, 7, 49, 75, 145, 193, 205, 227, 269, 292, 308, 563, 801, 908

Kamenev, Lev, 22, 104, 105, 229, 253, 387, 437, 467

alleged involvement in Kirov murder of, 210–11, 212, 213, 232–33, 236–37

Bukharin’s meeting with, 12

as defendant in Trotskyite-Zinovievite trial, 331

execution of, 333, 376, 602

imprisonment of, 325

internal exile of, 107

interrogation of, 332

Kaganovich’s denunciation of, 324

in Kirov murder trial, 219, 532

Kremlin Affair sentence of, 260

at 17th Party Congress, 156

Stalin’s mercurial relationship with, 228, 236–37, 332–33

Trotskyite-Zinovievite Center testimony of, 319

Kamenev, Sergei, 420

Kaminsky, Grigory (Gofman), 510–11

Kandelaki, David, 246, 366, 414, 515

execution of, 700

German rapprochement sought by, 271–72

and German-Soviet political negotiations, 373, 402

in German trade negotiations, 208, 246, 257, 259, 264, 271–72, 279, 291

Stalin’s meetings with, 208–9, 257, 271, 414

Kangxi, emperor of China, 457

Kapitsa, Pyotr, 853

Karaganda camp complex, 497

Karakhan, Lev, 89, 93, 419, 447

Karelia, Soviet, 711, 712, 724, 725, 746, 772

Karelian Isthmus, 710–12, 714, 718, 725, 727, 746, 753

Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic, 753

Kartvelishvili, Lavrenti (Lavrentyev), 81, 82

Kasahara, Yukio, 78, 89–90, 92

Katyn Forest, slaughter of Polish officers in, 745, 795

Kayurov, Vasily, 103–4

Kazakh autonomous republic, 117

death toll in, 127

deported kulaks in, 76

famine in, 76, 106, 122, 127, 129

forced settlement of nomads in, 76, 128

grain procurement in, 113, 128, 180

livestock losses in, 127

starvation in, 41

Kazakhs, 106, 127

Kazakhstan, Republic of, 354, 449, 453

mass arrests of party machine in, 444

Kegel, Gerhard (“X”), 220, 699, 700, 775, 864, 895

Keitel, Wilhelm, 475, 633, 685, 785, 805, 824, 900

Kennan, George, 335, 481, 674

Kerensky, Alexander, xi, 336, 485

Kerzhentsev, Platon (Lebedev), 283, 284–85, 476

Khachaturyan, Aram, 853

Khanjyan, Aghasi, 502–4

Kharkov, 32, 122, 146–47, 370

Khasan, Lake, 535, 536, 539, 547, 557, 562, 644, 650, 726

Khatayevich, Mendel, 106–7

Khrushchev, Nikita, 109, 110, 162, 235, 358, 373, 426, 497, 510, 768

arrests and executions overseen by, 520

background of, 206

on Beria’s appointment as NKVD deputy head, 541–42

Beria’s relationship with, 501, 520–21

elevated to Central Committee, 162

on German invasion of Poland, 682–83

as inner circle member, 501

as Kaganovich protégé, 518–19

Kirov murder and, 206

on mass terror, 433

on Mein Kampf, 682

on Molotov, 625–26

as Moscow party boss, 225, 504, 519, 520

in politburo, 521

on Stalin’s fear of German attack, 893

Stalin’s relationship with, 519–20, 546, 550, 605, 662–63

Trotsky association of, 519–20

as Ukraine party boss, 504, 520, 522–23, 542

Khryunkin, Timofei, 826–27

Kiev, 41, 146, 370, 844

Kiev special military district, 779

German invasion of, 900

King Lear (Shakespeare), 231

Kirov, Sergei, 46, 109, 196, 197

as Central Committee secretary, 161–62

documentary film about, 209, 218, 219

extramarital affairs of, 194

funeral of, 209

as inner circle member, 107, 161–62, 526

Leningrad film industry and, 193

as Leningrad party boss, 46, 55, 107, 134, 161–62, 194

personality of, 134

at 17th Party Congress, 160

in Sochi, 179–80

Stalin’s friendship with, 111, 133–34, 191–92, 193, 210, 311

as unlikely possible replacement for Stalin, 160–61

Kirov, Sergei, assassination of, 201–13, 216, 372, 469, 476, 478, 485, 491–92, 526

