Thank you…

Anna Stein, fierce and elegant agent, dear friend. Judy Clain, true believer, full of kindness and sparkle.

To my parents. Joyce, for the near-embarrassing belief in me, and Lorenzo, for making me want to become a writer.

For the hands-on help: Heather Barbieri, Kate Beyrer, Ryan Boudinot, Carol Cassella, Gigi Davis, Richard Day, Claire Dederer, Patrick deWitt, Mark Driscoll, Robin Driscoll, Sarah Dunn, Jonathan Evison, Holly Goldberg Sloan, Carolyne Heldman, Barbara Heller — I shudder to think what a mess I’d have on my hands without your notes — Johanna Herwitz, Jay Jacobs, Andrew Kidd, Matthew Kneale — my Roman star, twinkling — Paul Lubowicki — especially, especially! — Cliff Mass, John McElwee, Sally Riley, Maher Saba, Howie Sanders, Lorenzo Semple III, Garth Stein, Phil Stutz, Arzu Tahin, Wink Thorne, Chrystol White, John Yunker.

The Cassella girls: Elise, Julia, and Sara, without whose decency and charm, there’d be no Bee.

At Little, Brown: Terry Adams, Reagan Arthur, Emily Cavedon, Nicole Dewey, Heather Fain, Keith Hayes, Michael Pietsch, Nathan Rostron — sometimes I think my whole writing career is an elaborate ruse to make you take my calls — Geoff Shandler, Amanda Tobier, Jayne Yaffe Kemp.

Deep, lifelong thanks to: Nicholas Callaway, Mia Farrow, Merrill Markoe, Peter Mensch, Ann Roth, James Salter, Larry Salz, Bruce Wagner.

For the Seattle embrace: the parents, faculty, and staff of the ___ school, Mr. Levys all, gnats not a one. Huge thanks to my comrades at Seattle7Writers, Elliott Bay Book Company, University Books, and the Richard Hugo House.

Most of all: George Meyer, who, with kindness and minimal complaint, suffers the arrows so I can wall off and write. Thanks for sticking with me, baby.
