From Marcus Strang of the FBI

Dear Mr. Branch,

I am the regional director of the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), working in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security. My department within the IC3 tracks advance fee schemes and identity fraud.

You have come to our attention because of a charge on a Visa card billed to you dated 10/13, in the amount of $40, to a company calling itself Delhi Virtual Assistants International. This company does not exist. It is a shell company for a crime syndicate working out of Russia. We have spent the last six months building a case against them. A month ago, we were granted a warrant, which allowed us to track emails between your wife, Bernadette Fox, and one “Manjula.”

In the course of this correspondence, your wife has turned over credit card information, bank wiring instructions, social security numbers, drivers license numbers, addresses, passport numbers, and photographs of you, herself, and your daughter.

You are apparently unaware of this activity. Your wife suggests in one email to “Manjula” that you had forbidden her from using the services of Delhi Virtual Assistants International.

This matter is delicate and urgent. Yesterday “Manjula” asked for power of attorney while your family is away in Antarctica. We were able to intercept this email before it was delivered to your wife. Judging from her past behavior, we had every reason to believe she would sign it without hesitation.

As you read this letter, I will be landing in Seattle. I will be at the Microsoft Visitor Center at noon, where I expect you to meet me and offer your full cooperation.

In the next three hours, it is imperative that you do not share this information with anyone, especially your wife, who has proven herself to be an unreliable actor.

The warrant obtained was for all your wife’s emails in the past three months containing the word “Manjula.” There were literally hundreds. I have selected the twenty most relevant and have also included a lengthy one from her to a Paul Jellinek. Please familiarize yourself with them prior to my arrival. I suggest you clear your calendar for the rest of the day and week.

I look forward to meeting you at the Visitor Center. With your full cooperation, we are hoping to keep Microsoft out of it.


Marcus Strang

P.S.: We all love your TEDTalk. I’d love to see the latest on Samantha 2 if time permits.