Agranov and, 211

alleged Zinovievite conspiracy in, 210–12, 219, 232, 236

Borisov’s death and, 207, 220

conspiracy theories about, 235–36

Draule and, 202, 203, 206, 210, 218–19, 232

first trial and executions in, 213

Kamenev and, 232–33, 236–37, 532

mass arrests in, 305

Medved and, 235

Nikolayev as solely responsible for, 235

Nikolayev’s confession in, 202, 204, 210, 211

Nikolayev’s execution for, 213

Nikolayev’s stalking of Kirov in, 199, 200, 235

NKVD and, 202, 206, 228

NKVD investigation of, 208, 228, 232, 236, 369–70, 527, 532

NKVD negligence in, 201, 205, 219, 220, 235, 236

public viewing of body in, 208, 209

radio announcement of, 206

reopened investigation into, 313, 323

rumored liaison of Kirov and Draule as motive for, 203

second trial in, 218–19

Stalin and, 205, 206–7, 209, 235, 236–37

2004 forensic analysis of, 202–3

witness accounts of, 202, 203

Yagoda and, 235

Yezhov and, 224

Zinoviev and, 210–11, 212, 213, 229, 232–33, 236–37, 532

Kleist, Peter, 636, 646, 651–52

Knickerbocker, H. R., 63–64

Knight in the Panthers Skin, The (Rustaveli), 516–17

Knorin, Wilhelm, 171, 172, 189, 446

Kobulov, Amayak (“Zakhar”), 803–4, 809, 823, 836, 838, 840, 873, 880, 883

Kobulov, Bogdan “Bakhcho,” 501, 508, 588, 626, 804, 840, 878, 879

Koestler, Arthur, 435

Kola Peninsula, 133

Kollontai, Alexandra, 179, 301, 427, 627, 715, 741

Kolotilov, Nikolai, 57–58

Koltsov, Mikhail, 71, 154, 255, 376, 416, 545

accusations against, 409

death sentence of, 740

journalism career of, 334

1938 showcase trial reports of, 479

as Pravda correspondent in Spain, 334–35, 339, 351, 352, 364, 406, 408–9, 459–60

as Soviet agent, 364, 382

Stalin’s mocking of, 408–9

Kolyma River region, 133

labor camps in, 133, 286, 497, 598

Kommunarka killing field, 455, 479, 480

kommunas, 35

Komsomolsk shipyard, 703, 805

Konar, Fyodor (Polashchuk), 435–36

Konoe, Fumimaro, 457, 793, 851

Konovalets, Yevhen, 610, 611

Kopelev, Lev, 123–24

Korean Peninsula, Japanese annexation of, 92

Koreans, in USSR, deportations of, 453, 528

Kork, August, 411–12, 422–23

Korniychuk, Oleksandr, 274, 896

Korotkov, Alexander, 836, 837

Korzhenko, Vasily, 447, 626

Kosior, Stanisław, 29, 94, 100, 102, 103, 125, 129, 211, 308, 520

Köstring, Ernst, 414, 455, 633, 647, 663, 673, 684, 685–86, 784, 873, 884

Kosygin, Alexei, 603, 757

Kotolynov, Ivan, 210, 211, 212

Kozlovsky, Ivan, 594–95, 853–54

Krebs, Hans, 852, 856–57, 864

Krejčí, Ludvik, 558, 561, 562


alleged conspiracy of cleaning personnel in, see Kremlin Affair

defense commissariat oversight of, 228, 229

as government headquarters, 66

as secret headquarters of Stalin dictatorship, 57, 66–67

Stalin’s apartment in, 108, 111, 163, 165, 191, 234, 388, 600

Kremlin Affair, 227–28, 253–54

NKVD investigation in, 228–29, 231–32

sentences in, 259–60

Yenukidze and, 231–32, 233

Krestinsky, Nikolai, 5, 144, 263, 327, 328–29, 333–34, 347, 447, 478

Kristallnacht, 598

Krivitsky, Walter, 583, 675, 696

Krivoshein, Semyon, 382, 405, 686

Kruglov, Sergei, 541, 589

Krupskaya, Nadezhda, 387, 425, 602

Kuibyshev, Nikolai, 473, 478

Kuibyshev, Valerian, 32, 55, 98, 101, 113, 190, 220

kulaks (rich peasants), 12, 14

classification of, 74

grain procurements from, 16–17

mass executions and internal deportations of, see dekulakization

Kulik, Grigory, 397, 414–15, 561, 651, 741, 752, 878

marriages of, 758, 795

mechanized units disparaged by, 755

promoted to marshal, 758

Kun, Béla, 172, 189, 446, 545

Kuril Islands, 811, 851

Kursk, 180

Kursky, Vladimir, 415, 526

Kutuzov, Mikhail, 751–52

Kutyakov, Ivan, 395–96

Kuusinen, Otto, 171, 189, 446, 723–25, 753

Kuzmina, Yulia, 411, 412

Kuznetsk, 32

Kuznetsov, Nikolai, 380, 427, 684, 899

as naval commissar, 702

promoted to admiral, 759

on Stalin’s fear of German attack, 893

Kwantung Army, Japanese, 31, 84, 125, 531, 597, 645

in Amur confrontation with Soviet gunboats, 456

in border clashes with Soviets, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

massacre of Chinese soldiers by, 83

Kyrgyzstan, 354, 773

Labour party, British, 24

Ladoga, Lake, 711

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (Shostakovich), 283

Lakoba, Nestor, 136–37, 144, 165

agricultural reports of, 231

background of, 137–38

Beria’s campaign against relatives and associates of, 515

Beria’s rivalry with, 139, 141, 142, 237, 504–6, 508

death of, 506, 526

Orjonikidze’s friendship with, 137

popularity of, 137, 140

Stalin biography and, 214

Stalin’s friendship with, 137, 138, 140, 237, 506

Lakoba, Sarie, 505, 506

Land Under the Yoke (Wasilewska), 789

Lapin, Albert, 532–33

Largo Caballero, Francisco, 338, 343, 346, 380–81, 406

resignation of, 408

Stalin and, 347, 365, 381, 405

Larina, Anna, 45, 349

Last Billionaire, The (film), 230

Latvia, 17, 50, 62–63, 89, 485, 596, 634, 664, 786

German nonaggression pact with, 647

Red Army troops in, 770–71

Soviet annexation of, 772

Soviet bases in, 714

Soviet pacts with, 93, 708, 715

standing army of, 112

Latvians, in USSR, 476, 454

Laval, Pierre, 242, 246, 252

German rapprochement sought by, 272

Stalin’s meeting with, 251

in trip to Moscow, 251

Law of Life, The (film), 788–89, 790

leadership, Stalin’s view of, 441–42

League of Nations, 83, 125, 144, 145, 146, 158, 218, 240, 242, 245, 269, 280, 288, 292, 608

