Griffin family Christmas letter

’Twas the week before Christmas

When all through the house

So much mud began flowing,

Our things it did douse.

We moved to the Westin

But did not despair

When we saw that the rooms here

Are beyond compare.

Warren dons a fine bathrobe,

And I in my cap,

Each eve we head poolward

For long winter laps.

At night we love nestling

All snug in our beds

While visions of room service

Dance in our heads.

So whatever you’ve heard

Which has given you fright,

We Griffins are fine.

“Have a swell Christmas night!”

* * *

From: Soo-Lin Lee-Segal

To: Audrey Griffin


I’ve been a nervous wreck trying to track you down after I heard about the mudslide. But I just now received your fabulous Christmas letter. That’s why you’ve been so quiet. You were busy turning lemons into lemonade!

Who knew the Westin was so luxurious? They must have fixed it up since I was there. If you ever get bored, I insist you move in with us. After the divorce, I converted Barry’s office into a guest room and added a Murphy bed, where you and Warren can sleep, although it’s a smidge tight with my new treadmill. Kyle can bunk with Lincoln and Alexandra. But be warned, we’ll all have to share the one bathroom.

Samantha 2 ships in three months, so of course Elgin Branch decides now is the perfect time to go to Antarctica, the only place on the planet with no Internet. It’s my responsibility to make sure things run smoothly while he’s off-grid. I must admit, though, there’s something thrilling about remaining completely unruffled in the midst of his mercurial demands.

You should’ve seen him this morning. He chewed out some women from marketing. I’m no fan of those marketing gals myself, traipsing around the world staying at five-star hotels. Still, I took Elgin aside afterward.

“I’m sure you had your hands full at home this weekend,” I said. “But you must remember, we’re all working toward the same goal.” Boy, did that silence him. Score one for us, Audrey!

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