
A. N. Eremeeva «Being in a provincial area under the conditions of the time...»: the survival practices of Russian scientists in the years of Civil War

The book examines the survival practices of Russian scientists in the conditions of civil opposition (1917—1920). There was a territorial framework of research in provincial regions of Russia that were under the power of the counterrevolutionary systems for a long time during the Civil War. Many refugees (including scientists) from Petrograd and Moscow had hidden themselves from the Revolution in the provincial areas.

The analysis of diaries, private correspondence, and memoirs, documents of higher schools, research institutions, scientific journals, books and periodicals of 1917—1920 allows an understanding of how scholars have responded to the challenges of Civil War.

“Being in a provincial area under the conditions of the time...» (far from the main Russian and foreign scientific and educational institutions, libraries, and museums) scientists at the time tried to develop themselves professionally and contribute to the promotion of science.

The author focuses on the interaction of refugees from Petrograd and Moscow and provincial scientists in the subjects of creation of higher schools and scientific infrastructure, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, mutual and individual strategies for overcoming physical, material and psychological threats, and, political behaviour of scientists under the conditions of frequent changes of governments.