Germany’s exit from, 173, 240

USSR expelled from, 729

USSR’s joining of, 189, 190, 237, 239, 248, 299

Lefortovo prison, 438

Lehmann, Wilhelm “Willy,” 221, 804

Lemeshev, Sergei, 595

Lend-Lease Act, 843

Lenin, Vladimir, 2, 18, 64, 65, 129, 173, 219, 249, 336, 494, 573, 903

death of, 387

documentary films on, 219–20

ideology of, 493–94, 691

New Economic Policy of, 9–10, 15

in 1917 return to Russia, xi

purported Testament of, 5, 12, 15, 67, 105, 160, 212, 228, 262, 299, 303, 336, 337, 372, 602

secret protocols condemned by, 666

Stalin’s rereading of, 691

stroke of, xii

Leningrad, 16, 32, 84

famine in, 112

security of, 711, 718, 747, 748

vulnerability to attack of, 703

Leningrad Film Studio, 218

Leningrad military district, 779

Lenin in 1918 (film), 617–18

Lenin in October (film), 467, 469, 617, 853

Leninism, see Marxism-Leninism

Leonhard, Wolfgang, 671–72

Leontyev, Konstantin (“Petrov”), 864, 895

Levin, Usher Leib “Lev,” 47, 264, 385

Levitan, Yuri, 210, 295, 424

Life of Stalin (Koltsov), 154

Lifshitz, Boris, see Souvarine, Boris

light industry commissariat, 514

arrests in, 405

Literary Fund, 178

literature, Soviet:

socialist realism in, 183

translation of foreign writers in, 231

Union of Soviet Writers and, see Union of Soviet Writers

see also culture, Soviet

Lithuania, 17, 252, 276, 562, 596, 613, 634, 664, 687, 786, 819

ceded to Soviet sphere of influence, 694–95

German-Soviet Pact and, 692–93

pro-German sentiment in, 647

Red Army troops in, 770–71

Soviet annexation of, 772

Soviet bases in, 714

Soviet pacts with, 87–89, 710, 715

Little Entente, 62, 173

Little Golden Calf, The (Ilf and Petrov), 285

Little Peter and the Wolf (Prokofyev), 292–93

Litvin, Mikhail, 416, 540, 543

suicide of, 578

Litvinov, Maxim, 24, 173, 251, 269, 280, 327, 329, 337, 342, 343, 448, 458, 538, 582, 590

anti-Nazism of, 275

Baltic states and, 614

dismissed as foreign affairs commissar, 625, 632

and French-Soviet relations, 357

German-Soviet political negotiations and, 373, 402, 403

as inner circle member, 500

investigation of, 626

Molotov’s antipathy toward, 623, 624, 625

multipower conference proposed by, 612

promoted to foreign affairs commissar, 89

Spanish civil war and, 320, 347

on threat of Nazi aggression, 242–43

Triple Alliance proposal of, 621, 623, 625

U.S. diplomatic recognition negotiated by, 145

war with Germany predicted by, 751

Zhdanov’s enmity toward, 624


collectivization and, 29, 35, 43, 94, 96

imports of, 95, 126, 128

losses of, 38, 44, 48, 59, 101, 106, 127, 131, 159

Livshits, Yakov, 348, 358

Lloyd George, David, 614, 776

Loizeau, Lucien, 265–66

Lominadze, Vissarion “Beso,” 56, 57, 58, 64, 69

expelled from Central Committee, 59

suicide of, 358

Long March, 262, 277, 321, 471

Lordkipanidze, Zekeri, 515, 528–29

Low, David, 556, 642

Low Countries, German invasion of, 760, 766, 889

Lozovsky, Solomon, 172, 446

Luftwaffe, 221, 473, 566, 766, 794

in Battle of Britain, 780, 783, 784, 785, 793, 794

bombers of, 351, 678, 755

creation of, 240

fighters of, 351, 407, 755–56, 783

losses of, 780

order of battle of, 882

in Polish invasion, 679

Soviet airspace violations by, 846, 855–56, 857, 869, 878, 880, 898

in Spanish civil war, 323, 351, 407

in transfer to Soviet border, 857, 880

in Yugoslavia invasion, 848


German invasion of, 763

see also Low Countries

Lvov (Lwów, Lviv, Lemberg), 685–86, 774

German withdrawal from, 686

Lyakhterov, Nikolai (“Mars”), 840, 842, 872

“Lycée-ist,” see Berlings, Orests

Lyons, Eugene, 63, 71, 780–81

Lyushkov, Genrikh, 228

accusations against, 528–29, 531

defection of, 530–31, 533–35, 536, 540, 668

as NKVD head for Far East, 528, 530

Stalin’s mass arrests denounced by, 532–33

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 422

MacDonald, Ramsay, 24–25, 80

Machiavelli, Niccolò, vii, 4–5, 297–98, 493

Maclean, Donald, 222, 636, 836


air attacks on, 323, 350, 351

fall of, 615

Franco’s failed assault on, 350–52, 376, 398, 406–7

Magadan, 133, 599

Maginot Line, 592, 766, 827

Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, 32, 75, 94, 96

Main Military Council, Soviet, 473, 547, 562, 564–65, 726, 736, 757

Main Military Council, Soviet, June 1937 session of, 417–18, 435

arrests of members of, 420–21

Blyukher’s report to, 420

interrogation reports presented to, 418

Stalin’s address to, 418–19

Voroshilov’s reports to, 418

Maisky, Ivan, 242, 280, 339, 614, 621, 622, 623, 627, 633, 648, 652, 656, 663, 719, 739, 740, 775, 776, 778, 780, 858, 868, 884, 890

Churchill and, 709–10

Triple Alliance proposal and, 638

Makhatadze, Nikolai, 81–82

Maksimovsky, Vladimir, 4–5

Malenkov, Georgy, 280, 839

inventories of “former people” drawn up by, 383, 391

on justification for mass terror, 483

list of candidates for NKVD head compiled by, 540–41

mass arrests overseen by, 350, 516

regional party arrests and, 444, 518

Stalin’s correspondence with, 383

Yezhov denounced by, 542

Yezhov’s file on, 619

Malraux, André, 181–82, 255, 256, 417, 635

Maly, Tivadar “Theodore,” 222, 409, 546–47

Malyshev, Vyacheslav, 603, 757, 832

managerial class, arrests of, 434, 444, 445, 599, 821

Manchukuo, 125, 277, 299, 527, 531, 852

Chinese Eastern Railway sold to, 233, 243

Japanese troops in, 536, 730; see also Kwantung Army, Japanese

Soviet border clashes with, 456–57, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644–45, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

Soviet relations with, 144

Manchuria, 29–30

Japanese occupation of, 83–84, 88

Japanese puppet state in, see Manchukuo

Soviet invasion of, 30–31

Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 169–70, 544, 635

Mandelstam, Osip, 404

arrest and internal exile of, 169–70, 186

Mannerheim, Gustaf, 708–9, 717–18, 739, 747

on Red Army capabilities, 749–50

Mannerheim Line, 727, 743, 753

Manuilsky, Dmytro, 168, 171, 189, 361, 362, 446

Man with a Gun (Pogodin), 476

Man with the Gun, The (film), 548

Mao Zedong, 360, 367, 370, 373, 458, 471, 539, 744, 805, 813

and capture of Chiang, 361, 363–64

negotiation with Nationalists offered by, 330

rise of, 277

Marco Polo Bridge, 457

Marmara, Sea of, 13

Martel, Giffard, 340

Marty, André, 338, 405, 406

Marx, Harpo, 145

Marx, Karl, 2–3, 302, 493–94, 573

Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute, 154, 734

Marxism, 131

capitalism as viewed by, 6

Hegel’s influence on, 302

idealism of, 6

Stalin’s dedication to, 10, 573, 576–77, 691

Marxism-Leninism, 3, 6, 49, 304, 494, 901

Stalin’s role in synthesis of, 8

Stalin’s view of, 10, 570–71

Maryasin, Lev, 436

Mason-MacFarlane, Noel, 629

mass violence:

Communism’s justification of, 6–7

Stalin’s use of, see terror campaign

Master and Margarita, The (Bulgakov), 635, 746

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin), 691

Matsesta sulfur baths, 4, 47, 98, 264, 311

Matsuoka, Yōsuke, 851–52, 855, 860

Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 149, 181–82, 276

Mdivani, Polikarp “Budu,” 337, 509, 515, 542

Mediterranean, German “peripheral strategy” in, 784, 791, 798, 815, 835, 837, 838, 849, 905

Medved, Filipp, 79, 201, 235

Kirov murder and, 202, 204–5, 206, 208, 220

as Leningrad NKVD head, 193–94

Stalin’s lack of confidence in, 194

Mein Kampf (Hitler), xiv, 158, 238, 245, 630, 681–82, 845, 867

Meissner, Otto, 810, 872

Mekhlis, Lev, 57, 193, 230, 390, 496, 698, 699, 719, 749

and arrests of Red Army officer corps, 426

Beria criticized by, 508, 509

as deputy defense commissar, 530

elevated to Central Committee, 162

Kirov murder and, 205

as Pravda editor, 425

in Soviet Far East, 530, 531, 533, 534, 535–36, 537

in Winter War, 731, 735, 751, 753

Meltzer, Judith “Yulia,” 272–73, 388

Member of the Government, A (film), 745–46

Mensheviks, 40, 50, 99, 116, 176, 233, 254, 467

as émigrés, 34, 48, 62, 65–66, 106, 349, 352–53, 378, 385, 437; see also émigré groups, anti-Soviet

Mercader, Ramón, 611–12, 787

Merekalov, Aleksei, 621–22, 623, 631

Meretskov, Kirill, 380, 417, 707–8, 723

as army chief of staff, 758, 779

promoted to general, 759

Red Army shortcomings reported by, 825

Winter War and, 726, 727, 729, 735, 736, 743, 753

Merkulov, Vsevolod, 260, 508, 542, 588, 606, 619, 717, 805, 807, 852, 874, 883

Meshcherino, 540, 542–43, 619

Messing, Stanisław, 23, 24, 35, 78

Metekhi fortress prison, 509

Mexico, Trotsky in, 368, 610, 787, 892

Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 284, 476, 649–50, 740, 770

Mężyński, Wiaczesław, 14, 22, 23, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 64, 77, 79, 103, 134, 345, 478

Mikhailov, Maxim, 594–95

Mikhoels, Solomon, 231, 635

Mikoyan, Anastas, 16, 41, 43, 55, 64, 96, 114, 176, 180, 209, 225, 262, 278, 308, 314, 385, 428–29, 471, 516, 843

on cult of Stalin, 7

and German trade negotiations, 598, 696, 756, 786

as inner circle member, 262, 386, 500, 526

Kirov murder and, 205

and proposed replacement of Rykov, 55

Stalin’s breaking of, 386

on Stalin’s darkening mind-set, 491

on Stalin’s eating habits, 165

Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 225

Mikulina, Yelena, 18–19

military, Soviet:

budget of, 223, 278, 821

December 1940 conference of, 824–27

forward defense doctrine of, 824–25, 830, 844, 871, 881, 885

intelligence department of, see Soviet military intelligence

preemptive strike against Germany envisioned by, 869–71

Stalin’s refusal to order full war footing for, 869–70

Stalin’s rejection of preemptive strikes by, 870

war plans of, 779, 843–44, 869–71

see also navy, Soviet; Red Air Force; Red Army; Soviet Far Eastern Army

military academy graduations, Stalin’s speeches at, 249–50, 860–61

Miliukov, Paul, 746–47

Mironov, Sergei (Miron Korol), 415, 461, 471, 482

as NKVD head in Western Siberia, 449–50, 451

secret police career of, 448–49

Mironova, Agnessa, 449, 461

modernity, mass-based, 296–97

Mogilevsky, Solomon, 139–40

Moiseyev, Igor, 593, 648

Mola, Emilio, 315–16, 318, 351, 407, 428

Molchanov, Georgy, 228, 389

Moldavia, Moldavians, 138, 786

Molière, 231

Molière (Bulgakov), 284–85

Molotov, Vyacheslav:

on Anti-Comintern Pact, 357, 655

antipathy toward Litvinov of, 623, 624, 625

appointed head of government, 65

on arrests of staff, 581

on Axis pact, 793

background of, 65

Beria’s rivalry with, 550, 692

Berlin visit of, 794, 797, 798–99, 803, 805–9, 811, 815, 818

Bessarabia ultimatum of, 773

Britain viewed as main enemy by, 274

and British trade talks, 776, 777

on Bukharin’s relationship with Stalin, 433

as Central Committee member, 605

economic policy and, 257, 258

on famine of 1931–33, 127

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386, 388, 389, 396–97

Finnish negotiations and, 708–9, 710, 711, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718–19, 720

as foreign affairs commissar, 625, 863

as Germanophile, 643, 780

and German violations of the Pact, 790–91, 799

on German-Soviet relations, 356

grain procurements and, 180

as head of government, 605, 843

Hitler’s meetings with, 806, 807–8, 823

Hitler-Stalin Pact and, 637, 650, 659, 660, 666, 672–73, 685, 695

industrial sabotage report of, 388

as inner circle member, 161–62, 205, 262, 393, 500, 526, 623

Kaganovich’s rivalry with, 66, 262

as key to survival of Stalin dictatorship, 69

Kirov murder and, 205, 209

letters to wife from, 786

mass executions authorized by, 542

Mongolian border clashes and, 644

on Nikolayev, 207

Orjonikidze’s eulogy delivered by, 385

as proposed replacement for Rykov, 53, 56, 64

and proposed Soviet inclusion in Axis powers, 813, 831

replaced as head of government, 863

Schulenburg’s meetings with, 898

self-assurance of, 625–26

and severing of Finnish relations, 722

and Soviet invasion of Poland, 681, 683–84

Spanish civil war and, 381

Stalin’s correspondence with, 24, 25–26, 31, 32, 47, 48–49, 50, 53, 58, 84, 100, 189, 262, 266–67, 268–69

Stalin’s criticisms of, 863, 865

on Stalin’s drive for self-improvement, 495

on Stalin’s friendship with Kirov, 134

Stalin’s mealtime meetings with, 211, 225

Stalin’s relationship with, 237, 624, 625–26

on Stalin’s view of Hitler, 822

on Stalin’s work ethic, 892

terror campaign and, 429, 624

on third Five-Year plan goals, 606–7

and Triple Alliance proposal, 633, 634, 639, 647–49, 653, 656

Winter War and, 746

Yezhov’s threatening of, 500

Yugoslavia and, 848

Molotov, Zhemchuzhina, 193, 274, 593, 692

Molotovsk shipyard, 703

Moltke, Count Helmuth von (the Elder), xiv

Moltke, Hans-Adolf von, 221, 596

Mongolia, Inner, 125, 233–34

Mongolia, Outer (Mongolia People’s Republic), 83, 88, 98, 125, 234, 287, 366, 456, 458–59, 485, 557, 737, 852

army of, 196

in border clashes with Manchukuo, 455–56, 535–40, 547, 557, 562, 597, 644–45, 650, 667–70, 677, 683, 726, 755, 902

Japanese attack on frontier post of, 277

lamas in, 147, 195, 277, 278, 309, 462

mass arrests and executions in, 482

military budget of, 277, 278, 280

NEPmen in, 147

Red Army troops in, 197, 280, 461, 644, 650–51, 653, 667–68

reversal of party policy in, 97

showcase trials in, 461, 462

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 196–97

as Soviet puppet state, 147–48, 195, 289

Stalin’s concerns about, 147–48, 195

Stalin’s forgiveness of debt of, 196

Stalin’s mass arrests in, 460–61

uprisings in, 97

Mongolian People’s Party, 147, 737

Moravia, 774

Morocco, Franco in, 314–15


antiaircraft defenses of, 889

famine in, 112

food rationing in, 16

mass terror in, 520

May 1 celebrations in, 246–48, 290

Napoleon’s occupation of, 888

Moscow, 1937 (Feuchtwanger), 416–17

Moscow Artists’ Union, 284

Moscow Art Theater, 148, 150, 151, 284, 404, 552

Moscow International Film Festival (1975), 230

Moscow metro, Stalin’s ride on, 234–35, 250–51

Moscow-Volga Canal, Gulag labor force of, 404

Mosfilm, 422

Moskvin, Ivan, 224, 593

Motherland (Wasilewska), 789

Mukden, Manchuria, 30, 83, 457

Mukhina, Vera, 411, 853

Munich, 597

Munich Beer Hall:

attempted assassination of Hitler in, 700–701, 720

failed putsch in, xiv, 559, 867

Munich Pact, 565–66, 567, 572, 574–75, 592, 609, 674, 699, 763

Stalin and, 578, 579

Murmansk, 133, 739, 740, 748

Musavat counterintelligence, 510, 511, 589

music, 283

socialist realism and, 183–84

Stalin’s interest in, 594

Mussolini, Benito, 189, 210, 285, 292, 298, 317, 318, 329, 350, 525, 565, 767, 814, 816, 838, 849, 889

and German invasion of Poland, 676–77, 678

Hitler’s relationship with, 555–56, 559, 561, 798

and Spanish civil war, 398–99, 406

My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (Trotsky), 62, 540

Myussera, Abkhazia, Stalin’s dacha in, 505

Mzechabuki (ballet), 506

Nabokov, Vladimir, 550

Naggiar, Paul-Émile, 633, 649

Nakhichevan, 518

Nanking (Nanjing), 321, 359, 360, 367

Japanese capture and massacre of, 470

Napoleon I, emperor of France, 690, 888

Narew River, 684, 686

Nasedkin, Alexei, 453–54

Nationalists, Chinese, 17, 29, 83

in civil war with Communists, 262, 277, 321, 359–60, 367, 805

Mao’s offer of negotiations with, 330

massacre of Communists by, 30

northern China abandoned by, 743

proposed Japanese alliance with, 233

Soviet aid to, 459, 470, 471, 530, 535

Soviet relations with, 29–30, 114, 557

in united front with Communists, 277, 362, 364, 379, 458, 459, 470, 539

in war with Japan, see China, Japanese war with


mass terror campaign against, 453–54, 476

Stalin’s view of, 7

National People’s Party, German, 120

National Unity Camp, 688

navy, German, 473, 876

navy, Soviet, 702–3, 704

Nazis, Nazism, xiii

anti-Bolshevism of, 175, 473

Communist Party compared with, 287, 697

as dismayed by German-Soviet Pact, 673

in 1930 election, 53

rise of, 118–19, 129

Stalin’s misunderstanding of, 557

Near Dacha:

accommodations at, 165, 524–25

secrecy of, 164–65

Stalin’s fifty-sixth birthday celebration at, 277–78

as Stalin’s principal residence, 163

Near East, 752, 796, 800, 808

German “peripheral strategy” for, 784, 791, 798, 802, 815, 835, 837–38, 849, 872, 896, 905

Negrín, Juan, 347, 380

Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir, 148, 404

NEPmen (private traders), 12

in Mongolia, 147

Stalin’s suppression of, 72

Netherlands, 766

general mobilization of, 678

German invasion of, 763

see also Low Countries

Neurath, Konstantin von, 292, 402, 473, 628

Nevsky, Alexander, 751

New Economic Policy (NEP), 9–10, 14, 15, 17

New Forms of Combat (Isserson), 826

New Moscow (Pimenov), 607

New York Stock Exchange, 32

Nicholas I, tsar of Russia, 246

Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, 267, 436, 485

abdication of, xi, 301

Night of the Long Knives, 174–75, 221

Nikolayev, Leonid:

childhood of, 197

diary of, 199–200, 203

Draule’s marriage to, 197–98

Kirov murdered by, see Kirov, Sergei, murder of

party expulsion of, 198, 204, 206, 236

quarrelsome nature of, 198

Stalin’s interrogation of, 207–8

workplace problems of, 198, 204

Nikolayev shipyard, 702–3

Nikonov, Alexander, 413, 454–55

Nin, Andreu, 335, 364

assassination of, 410, 425, 534

Nizhny Novgorod, see Gorky

NKGB (state security commissariat), 840, 846, 850, 891, 908

analytical department lacked by, 841

counterintelligence of, 873–74

evacuation of German and Italian embassies reported by, 887

German disinformation campaign and, 878

NKVD (internal affairs commissariat):

arrests in, 376, 379, 393–94, 405, 415–16, 434, 450, 471, 522, 528, 588–89, 595, 603

awards and pay raises for, 451, 472

Beria as head of, 550, 588–89, 595, 605

decline in mass arrests by, 190, 286

at February 1937 Central Committee plenum, 386, 389

foreign intelligence operations of, see intelligence, Soviet

Franco assassination attempts by, 409

Georgians in, 588

German agents captured by, 857

given co-oversight of Kremlin investigation, 229

and hunt for “hidden enemies,” 325, 391

introduction of formal ranks in, 272

investigation of excessive arrests by, 578

Jews and minorities expelled from, 522, 588

Kirov murder and, see Kirov, Sergei, murder of

Kremlin personnel investigated by, see Kremlin Affair

Leningrad branch of, 202, 203–4, 207, 219, 220, 229, 236, 540

mass arrests and executions by, 294, 319, 452–53, 486, 487, 488

mass arrests of foreign agents of, 497, 498–500

Medved as head of Leningrad branch of, 193–94

NKGB separated from, 840

OGPU replaced by, 176–77

Operational Order No. 00447 of, 452

party terror and, 475

Red Army investigated by, 222, 357

in release of prisoners from Yezhov-era roundups, 618

and Sedov’s death, 476

Siberia branch of, 194

in Spanish civil war, 339, 408, 410, 425

spying charges against, 528

“spy mania” arrests by, 486, 487, 488

supposed coup plot in, 391

swollen ranks of, 497–98

torture employed by, 190, 595

Trotsky assassination attempts by, 368

Trotskyites arrested by, 279–80, 294, 319

Trotsky surveilled by, 322–23

twentieth anniversary of, 471

writers’ union surveilled by, 182, 185

Yagoda as head of, 176, 272, 436, 523, 527

Yagodaites eliminated from, 415

Yezhov as head of, 344–45, 392, 415, 437, 449, 451, 471, 498, 521–22, 540–42, 618

Yezhovites eliminated from, 578, 588, 619

Yezhov loyalists in, 499

Yezhov’s resignation as head of, 587

Yezhov’s review of, 229

Nomonhan, 644

battles at, 645, 650–51, 683

nonaggression pacts:

Stalin’s desire for, 88–89

see also specific pacts

Non-Intervention Agreement, 327, 329, 330, 337, 342, 346, 347

Non-Intervention Committee, 339, 347

North Caucasus, 107, 112–13, 122, 128

party purges in, 112, 114

Northern Fleet, Soviet, 133, 703

Norway, 763

German occupation of, 762–63, 889

Trotsky in, 327, 368, 610

Novokuznetsk, 190

Nuremberg, Nazi Party Congress in, 266–67

Nuremberg laws, 266

Odessa, 13, 146, 774

Odessa military district, 779

OGPU, 35, 50, 51, 54, 89, 94, 95, 97, 117, 908

Beria’s career in, 140

collectivization and, 38, 39, 41–42

dekulakization and, 36, 37, 74–75

famine and, 122, 130

foreign directorate of, 172

1931 shakeup in, 79, 80

peasant deportations and, 125

power struggles in, 22–24, 78–79, 80

Red Army investigated by, 76–77, 84

replaced by NKVD, 176

Trotsky smuggled out of Russia by, 12–13

wrecking investigations of, 57

Okhotsk, Sea of, 133

okhranka, 436

Olberg, Valentin, 279–80

Olsky, Jan (Kulikowski), 56, 78

Olympics of 1936 (Berlin), 326

“On Anti-Soviet Elements” resolution, 450

“On Certain Cunning Techniques of Recruitment by Foreign Intelligence” (Pravda article), 486

One-Story America (Ilf and Petrov), 285–86, 404

“On the Hills of Manchuria” (Shatrov), 209

On the History of the Bolshevik Organization in the South Caucasus (Beria), 503

On the Nature of Absolutism (Vorovsky), 493

On the Road to Thermidor (Besedovsky), 294

Open Letter to Members of the Bolshevik Party, An (Trotsky), 787

opera, Stalin’s love of, 594

oprichnina, 465–66

Orakhelashvili, Mamiya, 140, 141, 264, 358, 508, 515

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 437, 610

orgburo, 66, 162, 224, 225, 507, 907

Orjonikidze, Papuliya, 348, 504

Orjonikidze, Sergo, 12, 20, 26, 29, 36, 39, 46, 49, 55, 57, 58, 65, 73, 86, 136, 140, 141, 159, 162, 209, 212, 231, 264, 273, 278, 308, 314, 345, 362, 373, 386, 396

appointed head of Supreme Council of the Economy, 66

funeral of, 385

as heavy industry commissar, 262, 278, 314, 320, 323–24, 325, 348, 371, 383–84

“hidden enemies” campaign resisted by, 323–24, 325

illnesses and failing health of, 123, 197, 324, 348, 350

as inner circle member, 162, 197, 262, 386, 526, 548

Kaganovich’s friendship with, 386, 500

as key to survival of Stalin dictatorship, 69

Kirov murder and, 205, 206, 209

Lakoba’s friendship with, 137

military budget cuts and, 101

popularity of, 325–26, 501

posthumous vilification of, 508–9

and proposed replacement of Rykov, 56

Stalin’s correspondence with, 54, 82, 98, 337

Stalin’s friendship with, 111, 133, 237

Stalin’s meetings with, 211, 384

Stalin’s plenum attack on, 358

suicide of, 384–86, 428, 443, 526

torture and confession of, 371

Orjonikidze, Zinaida, 324, 384, 506

Orlov, Alexander (Leiba Feldbein), 339, 347, 349, 351, 382, 410, 524, 534

Orlova, Lyubov, 216, 217, 293, 593, 795, 853, 854

Orwell, George, 410–11

Ōshima, Hiroshi, 485, 640, 855

Oslo, Trotsky in, 322

Osten, Maria, 363, 460

Ott, Eugen, 221, 356, 640, 650, 791, 874–76, 890

Ozaki, Hotsumi, 667–68, 851, 874

Paasikivi, Juho Kusti, 710–11, 712, 713, 715, 717, 718, 719, 723, 747

Paasonen, Aladár, 710, 711

Pacific Fleet, Soviet, 703

Packard automobiles, Stalin’s preference for, 164

Pact of Steel, 632–34, 639


foreign sale of “bourgeois” artworks in, 184

Industry of Socialism exhibition of, 607

socialist realism in, 184

see also culture, Soviet


German occupation of, 765

Hitler’s tour of, 769–70

1937 International Exhibition in, 411

Party Card (film), 293–94

Party Construction, 34

Pascua, Marcelino, 381

Passov, Zelman, 575–76

passports, internal system of, 115

Pasternak, Boris, 169, 181–82, 183, 184, 186, 255, 277, 326, 416, 481

Stalin’s call to, 170

Patolichev, Nikolai, 846–47

Pauker, Karl, 109, 165, 228, 344–45, 526, 618

arrest of, 393

in fabricated coup plots, 397

Kirov murder and, 205

Paulus, Friedrich von, 21, 820

Paustovsky, Konstantin, 289–90

Pavlov, Dmitry, 757, 877

Pavlov, Karp, 598–99

Pavlov, Vladimir, 628, 864

Pavlunovsky, Ivan, 140, 511

peasant revolution, 9, 10


anticollectivization protests by, 27, 29, 38–39, 41–42, 68

dekulakization of, see dekulakization

executions of, 131

in flight from collectives, 93, 99, 101, 117

grain procurements from, see grain procurements

internal incarceration and deportation of, 131

suspension of mass deportations of, 125

working class and, 369

see also collectives; collectivization

Peculiar Penguins (cartoon), 230

Pegov, Nikolai, 541

Peking (Beijing), 125, 233, 457–58

Peredelkino dacha colony, 177, 178

Permanent Revolution (Trotsky), 540

Persian Gulf, 813

Peshkov, Maxim, 177, 296

Pétain, Philippe, 315, 767, 889

Hitler’s meeting with, 798, 815

Peter I, “the Great,” tsar of Russia, 465, 466, 751

Peter the First (Tolstoy), 185

Peter the Great (Tolstoy), 853

Peterson, Rudolf, 205, 228, 397

Peter the First (film), 466

Petropavlovsk (cruiser), 764

Petrovsky, Hryhory, 99, 605

Petsamo, Finland, 710, 711, 714, 718

Philby, Harold “Kim,” 221–22, 656, 725, 800, 836

and attempted assassination of Franco, 409

Phipps, Eric, 167–68

Hitler’s meeting with, 275–76

Picasso, Pablo, 411

Pieck, Wilhelm, 189, 259, 401–2

Pike, Operation, 762

Pikel, Richard, 313, 320, 324

Piłsudski, Józef, 89, 102, 158, 159, 173, 223, 239, 252, 257, 590, 689

Platon Krechet (Korniychuk), 274

Ploieşti oilfields, 796, 817

Pogodin, Nikolai, 476, 788

Poincaré, Raymond, 61

Poland, 17, 92, 168, 275, 485, 557, 685

Belorussians and Ukrainians in, 569, 574, 689

British and French “guarantee” of independence of, 614–15, 616, 617, 653, 654, 662, 674, 676

British mutual assistance treaty with, 677, 679–80

British relations with, 597

Czechoslovak territory annexed by, 574, 609

discrimination against Jews in, 736–37

Eastern Pact rejected by, 189

in efforts to destabilize Ukraine, 89, 93

French military alliance with, 158, 592, 597, 612, 634, 677, 680

German alliance rejected by, 634, 638

German invasion of, 678–79, 682, 684–85, 691, 736, 826

German relations with, 291–92, 562, 596–97, 613–14

German-Soviet division of, 664, 684–87

Germany’s planned invasion of, 620–21, 636–37, 646, 651, 659–60, 661–62, 664, 675, 676–77

interwar dictatorship of, 430

Japanese-Soviet war as goal of, 597

Japan’s sharing of intelligence with, 597

lack of planning for German war by, 679

Nazi nonaggression declaration with, 157–58, 159, 222–23, 630, 631

in offers of cooperation with Japan, 93, 597

possible Soviet preemptive attack on, 245

Radek’s secret negotiations with, 158, 159

Romanian alliance of, 158

Soviet accusations of espionage by, 487

Soviet intelligence network in, 220–21

Soviet invasion of, 681, 683–91, 775

Soviet mutual assistance pact rejected by, 634

Soviet nonaggression pact with, 93, 102, 168, 683

Soviet occupation of, 688–89

Soviet relations with, 211, 292, 298, 574, 597

Stalin’s desire for nonaggression pact with, 89

Stalin’s fear of invasion by, 27, 50, 54, 84, 143, 239, 568, 578

standing army of, 112

Triple Alliance proposal and, 647

Ukrainians in, 689, 693

Poland, Nazi-occupied, German troops in, 820

Poland, Soviet-occupied, 773

denunciations encouraged in, 771

deportations to labor camps in, 771

single-candidate elections in, 772

Poles, as slave labor in Germany, 688

Poles, in USSR, 476

mass arrests and executions of, 453

Polish army:

casualties of, 687

Gulag internment of, 687

slaughter of officers of, 795

Soviet internment of officers of, 687

Polish Corridor, 596, 597, 615, 616, 652, 655, 677, 679

Polish intelligence, 413, 597

Japan’s intelligence sharing with, 527

Soviet agents of, 691

Polish POWs, 687, 744–45

Soviet and German slaughter of, 745

Polish-Soviet War (1919–20), 51, 687, 690

politburo, 64, 113, 191, 403, 768, 831, 839, 863, 907

Bukharin expelled from, 29

as bypassed by Stalin dictatorship, 56–57, 58–59, 586

expulsion of Syrtsov from, 64

famine relief measures approved by, 123

Kirov murder and, 205

1936 capital budget of, 258

party history commission of, 179

Rykov’s expulsion from, 65, 68

Spanish civil war and, 338

Stalin’s dictating of decisions of, 162

Stalin’s holidays and, 136

telephone voting by, 162

voting members of, 308

workload of, 440

wrecking investigations of, 57

Polonsky, Ruven “Vladimir,” 56–57

Port Arthur, China, 30, 70

Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), 83

Poskryobyshev, Alexander, 46, 162, 205, 274, 526, 594, 663, 734, 738, 889–90

Postyshev, Pavel, 124, 209–10, 278, 323, 370, 385, 387

Potyomkin, Grigory, 246, 357, 530, 560, 562, 565, 568, 578, 623, 634, 663, 683, 710, 716, 722

POUM (Workers Party of Marxist Unification, Spanish), 339, 400–401, 406, 408

Koltsov’s attack on, 364–65

mass arrests of, 425, 431

NKVD infiltration of, 408

outlawing of, 410–11

Soviet showcase trials condemned by, 343–44

Spanish Communist attacks on, 364

Stalin dictatorship attacked by, 368

Stalin’s condemnation of, 368


articles on Keke in, 271

Beria criticized in, 508, 509–10

Beria’s articles in, 504

Kirov murder and, 208, 209

Koltsov as Spanish war correspondent for, 334–35, 339, 351, 352, 364, 406, 408–9, 459–60

mass arrests at, 408

Mekhlis as editor of, 425

Nadya’s death announced in, 111–12

Stalin biography published in, 734

Stalin’s criticism of, 356

Stalin’s fiftieth birthday celebrated in, 32–33

presidium, Supreme Soviet, 475, 543, 908

press, Soviet, fanning of mass hysteria by, 439

Primakov, Vitali, 331, 411, 423–24

Prince, The (Machiavelli), vii, 493

Princip, Gavrilo, 88

Prinkipo (Prince’s Isle), Trotsky’s exile to, 13, 28, 62, 130

prisons, population of, 598

Prokofyev, Sergei, 292–93, 671, 733, 770

Proletarian Revolution, 178

proletariat, “dictatorship” of, 14, 37, 51, 114, 320, 335, 353

propaganda, propagandists, Soviet:

anti-British, 780

1938 meeting of, 570–74

Proskurov, Ivan, 636, 651, 753
